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God of the gaps, magical hypothesis, philosophical meandering.
God of the gaps, magical hypothesis, philosophical meandering.
I am a slow poster, so be patient if you want a response. I am very through in all sides of the debate and humble when proven wrong, but it has to be real proof. I need my thoughts evolutionarily trimmed via the survival of the fittest process of peer review so considering that is the whole point, proving me wrong somehow, it is expected that the playing field remain rational and emotions, jests, ego based behavior, etc, are not allowed. I am master of this thread really and will keep if from derailment by responding very systematically.

Common responses such as "show me the measured science experiment that proves it" and "subjective experience is worthless" will be ignored. Those are typically tricky scenarios because science isn't defined so narrowly philosophically. Logical analysis critically of all positions is welcomed.

I consider myself a sprit expert by trade, that is basically what I do all day long “for a living” is channel the many different versions of deity that come through. The secular atheist would call it multiple personalities, or schizophrenia, but to me that is just semantics. Synonyms are shaman, religious founder, prophet, medium, psychic, among other words. Many could be chosen depending on how one philosophically looks at the same thing; the phenomena that occurs.

The world’s religions started millions of years ago with this class of people, typically evolving into a medicine man scenario, one who calls on the spirits for healing, or a priest, in a more formal mythology based on the story the inner voices tell. Many traditions have sprung up over the millennia surrounding this psychological state. Most seek to induce the state of awareness the original founders had, such as shamans using entheogens, or ascetics inducing trance in other ways purposefully, or meditation, or repetitive prayers that induce a state of mind. It has even been postulated that in the past it was more common for people to have schizophrenic symptoms and spiritual awakenings because the brain was built for it. Seeing angels, believing statues are talking to you, etc, were common and more the norm than not back in ancient times.

In the old days, these experiences were sacred and sometimes enshrined into what became codified religions, or “this is the true way because that is what the voices told me”. 400 years ago peaked a time where these people were butchered by those that dictated the status quo, the religious leaders, whether they were Puritan, Catholic, or other, the poor people were considered possessed of Satan and hung, burned, tortured, and blamed for basically everything bad that happened in society as witches and wizards, because they channelled ghosts. 60 years ago these people were put into prisons more politically correctly termed asylums, and offered “treatment” that involved much of the time making the patient worse and injuring them with drugs, causing medication induced disabilities, basically zombifying them, or worse, inducing a vegetative state via lobotomy. A step up from the witch hunts, but still archaic and unethical.

Nowadays, the current perception isn’t so much witches, or prophets, or shamans, but typically just a crazy person, often times stigmatized as dangerous. Following the voices is certainly not looked on in general as a good thing in society. At least the asylums have shut down and we are outpatients now. Medication compliance laws are even easing up.

Just offering some perspective here for those who don’t know me. My credentials you could say. Why listen to this guy? Well, because I know from firsthand experience what I am talking about. Not book smarts but practical knowledge via the schizophrenic religious awakening experience. I am a better resource than a Ph.D who has never had firsthand experience with the divine as a true schizo has. In fact I have often been amazed at how uneducated the psychiatrists I have visited over the years are regarding what the experience is actually like. They whip out their text book definition which is built on the philosophical foundation of atheism, and deny all spiritual aspects and label them pathology, not only stigmatizing them but destroying confidence in the patient who very well may indeed be simply waking up to their new antennae system adjusting to new reception.

Atheism is the enemy to spiritual awakening experiences, because by default it has to say they are delusion. Often times atheists I have come across claim to be scientific, yet they lack the curiosity of a scientist and won’t look at religion or religious experience critically, they simply brush it away off hand, due to the philosophical prejudice and bias atheism causes in many. Like a group demon that stupefies in certain ways with it’s tricks, this is one of the demon tricks of atheism. Stupid philosophy. As I have said elsewhere, stupid = evil and smart = good from an evolutionary perspective, which is the one my spirit guides teach me. It’s all evolution no matter which dimension you are in basically, earth or “sprit realm”. Same common sense patterns apply. Be smart. Don’t be tricked aka made dumb by the atheist demon. These beings “possess” or influence many at once, at the same time. They bless you with spirit heroin, aka “you did a great job! I’ll boost your ego with false light happy feelings to get addicted to” and curse everything that doesn’t align with what they are commandeering the group mind like the borg on Star Trek to believe, a philosophy that is wrong. Let me be clear that not all atheists think like this but there is a sterotype that fits many. There are smart ones too, however I imagine when at their wits end getting through all of their philosophical thought processes that they will turn out more agnostic than atheist. Simply because come on atheist, you are supposed to be a scientist, and what do you really know about things you don’t have the technology to measure? A true scientist would have to humbly admit: I know very little due to new discoveries happening all the time.

