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Spread This And Please Expose These Televanglists!
Spread This And Please Expose These Televanglists!
Hi there. This is my first post and I want to expose a bunch a thieveing criminals and hucksters that call themselves televangelists.

Here is one that need to be exposed:

Joel Osteen

So there was an incident that happened back in 2004 where someone had wronged me in some way and the person's actions affected me in negative ways and the incident is still affecting me today, but that is not important. What I'm here to do is to expose Joel Osteen. ( And I plan on posting more evil televaglests at this forum as well.) 

In 2007, I came across a video and it was Joel Osteen talking about how you've been and to trust "GodWho's not real" to fight your battles.  At the time back in Oct of 2007, I thought this message was a sign from AnImcompentImaginaryGod as I've sent many prayer requests since 2004-2006. I odwnloaded the video from youtube and I made it an flv type and played it in the flv player.

Here are some of the things he said and I have a CD where I am playing and I'm going to post the key things he's said that I beleved in that time. And just so know, I was never "Christian", but it would be where if I had trouble and went to prayer request sites to post a request for people to pray. I was so desperate for justice in my situtation.

Remeber read this knowing that God is not real. And also read this as if you've been sexually abused, physically abused, had your life savings stole, any injustice who has yet to recivee justice. After you're done, please spread this mesage and expose this man for the liar that he is.

I'm cringing as I'm typing his message. After I'm done I'm going to break the CD and throw it the trash where it belongs. This is the bullsh-- he's said.


"You're wondering" God Why did this happen to me"?

"Don't fall into the enemy's trap."

"You have to understand that God is a God of justice. And if you keep your trust in him, he's promised to pay you back for every unfair thing that's happened to you. He's promised to make the wrongs right, he's promised to balance out those scales."

"The bibleBuyingthebullshit says that God is our Vindicator. You don't have to try to get people back or get even, but God will do it for you."

"That God is a just God And he will repay the exact compensation owed you. He will solve and settle the cases of his people. SOme of you need some cases settled today. You had a lot of unfair things happen to you."

"Let God be your avenger. Let God settle your cases for you. Don't try to take the matter into your own hands. Do it all in your own strength"

"Now if your just to turn it over to God, forgive and keep a good attitude, walk in love, God has promised to make it up to you and make those wrongs right."

"But as long as you're holding to unforgiveness, it's going to poison your own spirit, it's going to stop God from working and bringing justice in your life."

"You got to let go and trust God to make it up to you. Trust God to settle your cases. See, only God can bring about justice in our lives.

 "It may feel good to pay back evil for evil, but it's going to stop God from doing what he really wants to do. ( and following with bullsh-- scripture to love our enemies and said book has slavery, rape, genocide and contradictions"

"It's only when we forgive that God's restoring power beings to work."

"If you forgive it's not for you, it's so that God can start to pay you back for the wrongs that have been done to you."

"Some of you are holding on to the past and wondering why God has not been answering your prayers and why God has not been restoring anything back to you. You got to do your part and let it go."

"Unless you do your part, God is not going to do his part."

"When we let that that poison of unforgivness in our bodies, you're just tying the hands of NotAlmightyButImcompententImaginary God."

"If you want to experience God's best and be totally restored, you cannot try and vindicate yourself. You cannot try to pay them back on your own. You gotta let God do it, only God can bring out justice in your life."

"NotmyFriends, when you do it God's way, not only wil he pay you back, but he'll pay you back in abundance.

(That crap in the biblebuyingthebullshit about God and former recompense for our former shame.)

"If we keep up a good attitude, God will add up all the hurt and pain and all those injustices done to you and he'll pay you back with as much twice than you had before.  He'll give twice as much joy, happiness, victory, peace."

"God wants to restore everything that the enemy has stolen from you. He wants to settle your accounts."

"That person can't pay you back for all the hurt and pain, only God can pay you back. And if you want to be restored you got to leave it up to him."

(Bullcrap story about a young boy who had a abusive alcoholic father and ran away at 14. Long story short, many years later, "God" so called restored thier relationship when the son was a minister many years later and asked Jesus in his life. Jokel Osteen"See NotMyFreinds, God is a God of justice.")

"I don't know how long it will take, but God has promised to make your wrongs right. He's going to restore what the enemy has stolen."

