a, like, mechanically, like, sort of like, reaction to the whole "god" thing, yeah.
January 29, 2013 at 12:35 pm
(This post was last modified: January 29, 2013 at 12:45 pm by Edwardo Piet.)
here's a like, sorta, kinda, mechanically, errr.... you know, y'know annoying reaction to the whole y'know "god" deistic thing, y'know, ya know or whatever.
Mechanically Annoying Reaction To any "god":
Even! if! a! typical! sense! of! a! "god!" that! is! believed! in! can! be! defined! soundly! within! logical! reason! - I! still! then! recommend! that! the! believers! that! are! in! question! give! sufficient! and! also! valid! - naturally! - scientifically! empirical! evidence! for! the! belief! in! question!!
I! also! recommend! that! they! attempt! to! prove! the! validity! of! their! belief! with! logically! valid! deductive! reasoning!!
Maybe! they! struggle! to! define! it! with! logical! soundness! and! maybe! that! is! because! it! is! tough! to! define!!
Maybe! they! struggle! to! define! it! soundly! because! they! are! concerned! that! once! the! premises! of! their! aforementioned! definition! of! "god!" is! agreed! upon! - then! their! argument! might! actually! turn! out! to! be! patently! logically! invalid!!
That! would! be! therefore! illogical! according! to! the! definition! of! "logic"! - which! is! the! only! way! that! illogicality! can! be! properly! understood! - at! the! very! least! from! my! "perspective"! of! what! logic! actually! is!!
Even! if! it! is! not! "patently! invalid!" - maybe! some! "skeptics!" with! a! higher! understanding! of! logical! validity! will! be! actually! able! to! unpack! any! fallacies! therein! - whether! accidentally! or! deliberately! produced! by! the! "believer!" being! questioned! by! the! "skeptic"!!
Maybe! neither!
Even! if! at! least! some! individuals! do! not! struggle! to! define! "god! - I! personally! am! yet! to! perceive! a! logically! valid! argument! to! support! it!--they! all! really! do! actually! seem! to! be! invalid! to! me!!
Once! again! - I! repeat!--even! if! at! least! some! individuals! do! not! struggle! to! define! "god"! - even! if! that! is! the! case! - I! am! also! yet! to! perceive! any! logically! empirical! evidence! for! it! that! I! myself! - and! also! those! like! me! in! this! regard! - do! genuinely! consider! to! be! sufficient! for! rational! reality!-based! belief!!
What! I! am! trying! to! communicate! is! that! - from! my! perspective! - I! recommend! that! much! higher! standards! of! support! for! this! particular! belief! that! I! have! described! is! required!!
Furthermore! I! perceive! aforementioned! higher! standards! to! be! the! existence! of! logically! soundly! defined! premises! that! are! consistently! agreed! upon! and! "fought! for!" rationally! and! calmly! - naturally! - during! a! discussion! about! the! belief! - logically! valid! argumentation! and! also! a! sufficient! and! logically! reasonable! knowledge! of! and! avoidance! of! logical! fallacies!!
Furthermore! - to! avoid! and! keep! away! from! logically! unsound! biases! would! also! be! something! that! I! recommend!!
Mechanically Annoying Reaction To any "god":
Even! if! a! typical! sense! of! a! "god!" that! is! believed! in! can! be! defined! soundly! within! logical! reason! - I! still! then! recommend! that! the! believers! that! are! in! question! give! sufficient! and! also! valid! - naturally! - scientifically! empirical! evidence! for! the! belief! in! question!!
I! also! recommend! that! they! attempt! to! prove! the! validity! of! their! belief! with! logically! valid! deductive! reasoning!!
Maybe! they! struggle! to! define! it! with! logical! soundness! and! maybe! that! is! because! it! is! tough! to! define!!
Maybe! they! struggle! to! define! it! soundly! because! they! are! concerned! that! once! the! premises! of! their! aforementioned! definition! of! "god!" is! agreed! upon! - then! their! argument! might! actually! turn! out! to! be! patently! logically! invalid!!
That! would! be! therefore! illogical! according! to! the! definition! of! "logic"! - which! is! the! only! way! that! illogicality! can! be! properly! understood! - at! the! very! least! from! my! "perspective"! of! what! logic! actually! is!!
Even! if! it! is! not! "patently! invalid!" - maybe! some! "skeptics!" with! a! higher! understanding! of! logical! validity! will! be! actually! able! to! unpack! any! fallacies! therein! - whether! accidentally! or! deliberately! produced! by! the! "believer!" being! questioned! by! the! "skeptic"!!
Maybe! neither!
Even! if! at! least! some! individuals! do! not! struggle! to! define! "god! - I! personally! am! yet! to! perceive! a! logically! valid! argument! to! support! it!--they! all! really! do! actually! seem! to! be! invalid! to! me!!
Once! again! - I! repeat!--even! if! at! least! some! individuals! do! not! struggle! to! define! "god"! - even! if! that! is! the! case! - I! am! also! yet! to! perceive! any! logically! empirical! evidence! for! it! that! I! myself! - and! also! those! like! me! in! this! regard! - do! genuinely! consider! to! be! sufficient! for! rational! reality!-based! belief!!
What! I! am! trying! to! communicate! is! that! - from! my! perspective! - I! recommend! that! much! higher! standards! of! support! for! this! particular! belief! that! I! have! described! is! required!!
Furthermore! I! perceive! aforementioned! higher! standards! to! be! the! existence! of! logically! soundly! defined! premises! that! are! consistently! agreed! upon! and! "fought! for!" rationally! and! calmly! - naturally! - during! a! discussion! about! the! belief! - logically! valid! argumentation! and! also! a! sufficient! and! logically! reasonable! knowledge! of! and! avoidance! of! logical! fallacies!!
Furthermore! - to! avoid! and! keep! away! from! logically! unsound! biases! would! also! be! something! that! I! recommend!!