We've had our current logo for quite a while now, and the staff agree it's time for a change. Instead of having one of us do it, we've decided to have a competition for our most creative members. The winner's design will be featured on the site, and also on merchandise which we are planning to sell in order to help support the site. The winner will also receive their choice of merchandise free of charge.
Note that in order to win this competition you will have to give us the full license the use your work both on the site and as part of any merchandise that we create. In return we would be happy to feature your name and a link to your site / portfolio if you have one in the footer of the website.
The rules are as follows:
Good luck!
Note that in order to win this competition you will have to give us the full license the use your work both on the site and as part of any merchandise that we create. In return we would be happy to feature your name and a link to your site / portfolio if you have one in the footer of the website.
The rules are as follows:
- The logo you create must be able to replace our current logo (https://atheistforums.org/images/af/headbg-new.png) and fit in with the general look of the site. We understand that our logo is an overlay of a star themed background image (https://atheistforums.org/images/af/bg.jpg) and we are happy to accept logos which are designed to overlay this background image, or that come with a separate background image for us to use. If you choose to do a design which comes with a separate background image, the stipulation about licensing also applies to that background image.
- The logo must contain the words "Atheist Forums", in that order. Capitalisation can either be done as Camel Case, or All Caps. The space between the words "Atheist" and "Forums" can be replaced by an image of some kind if you wish (i.e. how it currently appears in our logo). No other words are allowed.
- The logo does not have to be in any particular theme, but it should go well with the site theme colors (dark blue). Just because we currently have a space themed logo doesn't mean we are looking for a space themed logo to replace it.
- The size of the logo is entirely up to you; we aren't going to give specific requirements, though it goes without saying that it should be large enough to look good without causing people's browsers to stretch, and shouldn't be too small either.
- For the logo itself, a PNG format is required. If a background image design is included, this can either be PNG or JPG.
- The winning design will be chosen by the staff, based on its compliance with the above stated rules, and which design we feel looks the best for the community.
Good luck!