"Doesn't matter what they done to you, somehow God will work on thier hearts and somehow turn it all around."

"God has promised to make it up to you."

(Saying that the young man with the alcoholic father knew that God was his vindicator and that he knew that God would settle his accounts  and that he knew that God was going tor restore". Also said even thought it tok years, God did exactly what he promised. He brought justice into his life. He settled his accounts and this crap.)

( After that saying that God want to do the same for you his unfornategullibleaudience.)

"When we live a life of love and forgiveness, God is going to make it up to us. God is going to make our wrongs right." ( And saying that if someone wrongs you don't try to fix it on your own and etc..)

"Keep a good attitude and do your best and let God be your avenger, let God settle your accounts."

"You have to remember that God sees every wrong done to you. He sees every time that someone hurts you. God has collected every tear you have shed."

"The biblefullofshit tells us that God has us in the palm of his hand. You are the apple of God's eye and he is watching closely over you."

"You may feel like no one knows all the pain that you went through. You feel like no one knows the despair and loneliness. But I'm here to tell you God knows. He feels every pain you feel. He hurts every time you hurt.

"And if someone lifts a finger against you, God sees it and is keeping a record. And no matter how much it hurt and a heavy load you're carrying, you got to know that God is with you, You are his most prized possession. He said he would leave you nor forsake you. But he would be that freind that would stick closer to a freind than a brother."

"And if you would dare to just release all those hurts and pains, just to it to over to him, say "God you know what "Ive been through, you know how they've ( And then he makes some sound as if he's crying almost and the audience starts to clap)" God you know what I've been through, you know how they treated me. God you know how it was and and I'm not holding onto it anymore. I'm just releasing it all to you.

"Don't feel ashamed for what you've been through. You need to keep your head up high, knowing that God is going to make it up to you."

"God is going to give you double for that injustices."

"If someone left you, on't let the enemy tell you it's your fault. You must've not been god enough, attractive enough. Those are all lies."

Me: Yeah like the bullsh-- message you're spreading.

"You need to hold your head up high, knowing that God is going to bring justice into your life. God is going to settle your cases for you."

"If you stay in an attitude of faith, God will bring someone new into your life twice as good loking than the other person who left you. (refering to someone who had a partner walk out on them.) He'll bring someone twice as godly, twice as good looking and twice as much money".

"God wants to restore double to everyone of you. He wants to take the evil and use it for your good. That's what he did for Joseph." (aka one of the made up biblebuyingthebullshit characters.)

"If you keep up the right attitude and let God fight your battles, God will always bring you out ahead. He'll always bring about justice in your life."

"Some of you had bad things happened. I challenge you to turn it over to God. Quit trying to collect a debt that only God can pay."

NotmyFriends if you just turn it over to the Lord, not only will he make your wrongs right and pay you back, he's promised to give you double for everything thing that's happened. God will settle your accounts. And in the end just like Joseph you wont be the victim you'll be the victor. And God will bring you out
every single time. Amen (he's say it laughing)"

(And then the bulshitt prayer to accept a non existant Jesus into your life)


Whew! My back now hurts typing all that.

Okay, so to think that I beleived in that bullcrap. This guy is disgusting and he needs to be exposed. I plead with any of you members to post this story everywhere and expose this man for the scum that he is.  He must've saying this garbage with a smile on his face and he must know at someone level that he is lying. And I feel like when you read someo of the crap that comes out of his mouth, it's almost like he's mocking the victim.

Back when I was in a state of distress  in 2007, I would listen to this everytime and it would supposedly keep me hope. Because I took all this in, this caused to to send prayer requests up until the year '12.  I spent a full year in '11 (One of the worst year in my life that I don't even want to type the full year.) going to prayers, because of according to this evil religon, if I have unforgivess, then God won't hear my prayers, so the next best thing to do was have people pray for me because they had an open channel to God.

I was so glad I was never a Christian. Never have and never will. I finally discovered the truth that Christianity is not real and that it was all fake. I felt like I was psychologically taken for a ride by this sociapath and that is not cool.

Yesterday I actually called the Lakewood Baptist Church, and when I talked to someone, I told them that Joel is a scumbag and a liar that his message has only made things worse. The woman said "This call is of an inappropiate nature" and she noted my phone number and that she would hang up.  Now I did fumble my words because I never confronted someone like that before.

