Anselm of Bec famously claimed God is that that is so great, nothing greater can be imagined. So I will start by imagining the greatest God possible.
William of Okham and Rene Descartes bot claimed God was truly omnipotent, what I will call super-omnipotence. God creates all the laws, rules, metaphysical necessities of the Universe, the very logic of the Universe. God could if he so desired, make 2 + 2 = 5 if God so desired. God could change the laws of the Universe at will to achieve his desires.
God is defined as good, the highest level of Good possible, again, defined by Anselm as an attribute of the greatest God imaginable. Such a highly, morally good God would if possible eliminate as much moral evil a can be eliminated.
God has a good nature. God has free will. If God wished to eliminate moral evil, he would have created man to have a god-like good nature and a god-like free will, and man would of his free will never do moral evil.
Any possible reason offered why God could not do so is false and not true, since the greatest possible God creates th logic of the Universe and can eliminate any problem by fiat that thwarts his desires.
But the Universe has moral evil. The super-omnipotent God of Okham and Descartes does not exist. God then does not create or control the logic of the Universe, the laws, rules or metaphysical necessities.
Logically,these are limits on God and not created by God. There is no super-logic that gets God off the hook.
Thus not only do we disprove this supergod's existence, we establish logically that naturalism does exist and is superior to the greatest God imaginable.
If we drop the idea of super-omnipotence as per Okham and Descartes, we are then logically assuming that naturalism exists and is outside of God's control and creation.
One might argue whether there is a God, but there is no argument that there is a naturalism, a natural Universe and Logic of the Universe not reliant on God or any species of supernaturalism, which may not exist at all.
God is defined as creator of all, but obviously God does not create this greater naturalism. Another contradiction. When it comes to creating the Universe as it is, naturalism does the heavy lifting. God is a superfluous hypothesis.
William C. Barwell Oct 31, 2013
William of Okham and Rene Descartes bot claimed God was truly omnipotent, what I will call super-omnipotence. God creates all the laws, rules, metaphysical necessities of the Universe, the very logic of the Universe. God could if he so desired, make 2 + 2 = 5 if God so desired. God could change the laws of the Universe at will to achieve his desires.
God is defined as good, the highest level of Good possible, again, defined by Anselm as an attribute of the greatest God imaginable. Such a highly, morally good God would if possible eliminate as much moral evil a can be eliminated.
God has a good nature. God has free will. If God wished to eliminate moral evil, he would have created man to have a god-like good nature and a god-like free will, and man would of his free will never do moral evil.
Any possible reason offered why God could not do so is false and not true, since the greatest possible God creates th logic of the Universe and can eliminate any problem by fiat that thwarts his desires.
But the Universe has moral evil. The super-omnipotent God of Okham and Descartes does not exist. God then does not create or control the logic of the Universe, the laws, rules or metaphysical necessities.
Logically,these are limits on God and not created by God. There is no super-logic that gets God off the hook.
Thus not only do we disprove this supergod's existence, we establish logically that naturalism does exist and is superior to the greatest God imaginable.
If we drop the idea of super-omnipotence as per Okham and Descartes, we are then logically assuming that naturalism exists and is outside of God's control and creation.
One might argue whether there is a God, but there is no argument that there is a naturalism, a natural Universe and Logic of the Universe not reliant on God or any species of supernaturalism, which may not exist at all.
God is defined as creator of all, but obviously God does not create this greater naturalism. Another contradiction. When it comes to creating the Universe as it is, naturalism does the heavy lifting. God is a superfluous hypothesis.
William C. Barwell Oct 31, 2013
Cheerful Charlie
If I saw a man beating a tied up dog, I couldn't prove it was wrong, but I'd know it was wrong.
- Attributed to Mark Twain
If I saw a man beating a tied up dog, I couldn't prove it was wrong, but I'd know it was wrong.
- Attributed to Mark Twain