Evidence for atheism
September 25, 2014 at 7:24 am
(This post was last modified: September 25, 2014 at 7:48 am by robvalue.)
I apologize if this is echoing stuff which is already over the forum, but it is therapeutic for me to get it out of my head and out into the ether. If so, just ignore me and move on 
I have watched an awful lot of videos in the last few months about religious debates. I see the same "arguments" from theists over and over, and of course most atheists agree they are poor at best. (I recently watched Eric Hovind for the first time, and I knew it would be bad, but I had no idea how low the tactics have become.)
One of the questions I hear the most occurs because the atheists ask for evidence. Where is the evidence for your god? Instead of answering, because there is no evidence, they deflect. They say "well let me ask you a question." And a lot of the time it will be, "Well where is your evidence that there isn't a god?"
Anyone who understands logic will know that it is generally impossible to prove that something doesn't exist. However, it is possible to prove something doesn't exist if its existence implies a contradiction. (You'll recognize that as reductio ad absurdum, proof by contradiction.)
For one thing, if there is evidence for god, you don't need faith. And faith appears to be required. So there can't be evidence and faith.
So now, it depends on what someone is defining as god. This is a huge problem, since you will most likely get a different definition from everyone, even those of the same sect of the same religion. A god can be almost anything. If you just defined a god as "something more powerful than us, more knowing than us and more just than us" then I would concede that such a thing may well exist. I would see no reason to call that a god though, that could be life on another planet.
But usually, you get at least some of the following: omnipotent, omniscient and omnibenevolent. I will refer to the christian god, but this argument can probably be used against other gods.
If there is a claim of omnibenevolence (being always and entirely good) it is extremely easy to provide evidence to prove this is wrong. Here, from the bible:
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.
—Isaiah 45:7
He creates evil. Evil is not good. Done. The only way to refute this is to say that the bible is wrong. The bible does not accurately describe the god of the bible (huh...) So, in that case, the christian god does exist, but the bible is rubbish. I'd be perfectly happy with that conclusion as the only available one for believers. (This is far, far from the only verse which points to the same conclusion.)
But if you add the claims that god is omniscient and omnipotent, then this contradicts him being omnibenevolent. This can be shown in a huge number of ways. A simple example:
I suffer. Suffering is not good. God knows I am suffering and that I would rather not be suffering. God could remove my suffering but he does not. So that means he either can't or won't remove it. If god has set things up so that something positive comes out of the suffering, then he could change things that the positive thing happens anyway but without me suffering.
That's just one of a huge number. Well here's another:
God knows everything. God knows the future. God knows everything I'm going to do for the rest of my life and whether or not I'll be sent to hell. Therefor I have no free will, and I will be judged based on actions beyond my control. I cannot choose to do something that god knows I will not do. This is not omnibenevolant. It's in fact some sort of fucked up sick shit.
The only retreats left from this are
(a) To try and say that god is allowed to contradict himself. But then you cannot define anything about him at all, because he can also be the opposite of whatever you say. Or something totally different
(b) To say that god is omni-everything within the scope of what is logically possible. Well, that's not omni is it. And it's just plain stupid, and shows what a ridiculous arbitrary definition you are trying to pull out of thin air in the first place.
Either of these retreats are entirely pathetic and childish, and an attempt to just say that their god is unfalsifiable. If that's the case, stop asking us for evidence because you have said it is unfalsifiable. To hold unfalsifiable, impossible and arbitrary beliefs and claim that to be a good thing can only be the result of gullibility or willful ignorance. A childish way of not letting go of fairy tails, which affects everything you do, and which then affects everyone around you through your actions.
Every other fairy tail is let go of at some point during childhood development (santa claus, tooth fairy, whatever). But for some reason this one, which is in fact the most absurd of any of them (not even internally consistent) lingers on. And it's not just a nice idea, which would be fine, but it's actually used to make decisions.
As an interesting point, I watched the video below last night. It's awesome and I'd recommend it to any atheist, and any theist who cares whether their beliefs are true. The funny thing is, by the end of it, I was starting to feel a kind of elation, a coming together, a sense of community and being part of an atheist experience, a joyous sense of something wonderful that appeared to be more than the sum of its parts. This is especially weird as I was watching it alone, and felt this community just with the speaker and the crowd. It is so easy to see how such a feeling can be attributed to religion. The human mind is brilliant, but also very vulnerable to deception.
The ultimate irony is this: the majority of people have been outwitted by a god that cannot logically exist. So the majority of people have been outwitted by nothing at all. They spend their lives worshipping nothing, caring about what nothing thinks, and trying to get other people to believe in nothing. For an intelligent species, we sure are really stupid.
