Hi there... Rob here. I was born and raised in Los Angeles. I'm middle-aged and devilishly handsome. 
I've been seriously studying atheism and atheists for about 8 years. I'm a fan of Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, Lawrence Krauss, Dan Dennett, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Matt Dilahunty, Penn Jilette, George Carlin and some others who's names are escaping me at the moment.
My personal journey goes something like this: Raised Catholic (Catholic Grammar School and High School taught by nuns, brothers and priests); Agnosticism (which, for a long time, I thought was simply a fancy word for "I don't know what, if anything I believe"); several years exploring Shamanism (Native American Religion, Men’s Groups, Drum Circles and pretending to be Indians in the forest) and towards the end… Celtic Paganism. (my ancestral heritage.)
About 10 years ago I realized I was approaching middle age and for the first time in my life I really started to wrap my head around the idea that I'm going to die one of these days. Around the same time I realized it was time to stop focusing so much on "what people think" and try to figure out what I think and REALLY believe.
So... here I am. I'll try to contribute on occasion if I think I have something worth sharing.

I've been seriously studying atheism and atheists for about 8 years. I'm a fan of Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, Lawrence Krauss, Dan Dennett, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Matt Dilahunty, Penn Jilette, George Carlin and some others who's names are escaping me at the moment.
My personal journey goes something like this: Raised Catholic (Catholic Grammar School and High School taught by nuns, brothers and priests); Agnosticism (which, for a long time, I thought was simply a fancy word for "I don't know what, if anything I believe"); several years exploring Shamanism (Native American Religion, Men’s Groups, Drum Circles and pretending to be Indians in the forest) and towards the end… Celtic Paganism. (my ancestral heritage.)
About 10 years ago I realized I was approaching middle age and for the first time in my life I really started to wrap my head around the idea that I'm going to die one of these days. Around the same time I realized it was time to stop focusing so much on "what people think" and try to figure out what I think and REALLY believe.
So... here I am. I'll try to contribute on occasion if I think I have something worth sharing.
"There's always a bigger fish."
Qui-Gon Jin (Star Wars)
Qui-Gon Jin (Star Wars)