RE: Lying Republicunt Shits Nailed Again
August 7, 2013 at 12:07 am
Quote:How fitting, don't you think.
I'll give this one last try.
Let's say there was a Kurdish candidate for President of Turkey. I suppose we both expect that the Kurds would vote for him in overwhelming numbers.
Now, let's take a more realistic approach. There is no Kurdish candidate but let's say one party repeatedly refers to the Kurds as shiftless, lazy, criminal, ignorant fuckheads and the other party does not. Who would you expect the Kurds to vote for?
Quote:Audra Shay, vice chairman of the Young Republicans and the leading candidate to be elected its chairman on Saturday, is now the latest in a growing list of GOP officials learning this lesson the hard way, based on pictures of a now-deleted Facebook page obtained by The Daily Beast.
“This is still America… freedom of speech and thought is still allowed… for now any ways… and the last time i checked I was a good ole southern boy… and if yur ass is black don’t let the sun set on it in a southern town…”
Quote:A supporter named Ed Koziol wrote to the representative first saying that he was glad of the voter suppression laws that Clemmons had drafted. He then commented that the government shouldn't offer a reward for people to obtain voter ID cards because, in his words, "It would be like a swarm of bees going after a watermelon."
And the representative's response? "Amen, Ed."
Quote:Racism in the Republican party has reared its ugly head once again. Friday House Representative from Colorado Doug Lamborn claimed working with President Obama was like working with "a tar baby."
Quote:Today, CNN briefly addressed this ugly incident. Via TalkingPointsMemo, CNN Goes On Air With Story About RNC Incident:
On air this evening, CNN's Wolf Blitzer called attention to the network's earlier report on two Republican National Convention attendees throwing nuts at a black CNN camerawoman and saying, "This is how we feed animals." The attendees were removed from the Tampa Bay Times Forum after the exchange.
Quote:super-funny racist emails sent out by a Tennessee GOP legislative staffer for Republican state senator Diane Black. Let’s meet the charming Sherri Goforth, who sent the image above to god knows how many people because, ha, a Negro in the White House?
Quote:Trey Walker, an advisor to S.C. Attorney General Henry McMaster, posted an innocuous Facebook update about this morning’s escape of a Western Lowlands Gorilla from Columbia’s Riverbanks Zoo.
Walker’s harmless update, however was followed by a highly-questionable comment from longtime SCGOP activist and former State Senate candidate, Rusty DePass.
“I’m sure it’s just one of Michelle’s ancestors — probably harmless,” DePass wrote.
It took no time at all to come up with (.38 seconds) 9.6 MILLION hits to the search string
republican racial comments Now, try to get it through you head WHY blacks and now Latinos and Asians do not get all warm and fuzzy when they think of these fascist, racist, jesus-blowing, cocksuckers.