As a scientist, I have to look at all of my observable experiences, with reason and skepticism, and use my creative thinking abilities to dream new hypothesis and work new theories as to what it is I am actually witnessing in my experience of being alive. An honest look takes into consideration the subjective, especially when it harmonizes with the inner experiences of others. For example, a scientific look at the experience of seeing into multiple dimensions, rather than written off, can be compared to the experience of others throughout the millennia and analyzed for patterns or similarities.

Paranormal studies for example. Is it reasonable that multidimensional realities exist? Physics and math, which is the religious rock of the atheist, says yes to it. Details unknown though. String theory and such. Why then the stigma against scientifically studying such realities? There are paranormal departments at universities, Stanford is one for example. However where is the major recognition as to the legitimacy of the true science of such studies? Prejudice, stigma, just as bad as the religious taboos of hundreds of years ago, has made anything in the category of spiritual taboo do to this ridiculous notion that science and spirit are incongruent with each other. They are supposed to be “enemies” and no “true scientist” will put the two together because doing so would ruin the integrity of their science. They don’t mix! Says the dogmatic atheist. But honestly scientist, put your dogma away and just look at the spiritual multidimensional phenomena scientifically with true curiosity, which is the opposite of ignorance, which demon possession typically causes in the general public. Demonology 101 really. Their purpose is always to dumb you down. Make you evil, or corrupt you. When I mean they I am referring to other sentient lifeforms in other dimensions that are intricately connected to planet earth in an ecosystem patterned much like the earth’s itself. Feeding off of and giving back energy in a cycle. All dimensions connect cycular like to a common unified source of energy, is my observation. Sorry, atheist, your tin hat prevents the same reception I get so you may not get the same memo but that concept is fairly universal cross culturally throughout all of history so that’s what your up against if you disagree.

So, my hypothesis from my spiritually scientific perspective is that the creator is literally God of the gaps. Basically, the miracles are the gaps. This comes directly from the spirit channel via my antennae to you atheist, God of the gaps is how it is. How is this? Well magic is one term, but it basically has to do with patch working the universe. It is full of “holes” you could say. It needs maintenance. it has a problem with entropy you see. However, it must move forward in a positive direction, life that is, and produce something that is the opposite of entropy. It gets this opposing force though by creating it’s opposite. In basic conceptual form, the general polar forces of life and death. Death creates life. So, this entropy is organized in such a way that it pushes the universe forward so that it evolves, not de-evolves. When death occurs, it always creates life. Yah, kinda like Jesus or other sacrificial philosophers. It’s simply constant change and energy flow from positive to negative and vice versa over and over again for eternity. Law of the universe in the spirit 101 class. Kind of like a computer you could say. The 3d universe is the program, and it needs a patch every once and a while in the code, so another dimension steps in and helps with the programming. That’s magic. Multidimensional help. Some dimensions hurt this one too though, so it’s give and take obviously. It’s all balanced out among every dimension 50/50 they say, “good” or what promotes life and “evil” or what promotes death.

Some people in the new age category even call them aliens. I don’t know the proper term, but my antenna picks up all over and it certainly is not confined to time space, so the classic alien concept from another galaxy doesn’t fit, however the universe is quite vast, it may occur. I personally remain agnostic about it until I am abducted. I probably won’t be though, I already see them in the inner holographic theater. The antennae I have is a receiver not a sender, so I don’t really get to ask questions, I simply have the challenge of getting good reception and discerning what is going on. There is no free will in clairvoyance. It simply occurs, nothing can change it.

So, should you believe everyone who claims to be getting divine messages via their antennae? Well, the wisdom of the ancients says beware because evil tricksters live in other dimensions and will play with you and lead you astray into foolish decisions. In other words, schizos have a high tendency to channel utter demon nonsense. I call this bad reception. I get it every once in a while but there is a way to filter it out and get good reception, or talk to God vs the Devil in other words. Linguistically speaking god roots from good, and evil with a d on it is devil. Truth or wisdom and smartness vs lies foolishness and just plain stupid. So caveat emptor regarding any channeled messages. Don’t buy it because it is labeled good on it from the spirit realm. It may just be bait. If you haven’t noticed this demon trick it is quite common in the folklore surrounding seances and the occult so feared and forbidden by some fundamental sects of Christianity. Tables shaking, objects doing “unscientific things” like disappearing or levitating, supposedly talking to dead people when it is really all just bait from a demon, offering a wow! factor, which attracts like a moth to the flame the deception it has prepared. It’s just common knowledge that is bad. The myths say so. Beware when spirits come through is all. Even the Bible says to be skeptical and test them. They feed off of gullibility. Why do you think they have created so many tricky religions that are obviously false? The gullible fell for the trick, typically a spiritual experience that leads them to believe in their religion as a senseless true believer.

