I have one acquaintance who believes in spirits...as in Wiccan spirits of plants and animals. I think she's nuts but no nuttier than you.
Anyway, Thomas Aquinas started all this nonsense about angels.
It shows up here. He calls it the point of a needle rather than the head of a pin. As in all biblical stuff, translations are loose.
It's really not worth your time...or anyone's.
Anyway, Thomas Aquinas started all this nonsense about angels.
It shows up here. He calls it the point of a needle rather than the head of a pin. As in all biblical stuff, translations are loose.
Quote:The reader desirous of being merry with Aquinas’s angels may find them in Martinus Scriblerus, in Ch. VII. who inquires if angels pass from one extreme to another without going through the middle? And if angels know things more clearly in a morning? How many angels can dance on the point of a very fine needle, without jostling one another?
All the questions are answered with a subtlety and nicety of distinction more difficult to comprehend and remember than many problems in Euclid; and perhaps a few of the best might still be selected for youth as curious exercises of the understanding. However, a great part of these peculiar productions are loaded with the most trifling, irreverent, and even scandalous discussions. Even Aquinas could gravely debate, Whether Christ was not an Hermaphrodite? Whether there are excrements in Paradise? Whether the pious at the resurrection will rise with their bowels? Others again debated—Whether the angel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary in the shape of a serpent, of a dove, of a man, or of a woman? Did he seem to be young or old? In what dress was he? Was his garment white or of two colours? Was his linen clean or foul?
It's really not worth your time...or anyone's.