Quote:@Pippy: Please calculate the following number without a computer: 413 + 2(32 + 45) - 382 + 47428 / 43Thank you for your input. I tried to explain that I understood this, and said that my brain is far more advanced than most computers, except in math and reading 1's and 0's. So yes, as I have already specified, a computer can do this math equation faster than I. But a computer can't problem solve effectively. Certainly can't learn as well as we. If you think the comp in front of you is smarter or more advanced than yourself, I feel you are selling yourself short. We humans are far more advanced than anything we have constructed, almost by necessity.
How long did that take you? Compare it with the computer you are using right now, and it takes the computer approximately as long to do such as it takes for you to type it in. To be honest... it doesn't take long to figure out which system is 'stronger'.
Quote:False benchmark.
How about this:
The vector space calculations it takes to facilitate bipedal motion - can a computer the same size of a human brain do them faster and in tandem as efficiently as the human brain? Answer - No.
The machine merely makes up for the lack of ability with raw functions per second.
Well put. A computer still has trouble walking. It never learned to walk, we had to teach it every step of the way. You are correct, and have put the point much more poignantly than I, thank you. What makes us special? I wonder this often, it is an interesting piece of philosophy. Dogs dream, animals scheme... It was already mentioned that most animals have better sensory abilities than us. I think the thing that may define us is a soul. The ability to disconnect from your body, to identify with something other than your body and mind, and to be able to do all of the abstract thinking that comes from this natural and necessary disassociation... But it is an unanswerable question in a sense, part of the "great conversation" of philosophy.
Thank you.