The gaps are more like one gap that is moving around constantly, call it death if you will, it is a void. Kind of like a math equation, it is a variable that appears to be manipulated, but in reality, it is mathematical precision. From a static perspective, such as a dimension of no time. The equation is solved. In the time space realm though, the equation is in the process of solving. In other words, the information is not really observed, but only proven via math that it has to exist. It’s the gap. It resolves paradoxes in reality. Basically, it’s like an impossible puzzle unless this variable is here. It solves the equation and resolves the paradox. Enigmas that have no other answer, this variable steps in and solves the riddle. The reception on my antennae says it is basically a time warp, the end of space time itself, which happens quite frequently in isolated locales in the universe. There is no time from this dimension, and this no time zone pops into time space and takes energy from it, causing a shift or portal, and sends it into another time space zone. Kind of ends the universe and starts it over again. Reset button. Computer crashed, reset with very quick boot time like a blink the world hardly notices. Strange things occur, like the movie Matrix, blips in the system, deja vu’s etc.

Like eddies in a river, swirling around paradoxical obstacles, time space swirls with mathematical precision in fibonacci spirals, going “down the tube” and coming back out as the future. The new reality that was just created from the warp. It warps all of reality around, magically, as the ancients termed it. It is the beginning and end of time, the source of all existence that the mystics talk about. Jesus called himself this, the alpha and omega, beginning and end, meaning he had unified with it. Many other shamans talk about it too.

Symptoms of time space about to end and begin again include synchonicities, because reality itself lines up in an organized fashion, and similar energy bundles together, even concepts, because they are energetic too, thoughts that is. The thought energy aligns with the outside reality in a mirror. This results in all kinds of psychic phenomena, such as clairvoyance, telepathy, etc. It’s the axis mundi basically, all time space is present, past present future are one, and glimpses can be seen into realities that have in the past happened or will happen in the future. Divine knowledge you could say. Also trans dimensional awareness, so lies galore often come through, so as always, beware. Not everyone experiences time space ending and beginning all the time but it is quite common among schizos. It is observed from the human lense so honest scientific curiosity is in order.

In other words not everyone is stuck in a time warp. But if you are, you can tell. When you are, you witness the magic, the shifting of energy between dimensions, and get to see how those energy shifts can effect this 3d reality we call home. For example, many shamans stuck in this time warp are healers, and can time warp diseases out of people so to speak, send them back to the source and the energy that comes back out of it is health. Like you went back in time, erased the original cause of the disease, then went forward again as if the disease was never there to begin with, and the resulting physical structure of the body is a healthy condition. This is spirit doctoring basically. Psychic surgery peoples! But there are nefarious ways to use this warp too so again beware of tools that can heal, abused they can harm. Magic does both you know, it has to balance the harm and heal aspects proportionately. So says the antennae.

So, this is the “miracle work” aspect of the universe we call home. The time warp. It rips time space, causing a gap, which warps it to heal itself, and from the mystical perspective, It, is the creator itself, (remember I’m a pantheist) so healing a human = healing creator = healing the universe logically.

Basically, from a multidimensional perspective, the creator allowed the darkness, or black magic, the devil side, deathy stuff, to go a little to far and has to jump in to save the day and put a stop to this evil. It causes a gap and takes what is anti life and simply impossible to exist in this universe and warps it into it’s opposite, pro life, white magic basically. Just a constant balance of dark and light forces for eternity. The forces work in tandem, so non dual is really the most logical way to look at it. Resurrection power. Life force itself transmuting. Qi, in Chinese.

The main aspect to this life force is the gap phenomena, time warping. The energy goes from bad to good and then entropies again but comes out again as lifey aspects of reality. Life going good. Situations working out. Good luck, seeming blessed, white side of magic. But as all things it has to warp back to where it came from. It goes bad, like food does eventually, and has to be composted to be grown again to be good. Darn it, the universe is really against me today kind of stuff. It doesn’t like me today. The this needs to end side of reality, which it eventually does, and a gap is created and filled and the lifey stuff comes through again. The shape of the gap is literally the fibonacci spiral, like a snail shell or pine cone or shape of a galaxy, it is a universal pattern. Think black hole. It goes to no time mathematically and could be literally sucking information out of 3d time space systematically causing gaps. “The universe isn’t making sense here” kind of stuff. Hawkings says so.

Anyway, this is channel such and such 33 and this is simply to relay some multidimensional perspective on the human race on the internet here. I am not human, per say. Not when channeling anyway! Open your mind to possibilities. Science and spirit are not enemies.

