As I read through the book I realize that yes,there are many other factors that influenced Hitler and transformed him into the fanatical patriot that he became.Religion and politics were two of the things that bothered him the most throughout the book.He looked down upon spineless politicians that were afraid to make judgement calls that at times if they took responsibility for themselves could have meant the end of their careers.
He does refer to gods of fate etc. but when he refers to the god of christianity he is very clear as is evident in the first qoute I posted here.He refers to him as the creator of all things and speaks of him as being perfect and how the Germans themselves should strive to perfection.He calls imperfection a sin against the creator.You will read all about this in his racist ramblings about an aryan nation etc. Where he talks about eugenics and the purity of the race etc.I am almost done with the book FutureandHope and I am very glad I decided to read it.
I am not patriotic nor religious but both topics I find of great interest.When I read Hitlers assessment on politics I can still see some traces of those thing he criticizes in our politics today.That is why I find it so interesting that even back then they grappled with the same issues that we are currently facing.
He does refer to gods of fate etc. but when he refers to the god of christianity he is very clear as is evident in the first qoute I posted here.He refers to him as the creator of all things and speaks of him as being perfect and how the Germans themselves should strive to perfection.He calls imperfection a sin against the creator.You will read all about this in his racist ramblings about an aryan nation etc. Where he talks about eugenics and the purity of the race etc.I am almost done with the book FutureandHope and I am very glad I decided to read it.
I am not patriotic nor religious but both topics I find of great interest.When I read Hitlers assessment on politics I can still see some traces of those thing he criticizes in our politics today.That is why I find it so interesting that even back then they grappled with the same issues that we are currently facing.
There is nothing people will not maintain when they are slaves to superstition