(November 23, 2014 at 9:53 pm)Surgenator Wrote: This experiment has been done, and no one was successful in predicting the symbol on the card.
I already explained this point.
According to me it doesn't mean a thing.
If i would be God i would only give something that it is useful to the individual progress.
Is looking at cards and remember them useful?
Of course not that is why God does not see the need to let people see and remember this particular thing.
In the case where an NDE lead to some useful thing like in the case of that guy who saw a nurse dropping a baby which broke some bones then it was useful that is why God allow the guy to saw and remember the vision.
Quote:In one of Rik's other threads I quoted a paragraph from Dave McRaney's latest book, describing how Air Force pilots who go through training to handle excessive G-forces often describe experiences identical to those of NDE cases, right down to the bright lights, the out-of-body experience, seeing scenes from their lives (which have or have not happened) play out, and so on.
In other words, you don't have to be ND to have an NDE, which means that the term may be technically incorrect. I'm curious if the name will change as more research is done into the phenomenon.
It is quite possible that you can see the correct visions in different ways other than a NDE and i also agree that NDE may be the incorrect term to describe real visions but NDE is the term used so far.
Quote:Past lives?Aren't you a special bundle of pseudoscience.
Real NDEs proved that there is an after life.