Basically, the “human” in me takes a back seat, kind of like when you go to the movies, and are simply in the audience watching. In this case, i watch what the spirits are doing, including saying or typing, and take no personal responsibility for what they say while in trance. They say the darndest things sometimes. It’s worth trancing, watching, and listening to them, because when on the good channel they are right. Many spirits have strange behavior, but I’m strong enough to not let the movie go bad. I already know they and me are one in the highest perspective of reality, they are simply my thoughts (although so are humans and all creatures) so they will behave rationally. I am the universe and I know what I am doing, I promise. Antennae says. Sometimes these thought beings get into humans and make them really sick though, sapping lifeyness out of them like food. This is the real craziness people associate with mental illness. I call it possession but that semantic implies an “other than oneself” so it doesn’t even fit entirely. All spirit is one really. They really are voices in the head even if they are also deities. It just so happens that there is only one thinker in reality, a multisided multi headed being that appears different from so many angles that it never bores itself infinitely.

The double slit experiment in physics spirit keeps tuning the antennae to but reception is still bad at this point science apparently needs to look further into it to understand the time warp.

Anyway atheist, the whole point of this thought tangent is to point out that it really is God of the gaps, that is reality. The universe fixes itself all the time. To call it miraculous is to put it into the forbidden category in atheist philosophy, but really, magic is just as natural as what we witness every day. Its all magic and miracles really. Nothing unnatural about the time warp.

Philosophically it works. It fits the observable experience. I still don’t really understand it though so any details explaining it’s nature are simply philosophical ramblings, but hey, rambling produces epiphany sometimes. The spirals are not just in this time space reality, but are all over other inner dimensions as well. The spiral shape is a universal archetype. It's more like a spiral experience. You are a spiral, even your DNA spins like the axis mundi. Keep spinning.
RE: God of the gaps, magical hypothesis, philosophical meandering.
RE: God of the gaps, magical hypothesis, philosophical meandering.
[Image: holy-wall-of-text-batman.jpg?w=290&h=290&crop=1]
RE: God of the gaps, magical hypothesis, philosophical meandering.
There is no such thing as a god and the universe is not a god either. It is simply bigger than us. But it is not conscious nor is it aware we are living in it. It is a giant weather pattern, and life is merely riding in it.
RE: God of the gaps, magical hypothesis, philosophical meandering.
Didn't read.
RE: God of the gaps, magical hypothesis, philosophical meandering.
[Image: dcln.gif]
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. "
RE: God of the gaps, magical hypothesis, philosophical meandering.
[Image: cat-galaxy-glasses-Favim.com-1181244.jpg]
[Image: extraordinarywoo-sig.jpg]
RE: God of the gaps, magical hypothesis, philosophical meandering.
(January 20, 2015 at 8:04 pm)schizo pantheist Wrote: I consider myself a sprit expert by trade, that is basically what I do all day long “for a living” is channel the many different versions of deity that come through.

'Nuff said. Thanks for the laugh.
You make people miserable and there's nothing they can do about it, just like god.
-- Homer Simpson

God has no place within these walls, just as facts have no place within organized religion.
-- Superintendent Chalmers

Science is like a blabbermouth who ruins a movie by telling you how it ends. There are some things we don't want to know. Important things.
-- Ned Flanders

Once something's been approved by the government, it's no longer immoral.
-- The Rev Lovejoy
RE: God of the gaps, magical hypothesis, philosophical meandering.
(January 21, 2015 at 9:14 pm)IATIA Wrote:
(January 20, 2015 at 8:04 pm)schizo pantheist Wrote: I consider myself a sprit expert by trade, that is basically what I do all day long “for a living” is channel the many different versions of deity that come through.

'Nuff said. Thanks for the laugh.

Then there's this little gem.

Quote:So, my hypothesis from my spiritually scientific perspective

There is so much wrong with that phrase.

What do you bet he can't define either of the words in bold?

You'd believe if you just opened your heart" is a terrible argument for religion. It's basically saying, "If you bias yourself enough, you can convince yourself that this is true." If religion were true, people wouldn't need faith to believe it -- it would be supported by good evidence.
RE: God of the gaps, magical hypothesis, philosophical meandering.
That is why I stopped where I did. I did not think there was any chance of improvement and really did not care to go down that rabbit hole.

Maybe he will get his own TV show: "John Edward Jr."
You make people miserable and there's nothing they can do about it, just like god.
-- Homer Simpson

God has no place within these walls, just as facts have no place within organized religion.
-- Superintendent Chalmers

Science is like a blabbermouth who ruins a movie by telling you how it ends. There are some things we don't want to know. Important things.
-- Ned Flanders

Once something's been approved by the government, it's no longer immoral.
-- The Rev Lovejoy

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