I currently own PS, PS2, PSP, DS, DSi, SP, Gameboy C, N64, Xbox 360, and may as well own a Wii.
The playstation is old, but it works. I'd have to say my favorite things about it were The Legend of Dragoon and FFVII. Crash Bandicoot (especially CB: Warped) is the only other franchise which I've played on the system and enjoyed, though I have a selection of games for it ranging from Um Jammer Lammy to Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit.
The playstation 2 is (imo) hands down the best console a person can buy of current. Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal (and other entries in the series), several FF titles, Tales of the Abyss, Wild Arms (Alter Code: F, and 3), God of War (and 2, if I recall correctly), Jak and Daxter trilogy, Dark Cloud (and 2), and we're talking complete slaughter of the innocents now that I have lost my list of games I own, the lot of which a friend is borrowing... >_< But there are many great titles for this console, and it is my favorite by far.
DS: I admit it... I own this damn thing for one reason, and one reason alone: pokemon. Same goes for the DSi, SP, and Gameboy Color. Sure, i have other games (ie: FFIII and FF IV, i think?)... but those were things I saw at a store (or mooched), thinking 'oh, why not?'. The reason I bought the lot of these handhelds (save the PSP, which I bought early on in faith of Sony... that never delivered

) was the Pokemon franchise... and whilst they could be improved in a number of ways
(notably: character customization, dekidification, and the removal of the 'Nintendo beeping sound effects for everything, forcing a girl to play with the volume off, shamefully missing out on the music'), they are largely fantastic games (imo).
I have only 3 games for the PSP: Resistance, Rock Band: Unplugged, and an obscenely short ratchet and clank title. Do I think it was worth the price? Not even close.
Nintendo 64 brought us some great games (ie: a very nice Mario Kart, 3D Mario, more Mario, 3D Zelda, and more Zelda). Oh, and SSB. Oh, and Pokemon Stadium. Anything else? Perhaps, but I sure as hell haven't played it. How many of them do I own today? Only Pokemon Stadium, and some racing title not worthy of notation.
Xbox 360 is another great console
(looking over the bloody RRoD, of course...). Fallout 3, Halo (+3, +3: ODST, and the less said about 2: the better), Oblivion, Rock Band 2, ME
(and ME2, and the ending scene in that makes the wait for ME3 brutally unfair...), Bioshock, Civilization Revolution, Dragon Age Origins, Diablo With Guns (AKA: Borderlands), Soul Caliber IV
(yes, with all of its flaws...) <-- All things I love playing and play 'frequently'. And there are other great games for the system.
Frankly, Ely... I own FFXIII (Xbox 360), and am not impressed
(save when it comes to graphics... a girl might kill for those graphics in other games). Good game? Yes. Fun game? Nothing like any other final fantasy... that much I've give it. Take FFX2 combat
(make the combat a little faster/streamlined), FFX's sphere grid
(And make it more flashy and less easily understood or liked), graphics finally worthy of the PS3, an annoying/nonthrilling cast of characters
(to reiterate in simple english: almost completely uninteresting, with little serious character development in anyone you actually like), a story that is worse than FFX's (seriously), and dialogue that might make a girl want to strangle Vanille and Hope (and too a lesser extent: Snow, Lightning, and Fang
(Leaving an almighty one character I find somewhat respectable... and at times I question my respect for him)): you have FFXIII. It's by no means bad... I just don't find it fun. A girl should know what she's getting before she shells out ~70 USD on New Release week
If there is a reason to buy the PS3: that reason is Uncharted 2, Heavy Rain, and the like... if it still supported PS2 games: then it would be quite as worthy of buying as the PS2, but perhaps more so
(as then you could play the games developed for the newer system). I still can't fathom their removal of backwards compatibility...
Finally, the Wii: I own Pokemon Battle Revolution
(an alright game... though a girl sometimes wishes they would make a decent standalone pokemon console game), Mario Kart Wii, and SSB: Brawl... the last of which is one of my favorite Nintendo games ever
/endrant. I am not a 'light' gamer... but I hardly see myself as hardcore. If I were to label myself as anything, it would be 'Active Casual', or something.