Modern Feminism betrayed women
July 19, 2014 at 6:39 pm
(This post was last modified: July 19, 2014 at 6:46 pm by lilith666.)
kay so I moved this issue from my intro thread. People were all over this topic like flies on shit. I started an introduction where my point was that I'd rather be a stay at home mom, raising my children, watching them grow, taking them on outings, caring for them while they are sick, teaching them social and life skills etc , and have a husband working rather than working my full time boring banking job which isn't quite as bad as operating a cash register 40 hours a week, but there are many similarities.
Especially since it's summer time I just wish I could be with my kids. I have no mommy issues. my mom stayed home and cared for me while I had pneumonia and Lyme disease and other sicknesses and helped me with my homework and prepared meals and taught me how to cook. My dad was a fat and drunk slob.
By the way I was not saying everything I said or my opinions were fact. Here are the facts. Women have a different brain than men ,the female body is different than the male body and processes some things differently, as a general rule women are given certain gifts more than average men, certain instincts as well , but there are many exceptions to this rule.
Men are 92% more likely to get injured on the job because overall there is a far greater amount of men who have more dangerous jobs of getting killed or maimed or injured.
Female birds and mammals and rodents are given different gifts and instincts and nurturing qualities that the males are not. Those are all proven facts and so when I stated them as proven facts, I was correct. I wasn't saying all of my opinions are proven facts. Also was not judging women who do not want to be stay at home moms.
I do believe that what radical modern feminist promote In regards to minimizing the good qualities that women have , or saying women are not generally the better nurturers is bullshit , but that statement is not a proven fact but an opinion of mine.
I believe the feminist movement as a whole is an extremely vital and important movement that I'm very grateful for. But I'm upset about how the modern fanatics are trying to say that women can do anything men can do and are just as qualified for every job or vocation. . Im sick of how they are always telling women that they are the victims
SO, do we really want women to be treated exactly like men. Do feminists want women to have an equal share in a draft like Vietnam for instance and have women come home by the thousands in body bags, maimed, blind, burnt from head to toe, retarded, disfigured, and in wheelchairs, or have permanent PTSD? No I'd rather society treated me like a woman and I'd rather be with my children. Im proud of being a woman and I don't need to front like I'm a man.
Evolution hasn't gifted women for different roles? Okay, so get the best female football team and have them compete with the worst NFL team of the year. Who are you gonna bet wins five out of five games? How about a competition between the 10 best female weight lifters against 10 Olympic males. Who are you gonna bet on? Is it even debatable or is it freaking obvious?
Especially since it's summer time I just wish I could be with my kids. I have no mommy issues. my mom stayed home and cared for me while I had pneumonia and Lyme disease and other sicknesses and helped me with my homework and prepared meals and taught me how to cook. My dad was a fat and drunk slob.
By the way I was not saying everything I said or my opinions were fact. Here are the facts. Women have a different brain than men ,the female body is different than the male body and processes some things differently, as a general rule women are given certain gifts more than average men, certain instincts as well , but there are many exceptions to this rule.
Men are 92% more likely to get injured on the job because overall there is a far greater amount of men who have more dangerous jobs of getting killed or maimed or injured.
Female birds and mammals and rodents are given different gifts and instincts and nurturing qualities that the males are not. Those are all proven facts and so when I stated them as proven facts, I was correct. I wasn't saying all of my opinions are proven facts. Also was not judging women who do not want to be stay at home moms.
I do believe that what radical modern feminist promote In regards to minimizing the good qualities that women have , or saying women are not generally the better nurturers is bullshit , but that statement is not a proven fact but an opinion of mine.
I believe the feminist movement as a whole is an extremely vital and important movement that I'm very grateful for. But I'm upset about how the modern fanatics are trying to say that women can do anything men can do and are just as qualified for every job or vocation. . Im sick of how they are always telling women that they are the victims
SO, do we really want women to be treated exactly like men. Do feminists want women to have an equal share in a draft like Vietnam for instance and have women come home by the thousands in body bags, maimed, blind, burnt from head to toe, retarded, disfigured, and in wheelchairs, or have permanent PTSD? No I'd rather society treated me like a woman and I'd rather be with my children. Im proud of being a woman and I don't need to front like I'm a man.
Evolution hasn't gifted women for different roles? Okay, so get the best female football team and have them compete with the worst NFL team of the year. Who are you gonna bet wins five out of five games? How about a competition between the 10 best female weight lifters against 10 Olympic males. Who are you gonna bet on? Is it even debatable or is it freaking obvious?