I just read the article 'Secularity and Secularism explained' at the Center For Inquiry site. I found it interesting because I'm into words and their origins, but it goes on to list varying degrees of Secularism. Which label would you apply to yourself?
I would say the Structural, Ethical, and Legal Secularism all apply to me.
Center For Inquiry Wrote:Structural Secularism: Most of the important structures of society, its core economic and institutional modes of organization, ought to be independent from religion. The number of social institutions that religions can effectively control or seriously influence ought to diminish.
Ethical Secularism: The ethical principles guiding society ought to be free from religious control or orientation so that the worldly welfare of humanity takes priority. Humanism’s defense of equal and universal human rights is an obvious example. There are three major sub-kinds ranging from conservative, progressive, and pioneering ethics. Stoic Humanism’s stress on personal happiness and liberty makes it a natural ally of conservative libertarianism. Civic Humanism's stress on the overall welfare of society leads towards utilitarianism and progressive liberalism. Ecological Humanism demands a radically pioneering balance of human concerns against animal and environmental concerns.
Legal Secularism: The foundational political doctrines and constitutional articles ought to separate government from religion. Government must be able act autonomously from all churches and government can impose impartial justice on all citizens regardless of their religious views.
State-Sponsored Secularism: Government ought to use its powers to positively discourage religious belief. There should be many laws authorizing all social institutions from education to media to extensively contradict and deride religion. Additional laws placing special and expensive burdens on religious believers to teach and practice religion should be established.
Militant Secularism: The combination of the four other secularisms (structural, ethical, legal, and state-sponsored) all carried out to their furthest limits. The ideal goal of militant secularism is the gradual eradication of religious belief in society, so that all people are atheists in practice and apathetic towards religion.
I would say the Structural, Ethical, and Legal Secularism all apply to me.