Okay, so a couple of people have asked how my family is handling my atheism as me being so young, and how it happened. So, I decided to post this thread about it, enjoy!
It all started about 1 1/2 years ago. I had really gotten into science. My favorite science was astronomy, and still is. So, I researched about planets, stars, etc. and even alien life. This got me thinking: I should research my religion too! I thought that by researching it, I would get a better relationship with god.
I first looked up things on google, explaining things in the Book of Mormon in easier to understand ways. I found some... interesting things. First, about the horses in the book? That got me questioning. Horses hadn't come until the Spanish came in the late 1400's. The book of Mormon takes place from about 2200 B.C to about 200 A.D. So, I knew there were no horses then. I got mad. I wondered what else it lied about, and boy I found some things.
So, this kind of led me away from Mormonism. I still wanted to believe in god though, so I researched other religions. None were convincing, or had proof. I just took to science and became an atheist.
So, with the story of my deconversion out of the way, next is how my family took it.
My dad had been really calm about it, but he still wished I talked to him more about it. I understood that, and I did. I still came to the same conclusion, though.
My MOM however, was furious. This led to my phone being taken away and me being subject to even more religion to "cure" me of my satanic behavior.
My dad hated this, and they fought for while.
P.S My parents are divorced, so xD
My step dad even made my dad's nose bleed, trying to use brass knuckles. But, no one believed my dad because my mom had lied to everyone in the neighborhood about him. Only me and my two brothers believed him.
So anyway, that's how my family took it... my mom is being easier now, but still disrespecting my thoughts.
Thanks for reading
It all started about 1 1/2 years ago. I had really gotten into science. My favorite science was astronomy, and still is. So, I researched about planets, stars, etc. and even alien life. This got me thinking: I should research my religion too! I thought that by researching it, I would get a better relationship with god.
I first looked up things on google, explaining things in the Book of Mormon in easier to understand ways. I found some... interesting things. First, about the horses in the book? That got me questioning. Horses hadn't come until the Spanish came in the late 1400's. The book of Mormon takes place from about 2200 B.C to about 200 A.D. So, I knew there were no horses then. I got mad. I wondered what else it lied about, and boy I found some things.
So, this kind of led me away from Mormonism. I still wanted to believe in god though, so I researched other religions. None were convincing, or had proof. I just took to science and became an atheist.
So, with the story of my deconversion out of the way, next is how my family took it.
My dad had been really calm about it, but he still wished I talked to him more about it. I understood that, and I did. I still came to the same conclusion, though.
My MOM however, was furious. This led to my phone being taken away and me being subject to even more religion to "cure" me of my satanic behavior.
My dad hated this, and they fought for while.
P.S My parents are divorced, so xD
My step dad even made my dad's nose bleed, trying to use brass knuckles. But, no one believed my dad because my mom had lied to everyone in the neighborhood about him. Only me and my two brothers believed him.
So anyway, that's how my family took it... my mom is being easier now, but still disrespecting my thoughts.
Thanks for reading