But let me say that I do not regret it.  That actually felt good. And by the way to that woman said that my call was inappropiate nature. Well what's inappropiate is that this man spreading lies to the gullible and messing them up. And he's still doing to this day.

I've seen repsonses criticising Joel, but they've come from other christans spreading that garbage about Jugdment and Hell fire which was also a relife to know that it is not true. I also plan on calling hucksters such as Creflo, Rod, Joyce, Todd the Con (Who does the Live TV criminal operation the "Scam Meeting" about sowing a finincal seed and expect a harvest, the TBN ( who also does the other criminal operation on live TV the Con A Thon)   and defeinitely CBN aka that hatemonger Pat.  There won't be no cursing or threats, but just simply telling that thier religon is a lie and that these hucksters are shameless and trick people into giving them money to live thier rich lifestyle.

Earlier this year somone in the audience heckled Joel and said that he is a liar, but again they turned out to be christians. I wish more non believers would criticise people like this. At least there won't be the unfair juddement and hell this evil religon teaches.

And also f### this guy for saying that being Gay is a Sin and that Gays are not God's best. Motherhuckster so is lying according to your Goddamn Unholy Book. They God hates liars and thay have thier part in the lake and that rich people can't get into HeavenMindSlaveKingdom.

You know I would stick around, but I'm on my mom's laptop. So I have to go. And if I can I also want to expose more greedy televanglests later on.  The only thing his message had an effect on me is that when I was seeing results, I though maybe it was me and that perhaps I wasnt and now I have more anger problems than ever. I know this is silly but looking back I was mad at this God who I'm that is seemingly not real, but was farid because of that fear tactic "Fear God".

And the last thing, don't listen to that garbage about Don't take action into your hands and let some made up character fight your battles.

Prayer at this point doesn't work and if God was real, Id say f*** this imcompentent, but imaginary God. Don't rely on made up character. Do what you have to do to get justice. I wish I could travel back in time and speak to me young self about this.

This teaching is dangerous  and I finally plan to take against this person who did something to me back in 2004.  I'll spoil a little info about my situation, but I plan to make emotional abuse from teacher against a student a punishable crime and I'll leave it at that.

It just infuriates me this man was able to get people brainwashed by this message and making money off of his suffering.

He does that Bait and Switch Tactic where he says" You don't have to give me money if you have to, but it would be appreacited."

So sickening this guy still has fans.

I wish I could stick around, but I have to go. I'm on my mom's laptop. Forgive if there are spelling errors. Hopefully I'll be back soon. Talk to you later.

RE: Spread This And Please Expose These Televanglists!
Um not really a great first post. While it is great to have more people criticizing religion, and we welcome you to do so, there are tons of us on many websites and even famous atheists already doing this.

Christopher Hitchens said about Jerry Falwell upon his death " If you gave that man an enema you could bury him in a matchbox".

Olsteen and Hinn and Robertson, all cons, we agree. Religion is the most needless self inflicted con humans fall for. You cannot get rid of it by force, but it does need to be challenged.
RE: Spread This And Please Expose These Televanglists!
I really wish there were more posts like this. I empathize because I got burned too. Not by Joel, but by people essentially doing the exact same lying. Fucking liars. After I woke up from that trance, it became my mission in life to help destroy religion however I could. And that's what I have done every single day for the last 2.5 years now, I've gone around explaining to as many people I can why they shouldn't believe in God. I don't care what religion they are, or if they have no organized religion and just believe in God or Karma or whatever. It is all bullshit lies that ruins people's lives either fast or slow and it is my enemy. The only difference between Osteen and the rest of them is that he gets to the point quicker. He comes right out and says it. He may be an intentional manipulator, I don't know. Others may not be, but I see little or no difference. Lies are lies whether or not you know you're telling them.
RE: Spread This And Please Expose These Televanglists!
(December 20, 2015 at 10:19 am)Amine Wrote: I really wish there were more posts like this. I empathize because I got burned too. Not by Joel, but by people essentially doing the exact same lying. Fucking liars. After I woke up from that trance, it became my mission in life to help destroy religion however I could. And that's what I have done every single day for the last 2.5 years now, I've gone around explaining to as many people I can why they shouldn't believe in God. I don't care what religion they are, or if they have no organized religion and just believe in God or Karma or whatever. It is all bullshit lies that ruins people's lives either fast or slow and it is my enemy. The only difference between Osteen and the rest of them is that he gets to the point quicker. He comes right out and says it. He may be an intentional manipulator, I don't know. Others may not be, but I see little or no difference. Lies are lies whether or not you know you're telling them.

