Okay so I have this friend who is currently doing IT at college in England, he is insisting Linux is rubbish and I just had to tell Adrian
I showed him his comments on Facebook and we all had a mighty good chuckle.
I warn you now, it is quite long winded.

I showed him his comments on Facebook and we all had a mighty good chuckle.
I warn you now, it is quite long winded.
Shiny Wrote:IT right?
Windows based course? Windows have much more viruses, Linux has none.
The Market share is to do with advertising and sponsorship, it is on the rise young one
Shiny's Idiot Friend Wrote:yep, no does everything its the highest level 3 course... yeah i agree windows does suffer with that but overall its years in advance to linux in what its capable off. Actually its based on the amount of sales made and the use commercially, which id say is clearly apparent that its widows with future predictions being posed at Apple, from just taking a glimpse at my personal serve from our statistics i can see that Windows holds the biggest share followed by Mac and even Android before Linux and over a yearly level of growth i can see Apple is growing whilst linux is decreasing followed by Windows which is increasing. Linux is not going to get anywhere unless it gets its act together, removes the entire open source factor (Which happens to be linux) and comes up with something worthwhile and commercial.
Shiny Wrote:What I was saying was that Windows only has the most Market share because of it's marketing techniques, Android is a phone OS and is Linux based anyway. UNIX, the kernel Linux and Mac OS X is based on, and it's servers account for 70% of the internet's traffic. Windows can't do a lot of things Linux can, Linux can do everything Windows can and you can run some Windows apps on Wine. Windows sales are from Manufacturers being paid to supply PCs and Laptops with their OS. And Linux usage is on the rise
Shiny's Idiot Friend Wrote:Windows is the market leader in the aspect and i agree, solely because they were the first to adopt a GUI interface in the best way but more so due to their marketing strategy, i have to disagree with that i dont see any ability of the Linux Windows isnt some what capable off more the opposite, applications high level quality and commercial applications are developed for Windows and Mac, open source applications are developed for linux however i fail to see any benefits to these applications more the opposite they cannot perform to the level of quality to the ones developed for Windows and mac as result of both the technical aspect as well as commercial aspect.
Linux holds its role as the internet servers i agree as my sever itself runs linux reason being its cheap (free) and pretty much safe and therefore its seen as a commercial option in terms of web severs, but as a desktop personal machine i fail to see any place for Linux, with its limited functions and poorly developed functions and abilities. What exactly do you do on linux? that you can argue to be better than Windows or even Mac?.... Let alone talking about aspects such as user friendliness....Windows does gain a lot of profit based on manufactures that's true, however thats not only the case why Microsoft is the market leader, more people have the skills and abilities with Windows and will continue to do so, employers are not wanting to invest in training for something such as Linux when they can be using Windows almost straight away.
In all honesty my view as well as many others is Linux will remain to be nothing more than a hobby between freelance developers there's no business plan or architecture of control between anyone and its a mess, its not commercially buy able as a home PC, there isnt really a future for linux. The future as seen by many professionals is the adoption of Mac OS and its mobile versions as found within its iPhone,iPod and iPad, with similar versions being Windows and Android based.
yeah :L only some applications can be run, after myself using linux i attempted to use some of the most advance software packages in the industry with no result of them working because of the technical ability of linux. I think i managed to get one program working.
Shiny Wrote:http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/...y/l-kperf/
Linux apps are very high quality, the whole open source is what makes it great.
It doesn't have limited functions and it is very good at what it does.
I mainly use Open Office outside of the basic internet browsing and music. It is great at them all.
They may not train people to use Linux but they do train people in sysadmin.
Many commercial manufacturers such as Dell offer Linux distros on their products.
Android is Linux based. And Linux's share is growing.
You make these points which really make you look you haven't given Linux more than 10 seconds to prove itself.
Shiny's Idiot Friend Wrote:Dell has recently decided its going to pull the option of linux being available as addon to their desktop pc's due to operating system not showing the full potential their systems have to offer.
