- Better prepares children for modern world in which they never have to talk to people with different opinions
- Guest lecturer Uncle Ken
- Parental brainwashing much more efficient than government brainwashing
- Sex education can be taught using family-approved euphemisms
- No embarrassment when child accidentally calls teacher Mom
- Primes child to eventually work from home, live at home, die at home
- Despite its demanding workload, Dad’s History of Billy Joel class is pretty interesting
- Have to spend time with child
- High cost of adding cafeteria, auditorium, gym to house
- Teacher unable to reuse joke material
- Onus of bullying falls on parents
- Higher rate of STDs in students who’ve never watched an educational improv troupe act out the dangers of unprotected sex
- Slightly more difficult to get rid of underperforming teachers
- Almost impossible to punish a child who is already being subjected to homeschooling