Well yea, the word "religion" itself is problematic as a human invented idea. It really is a comic book reflection of our evolutionary grouping to survive. It is the artificial excuse humans make to justify getting at power and resources. It makes superstitious answers as to why good and bad happen. But still, on a planet of 7 billion I think at best we can only work to make the world more civil trough secular ideas. Humans evolved with flawed perceptions and you are not going to magically force that reality out of existence.
RE: Spread This And Please Expose These Televanglists!
Glad you got that off your chest.

Oh, Welcome!

When you're not in a rant/rage, what trips your trigger?
Being told you're delusional does not necessarily mean you're mental. 
RE: Spread This And Please Expose These Televanglists!
Hey I'm back. Thanks for the responses. Brian, not to start a fight, but your post kinda rubbed me the wrong way, but I'm not upset at you.

Quickly wanted to say that alongside Foul Osteen, I also wanted to mention the evil Gnat Robertshithead of the evil show 700 Club. I'l refer to it as the 700 Flub. I also inadveranty filled my head with that garbage alongside Foul.

Back in '11 when I was in distress, I hate to admit, but I watched the 700 Flub, to help me cope with my situation. Other than the Haiti comment, I never knew all the vile things he's said. As a gay person, I regret watching this show and it may seem like it may be impossible but I want this show to shut down for good. If this spreading homophobic garbage continues or its' turned into a liberal show, then this show needs to be banned and Gnat should be cited for hate speech or something.

As I watching I was hoping they would have a "Word of Knowledge" about my situation. Yeah that's why I watched this garbage for that reason.

(There's someone that has been verbally abused and thier words are stuck in thier mind. God is saying if you forgive, he will work on bringing justice in your life. )

That's not what was ever said, but I was hoping they would do so. But come to find out the "Word of Knowledge is bullsh--". Do you ever notice it's always only Psychical related things only? And I have a theory that some of those letters that are read are a dirty trick made by 700 Flub staff at this point. That's just my opinion and if that's the case, all the more reason to get this trash show off the air. That's how you know it's bollocks. They must have a an hour before airing to rehearse that crap. The only decent thing or person regarding 700 Flub was the woman named Kristi and I'm so glad she left.

And I did send a prayer request to CBN awhile back. Later on in '13 was when I discover that Gnat has a history of saying things about the Gay Community. He is a homophobe, a liar, a racist and a woman hater. Saying that Gays want to force thier rights on others, that Mike Brown might've had drugs in his system at the time of his death, telling a man to take his wife to a third world country and beat her up and other disgusting things. And just like Foul Osteen, saying that thier made up God would work in my life.

He said that 911 happened because of people like me ( gays ). No idea why his show still aired and that was back in '01.

I remember him saying " You're wondering where God is in your situation". And now I can say/think: "Yeah, according to you he's causing disasters and killing babies so they wont grow to be Hitler.

But it's all good. No wonder why prayers didn't work.  Who would want to spend eternity with a bigot. IMO, Gnat has the blood of many gays that commited suicide on his hands.

Perhaps ignorant religous parents of gay child watched his show and then treated thier child that way and then the child may have killed him/her self the next day. This has likely happened and this why I want this show shut down, even if it seems impossible. It's so sad that he'll leave a bad legacy behind when he dies.

When he dies I won't shed a tear obviously. I would want to cry for the gays lesbian and transgender who had thier lives ahead of them,  but that have never been able to live them because they were murdered either by hateful hands or by thier own hand becuase of hateful messages like Gnat and other bigots.

And I wouldn't jump for joy either because unfortunately there still will be a lot of other homophobic bigots after him going around and spreading hatred and lies.

And I wish there was someone to expose the lie that the various people on thier went to Heaven and Hell.  They had a thing awhile back where they featured many people that said they went to this places. Recently someone said that thier Heaven story was a lie.

Oh and spend an hour or a long time at the website known as Right Wing Watch and now I can see why my prayers didn't work. And if you were a hardcore Christian, the chains will start to unloosen and I gaurantee that a seed of doubt will enter your head. Best way to non-belief to spend a lot of time daily or a lot at the website.

