Why did Allah wait until 570 AD to send a universal messenger for the ummah??
Duno up to him tho isnt it.
Why is that we cannot find a single record of monotheism before the late bronze age?
Because thats along time ago. The more you go back in history the more vague stuff gets
Why didn't Allah's message ever reach the Ancient Americas??
Didn't it?
Do you believe that a poor Christian, Sub-Saharan African youngster who dies at the age 18 because of malaria will spent eternally in hell??
If he practiced shirk. Most likely yes. But hey i cant comment on who goes to hell or not. That the big chiefs job.
Why does the Quran contain Duas??
Prayers. Errm to use.
Who is Allah making dua to?
Who says hes making dua?
Do you believe in Black magic??
I guess this list is meant to "make muslims question what they believe"
Why is Allah's message constantly changing e.g:- Not banning Alcohol on all the other ummahs that came before the prophet Mohammed.
Didnt he ban it? But anyway the "message" isnt changing worship Allah alone with no partners is always the same. Just a slight switch a roe on the Laws as they are different people living in a different time period with a different situation.
Why is Allah invisible?
"Nor is there to Him any equivalent." [Surah 112:4] I Duno. Ask Allah.
Why is the Lord of the Universe, the omnipotent creator of all that exists, the eternal, immutable author of existence, unable to make his chosen believers anything more than a minority amongst kuffars on planet Earth?
Minority? Errrm 2nd largest religion, the fastest growing religion. Minority would be Judaism.
What was Allah doing for the billions of years before humankind existed, and then developed reading and writing and settled organised society, up until he decided to send his message to a man in the desert in a language spoken by a tiny, marginal group of humanity?
Duno doing as he does. He is lord of the worlds got other stuff to deal with.
Why does the quran say that everything was made in pairs when there are organisms that reproduce asexually?
"Made in pairs". Who said its talking about organisms. Teehee.
Why does Allah have so many human characteristics? Why is he angry, jealous, and controlling? I mean, how can he let tiny and insignificant humans (whom he created and planned out btw) bother him so much? Doesn't he plan everything anyways? Doesn't he know what's going to happen? If so, why does he express anger towards his own creations?
Basic fatal error in not understanding Tawheed or Islamic monotheism. ""And there is none co-equal or comparable unto Him." [Surah 112:4] you cant compare him or his characteristics to creation bro.
(March 20, 2013 at 6:55 pm)The Germans are coming Wrote: Do you live in Europe?
What is your opinion on jews?
What is your opinion on the holocaust?
What is your opinion on Hitler?
What is your opinion on suicide boming?
Do non muslims deserve equal rights as muslims?
What is your opinion on democracy?
What is your opinion on free speech?
What is your opinion on Israel?
Should people who leave Islam be executed?
Should Islam dominate the world?
Live in UK
Jewish people. What about them. There cool people.
Holocaust, Really bad stuff man
Hitler, not a good dude
Suicide bombing. Disgusting "O you who believe! Eat not up your property among yourselves unjustly except it be a trade amongst you, by mutual consent. And do not kill yourselves (nor kill one another). Surely, Allah is Most Merciful to you." [Surah 4:29]
Do non-muslims deserve equal rights? No. They deserve just and fair rights. They cant have the same rights, e.g. both pay 2.5% to charity, as they don't believe the same as Muslims. So cant be forced to have the same laws as muslims e.g. pay Zakat, fast etc etc
Democracy? Every system has its good and bad parts. Nout wrong with democracy. But don't require it as Muslims have the Laws of Allah not men.
Free speach? Sounds good to me.
Israel. Errm not doing some nice things in gaza.
Should people who leave Islam be executed. Currently evaluating the evidence. Current view if someone chooses to leave Islam no punishment. But if they cause treason or attack the state then capital punishment.
Should Islam dominate the World? Nope. People who wanna be Muslim be Muslim. People who don't wanna be don't. If you mean if would i like it everyone was a muslim as they felt it was the Truth. Well yeah that would be awesome.
Why is Allah both passive and aggressive?
Is he?
Yes we do.
Why does he play this cruel game of being the powerful omniscient creator proclaiming that everything was his plan all along yet still pinning responsibility on us?
Responsibility of what?
How did Mohammed finanace the Ummah during Medina? (The Khadijah Fund? Robbing caravans? - Oh, did I say something wrong?)
Many ways. First being he always gave everything he had to charity and to the people. Many Muslims who converted were rich. Trade. The spoils of war. Many sources probs.
“What is the benefit of Allah adding the underlined bit in 2:196:
...fast three days during the hajj and seven days on return - making ten days in all..."
Why does Allah need to use the limited and precious space in his last divine revelation to mankind for all time to tell us that:
7 + 3 = 10
What if you cant count? lol. I'll ask him.
1. why does a nonarabic muslim have to pray to the lord in a foreign language he doesn't understand? Is god incapable understanding other languages?
He doesnt understand? It is compulsary to understand the meaning of the words prayed during Salat. But simple answer the arabic encompses so many meanings which is lost through translation. It is the words of Allah that you recite when you recite Qur'an not just what Yusuf Ali translated or Shakir translated. and many other reasons..