Thanks very much for reading
As this is my ranting thread, I want to add this hilarious video which demonstrates the ridiculousness of christianity.

I have watched an awful lot of videos in the last few months about religious debates. I see the same "arguments" from theists over and over, and of course most atheists agree they are poor at best. (I recently watched Eric Hovind for the first time, and I knew it would be bad, but I had no idea how low the tactics have become.)
One of the questions I hear the most occurs because the atheists ask for evidence. Where is the evidence for your god? Instead of answering, because there is no evidence, they deflect. They say "well let me ask you a question." And a lot of the time it will be, "Well where is your evidence that there isn't a god?"
Anyone who understands logic will know that it is generally impossible to prove that something doesn't exist. However, it is possible to prove something doesn't exist if its existence implies a contradiction. (You'll recognize that as reductio ad absurdum, proof by contradiction.)
For one thing, if there is evidence for god, you don't need faith. And faith appears to be required. So there can't be evidence and faith.
So now, it depends on what someone is defining as god. This is a huge problem, since you will most likely get a different definition from everyone, even those of the same sect of the same religion. A god can be almost anything. If you just defined a god as "something more powerful than us, more knowing than us and more just than us" then I would concede that such a thing may well exist. I would see no reason to call that a god though, that could be life on another planet.
But usually, you get at least some of the following: omnipotent, omniscient and omnibenevolent. I will refer to the christian god, but this argument can probably be used against other gods.
If there is a claim of omnibenevolence (being always and entirely good) it is extremely easy to provide evidence to prove this is wrong. Here, from the bible:
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.
—Isaiah 45:7
He creates evil. Evil is not good. Done. The only way to refute this is to say that the bible is wrong. The bible does not accurately describe the god of the bible (huh...) So, in that case, the christian god does exist, but the bible is rubbish. I'd be perfectly happy with that conclusion as the only available one for believers. (This is far, far from the only verse which points to the same conclusion.)
But if you add the claims that god is omniscient and omnipotent, then this contradicts him being omnibenevolent. This can be shown in a huge number of ways. A simple example:
I suffer. Suffering is not good. God knows I am suffering and that I would rather not be suffering. God could remove my suffering but he does not. So that means he either can't or won't remove it. If god has set things up so that something positive comes out of the suffering, then he could change things that the positive thing happens anyway but without me suffering.
That's just one of a huge number. Well here's another:
God knows everything. God knows the future. God knows everything I'm going to do for the rest of my life and whether or not I'll be sent to hell. Therefor I have no free will, and I will be judged based on actions beyond my control. I cannot choose to do something that god knows I will not do. This is not omnibenevolant. It's in fact some sort of fucked up sick shit.
The only retreats left from this are
(a) To try and say that god is allowed to contradict himself. But then you cannot define anything about him at all, because he can also be the opposite of whatever you say. Or something totally different
(b) To say that god is omni-everything within the scope of what is logically possible. Well, that's not omni is it. And it's just plain stupid, and shows what a ridiculous arbitrary definition you are trying to pull out of thin air in the first place.
Either of these retreats are entirely pathetic and childish, and an attempt to just say that their god is unfalsifiable. If that's the case, stop asking us for evidence because you have said it is unfalsifiable. To hold unfalsifiable, impossible and arbitrary beliefs and claim that to be a good thing can only be the result of gullibility or willful ignorance. A childish way of not letting go of fairy tails, which affects everything you do, and which then affects everyone around you through your actions.
Every other fairy tail is let go of at some point during childhood development (santa claus, tooth fairy, whatever). But for some reason this one, which is in fact the most absurd of any of them (not even internally consistent) lingers on. And it's not just a nice idea, which would be fine, but it's actually used to make decisions.
As an interesting point, I watched the video below last night. It's awesome and I'd recommend it to any atheist, and any theist who cares whether their beliefs are true. The funny thing is, by the end of it, I was starting to feel a kind of elation, a coming together, a sense of community and being part of an atheist experience, a joyous sense of something wonderful that appeared to be more than the sum of its parts. This is especially weird as I was watching it alone, and felt this community just with the speaker and the crowd. It is so easy to see how such a feeling can be attributed to religion. The human mind is brilliant, but also very vulnerable to deception.
The ultimate irony is this: the majority of people have been outwitted by a god that cannot logically exist. So the majority of people have been outwitted by nothing at all. They spend their lives worshipping nothing, caring about what nothing thinks, and trying to get other people to believe in nothing. For an intelligent species, we sure are really stupid.
Thanks very much for reading

As this is my ranting thread, I want to add this hilarious video which demonstrates the ridiculousness of christianity.
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