Imagine the havoc caused if - for example - an overworked scribe thousands of years ago got pissed off with his arrogant master and started changing things just to see if anyone noticed. How he'd be laughing now at all the people who genuinely believed Noah built the ark when he was 500 instead of 50!
The rules
You can change a single letter in a passage from any Holy Text. You can remove, add or substitute a letter, but it can only be one letter.
For example:
Bible: Numbers 24: 5. God offers Jacob a really camp compliment on his new hair colouring;
"How goodly are thou tints, O Jacob."
Bible: Proverbs 12:26. A warning; Don't be persuaded by crazies:
"The righteous is more excellent than his neighbour; but the way of the wacked seduceth them."
The rules
You can change a single letter in a passage from any Holy Text. You can remove, add or substitute a letter, but it can only be one letter.
For example:
Bible: Numbers 24: 5. God offers Jacob a really camp compliment on his new hair colouring;
"How goodly are thou tints, O Jacob."
Bible: Proverbs 12:26. A warning; Don't be persuaded by crazies:
"The righteous is more excellent than his neighbour; but the way of the wacked seduceth them."
I must not be nasty. I must not be nasty. I must not be nasty. I must not be nasty. I must not be nasty. I must not be nasty. I must not be nasty. I must not be nasty.