2. why does someone even need to speak, when even thoughts would be sufficient?
3. how can you claim that idolatry is forbidden when the entire muslim world turns towards a Stone in Saudi Arabia to pray, and in order to go in heaven they have to visit the place, and make circles around it. After that they have to throw stones at some idols representing evil?
1. Its what Abraham did, and Muhammad. 2. facing the kaba is just so everyone prayers together people arnt praying seperately. etc etc
4. why do we have an appendix if god is the creator and evolution is a lie? Did god just screw up while designing adam?
Who said evolutions a lie. And i love eating grass....
5. Why did god put the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden, knowing that the humans will eventually try it, since he knows everything? if so, how can humans be sinful if god planned this thing from the beginning and made them so?
Mate this aint no christian religion. We dont do original sin. I duno i'll ask him. And did human evenyually just try it on there own swaggin up? No saton tempted them bro. But what we learn from the story is that Adam and eve repented and Allah tought them how to.
6. how come your god allowed alcohol in the begining, telling people to just come sober in the mosque, later changed his mind? if he is omnipotent, omniscient he would not change his mind.
Every been to an alchoholic class. They dont just say right STOP DRINKING!!!!!!! They first tell you bro this stuffs bad for you. Then mate cut it down a little at a time. Then finally boom job i can stopp fully. Watch someone get off heroin or cocaine they dont just go cold turkey. Watch someone quite smoking they dont just stop all cigs they drop it down slowly or put on patches.
7. you claim that angels do not have "free will" as humans do, hence they are almost robotic servants of god. How come that Satan could rebel against god ? and why the hell would god need helpers if he is omnipotent.
What is this crap we aint Christian? Iblis is from the Jinn not the Angels. Jinn have free will.
8. how can god punish you for something he himself wrote, so you are predetermined to fail or win. Is he a psychopath or not omniscient?
read up on Qadr of Allah. Quite hard to get your head round but afterwoods you get it.
9. how can you call life "a test" if the results are already known?
Good question. whos the test for? Me. Do i know the results nope!
10. You say that we live in order so god can justify his verdict by facts. Does this mean that god needs to justify himself before his tiny creations?
Dont get question. Wot verdict
Why is the Qur'an revealed in only one language if it is for all people of Muhammad's ummah? Surely if the message is universal it would be revealed in multiple languages to make translation easier? An all-knowing god must understand this...
Arabic's an awesome language to pick.
Why is Muhammad the last prophet? Does Allah not understand that more prophets who perform mircacles is a good way to make people believe in him?
Thats how he roles
Did the adam and eve story literally take place?
And why wasn't the Qur'an revealed in a language that is easier to understand than Arabic (people are always saying that to truly understand the Qur'an, you have to read it in the original arabic), and why did Allah not make the Qur'an easier to understand for your lay person, so you wouldn't need scholars to explain the meaning to you?
Because Arabic is such a rich and fluid language. It is easy to understand. But it has layers of meaning.
Do you believe god is omnipotent?
If he is omnipotent can he make stone which he can't lift?
Ahh good old question.
Do you believe god is merciful?
If he is merciful why will he torture non believers forever in hell?
Research the Two names Ar-rahman and Ar-rahim.
why the punishment of apostasy is death in islam?
IS it?
why does quran promote wife beating?
Does it? "And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquillity with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts): verily in that are Signs for those who reflect." Surah 3:21
why does islam allow sex with slaves?
Duno currently researching it.
why does the quran allow slavery?
Does it? "Righteousness is not that you turn your faces toward the east or the west, but [true] righteousness is [in] one who believes in Allah , the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and the prophets and gives wealth, in spite of love for it, to relatives, orphans, the needy, the traveler, those who ask [for help], and for freeing slaves; [and who] establishes prayer and gives zakah; [those who] fulfill their promise when they promise; and [those who] are patient in poverty and hardship and during battle. Those are the ones who have been true, and it is those who are the righteous." Teehee
why does islam allow polygyny? isn't it injustice towards women since they are very possessive about their husbands?
Many reasons. " But if you fear that you will not be just, then [marry only] on" Surah 4:3 Injustice cant take place is all the rules are followed.
why did islam allow mut'a (temporary marriage)
It doesnt. Teehee
why were people of banu Quraiza brutally killed?
Coz they were Jewish and followed the Law of Moses. So there leader decided there punishment.
why is music prohibited?
Asked before/
why are pictures haraam?
why does one have to grow beard if he wants to be true muslim?
Muhammad (SAW) instructed the men to do so. So we do.
Yawn im bored of these questions. All a bit pointless.
why does muslim believe that uncovering ankle is a necessary part of a male muslim's dress?
Question doesnt even make sense. but is it? Inform me if it is.
Dogs are man's best friend? why does islam prohibit dogs?
It doesnt. Your allowed dogs for gaurding hunting and good stuff like that.
Questions are starting to repeat themselve. Well im off Cya. I found the questions a tad boring and pointless. There seen as meant to "challenge my faith" as shown on wiki islam and the such but tbh don't.