I was thinking seems there are quite a few gamers around here. We should try getting some of us together to play something.
So I figure the requirements should be this:
- On PC seems most of us have one. Plus we can all get the game on steam cheap.
- The game should be PVE so skill gaps don't ruin our fun and lag from being in different continents not too big a problem.
- It shouldn't be too high spec so more people can actually play.
- Something lighthearted where if we all die 20 times its funny not irritating. Plus it means people who don't game regularly aren't put off playing socially.
I'm not sure if anyone has any other requirements. I'm not fussed if people have mic's or not but I was thinking we should use Skype to chat. Hopefully the game has some kind of chat in it for those without mic's.
Games I have already that I think could work are:
Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead 2
Space Engineers
Garry's Mod
Borderlands 2
I also have a bunch of Strategy Games you could all kick my ass at. Free to Play MMO's could be a laugh too.
So I hope a few people are interested in giving this a go, then all we have to figure out is a preferred game and what time we play at. Perhaps we could have an agreement on saving any debates for the forums just to keep things running smoothly.