My personal opinion of linux based applications are they are extremely unattractive/user friendly, they have limited out of date featues that leave them far behind applications found wthin Windows and Mac and they are extremely unsupported with bits of code being all over the place as people feel. It may be able to make use of all those applications, but even someone using linux for years im sure they can argue it doesnt perform quite the quality in those applications compared to a PC or Mac, yes its free but it really doenst match what you can get for your money in my opinion and im sure many people agree. Andriod is linux based however they have proven to come up with a business model and its not entirely linux based its starting to adapt to its own background in which google are attempting to develop Chrome OS.
Ive used linux for numerous times over the years and all in all i can say its just sat there maybe ive booted it up a few times and on first impression it was cool, but theres nothing there that meets or exceeds what windows has to offer.
Shiny Wrote:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_adoption#Government
Seriously, Linux is being adopted all over the world, I guess that just makes it shit. Google uses Linux.
Can you prove Dell have dropped support of Linux because as far as I can tell it's a lie.
If Linux wasn't open source Google wouldn't be able to do that.
How is Linux lower quality? How does it have limited features?
Shiny's Idiot Friend Wrote:It may be adopting a little bit seeing as its 'cheap' why not? but the fact is its not as good. Google uses linux simply because of secuity concerns however an apparent deal with Apple appears to be in progress, where google will be adapting toe Apple Servers and Machines. Eg Mac Pro
"Dell. has quietly stopped offering the Linux operating system as an option on its desktop and laptop PCs, saying low demand forced the Linux-advocate to pull the software from its online stores. Dell has championed the open-source operating system through investments in companies such as Red Hat Inc. and Linux desktop software maker Eazel Inc., which has since gone out of business."
It has poor gui interfaces, it doesnt take support of the latest technologies, eg blu-ray, quad core's, pure HD playback, advanced gaming and so much more, it has incredibly limited features and functions compared to of which Microsoft and Apple have, its compatability with devices is poor, my printer, my usb stick, my xbox even my speakers and monitor are unsupported. Simply for the reason so many people have the ability to code towards it therefore having no plan no real architecture. In reality its opinion however commercially i cant see anything changing in the eye of linux for a long time.
let alone the software on its incredily poor, nothing on linux can compete to the same level offered by software packages such as Adobe CS5 or similar packages.....
Shiny Wrote:Dell still offers Ubuntu products and other Linux ones.
It is being adopted rapidly across the world, faster than any other OS.
Your compatibility problems are not because of Linux, if you take two identical computers and install one with Linux and one with Windows the Linux one will have much more stuff working. (That one goes to Adrian)
Linux will be very extensively used soon.
Can you link me to your source about Dell?
Shiny's Idiot Friend Wrote:To say from a business mind if i had a business i wouldi want an operating system i could rely on eg having the correct level of commercial support, an operating system that couldn't potentially go down tomorrow something i could trust, something that was compatible and something that could be used for almost anything possible in terms of IT and the computing industry. On a personal viewpoint i want an attractive, modern, fast and high quality experience which has the ability to meet all of my media interests, such as HD video, Gaming and full sync with my devices such as iPods.
I also want something i can trust and have confidence that anything i want to do is possible not limited. Therefore in my opinion Linux is not at the right stage in comparison to Mac and Windows. If theres a future for linux in terms of mobile devices that might be more apparent and obviously its already successful with servers, maybe it should remain doing so. This is an opinion shared across the industry and is something you can determine yourself rather easily, if somethings free compared to something £200 you would think people would go for it? so why havent people gone for linux, when its been going an awfully long time?
anyways lmao!
leave it there its personal opinion really, but in terms of the industry it doesnt really stand much of a stake in personal computing and is left far behind Microsoft and Apple.
"God is dead" - Friedrich Nietzsche
"Faith is what you have in things that DON'T exist. - Homer J. Simpson
"Faith is what you have in things that DON'T exist. - Homer J. Simpson