""With that one-two punch, Adelson showed Jeb that the man he was trying to run away from, in order to prove “I’m my own man,” held the key to his victory (at least with big donors). The Las Vegas mogul and Israel hawk thus took Bush’s biggest political problem – his brother – and made him an asset.
Since then, we’ve enjoyed the spectacle of Bush telling a roomful of wealthy New York donors that on the question of Israel, his top advisor is none other than his brother. “If you want to know who I listen to for advice, it’s him,” he told the donors.""
Him, referring to W.
"“I would have [authorized the invasion], and so would have Hillary Clinton, just to remind everybody. And so would almost everybody that was confronted with the intelligence they got,” the likely 2016 presidential contender said.""
Jeb was told to distance himself from W. as much as possible, now he's his new idol.
""With that one-two punch, Adelson showed Jeb that the man he was trying to run away from, in order to prove “I’m my own man,” held the key to his victory (at least with big donors). The Las Vegas mogul and Israel hawk thus took Bush’s biggest political problem – his brother – and made him an asset.
Since then, we’ve enjoyed the spectacle of Bush telling a roomful of wealthy New York donors that on the question of Israel, his top advisor is none other than his brother. “If you want to know who I listen to for advice, it’s him,” he told the donors.""
Him, referring to W.
"“I would have [authorized the invasion], and so would have Hillary Clinton, just to remind everybody. And so would almost everybody that was confronted with the intelligence they got,” the likely 2016 presidential contender said.""
Jeb was told to distance himself from W. as much as possible, now he's his new idol.
Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.' -Isaac Asimov-