The majority of prayer requests I sent to went to these evil people featured on that site.  Spending eternity with these people in Heaven would be Hell in itself.

Have to make this short because I have more to say. I'm so glad that I'm venting and this is the first time ever that I'm finally exposing my hatred for religon and the false hope that Foul Osteen and Gnat Robertshithead preaches. After everything I've been through I just cant finally hold it in anymore more and I don't want no one else to be mentally messed up by these scumbags. I wish the me of the past 2004-'12 would've seen this message or I would travel back in time and talk to myself about these things.

Talk to you guys later.
RE: Spread This And Please Expose These Televanglists!
(December 20, 2015 at 10:54 am)MW85 Wrote: Hey I'm back. Thanks for the responses. Brian, not to start a fight, but your post kinda rubbed me the wrong way, but I'm not upset at you.

Quickly wanted to say that alongside Joel Osteen, I also wanted to mention the evil Gnat Robertshithead of the evil show 700 Club. I'l refer to it as the 700 Flub. I also inadveranty filled my head with garbage alongside Joel.

Back in '11 when I was in distress, I hate to admit, but I watched the 700 Flub, to help me cope with my situation. Other than the Haiti comment, I never knew all the vile things he's said. As a gay person, I regret watching this show and it may seem like it may be impossible but I want this show to shut down for good. If this spreading homophobic garbage continues or its' turned into a liberal show, then this show needs to be banned and Pat should be cited for hate speech.

As I watching I was hoping they would have a "Word of Knowledge" about my situation. Yeah that's why I watched this garbage.

(There's someone that has been verbally abused and thier words are stuck in thier mind. God is saying if you forgive, he will work on bringing justice in your life. )

That's not what was ever said, but I was hoping they would do so. But come to find out the "Word of Knowledge is bullsh--" Ever notice it's always only Psychical pain only. That's how you know it's bollocks. The only decent thing or person regarding 700 Flub was the woman named Kristi and I'm so glad she left.

And I did send a prayer request to CBN awhile. Later on in '13 was when I discover that Gnat has a history of saying things about the Gay Community. That he is a homophobe and a racist and a woman hater. Saying that Gays want to force thier right on others, that Mike Brown was drugs, telling a man to take his wife to a third world country and beat her up.

He said that 911 happened because of people like me ( gays ). No idea why his show still aired.

I remember him saying " You're wondering where God is in your situation". And now I can say: "Yeah, causing disasters and killing babies so they wont grow to be Hitler.

But it's all good. No wonder why prayers didn't work.  Who would want to spend eternity with a bigot. IMO, Gnat has the blood of many gays that commited suicide on his hands.
Perhaps ignorant religous parents of gay child watched his show and then treated thier child that way and then the child may have killed him/her self the next day. This has likely happened and this why I want this show shut down, even if it seems impossible. It's so sad that he'll leave a bad legacy behind.

And I wish there was someone to expose the lie that the various people on thier went to Heaven and Hell.  They had a thing awhile back where they featured many people that said they went to this places. Recently someone said that thier Heaven story was a lie.

Oh and spend an hour or a long time at Right Wing Watch and now I see why my prayers didn't work. And if you were a hardcore Christian, the chains will start to unloosen. Best way to non-belief.

The majority of prayer requests I sent to went to these evil people featured on that site.  Spending eternity with these people in Heaven would be Hell in itself.

Have to make this short because I have more to say. I'm so glad that I'm venting and this is the first time ever that I'm finally exposing my hatred for religon and the false hope that Foul Osteen and Gnat Robertshithead preaches.

Talk to you later.

Always understand there is a huge difference between hate of bad logic, hate of that logic leading to bad conclusions and bad behavior, and that of human rights. No matter what we know is wrong about religion, we cannot, nor should we ever forget that we are still the same species. Penn Jillette "Don't hate the faithful, hate faith itself, fuck faith".
RE: Spread This And Please Expose These Televanglists!
Misread the start of this thread title as "Spread the anal please and...[...]" - oh my dirty dirty turtley turtley mind.

@ the OP

I fucking hate televangelists they make me want to puke they're so fucking sick the way they exploit people financially with their religious bullshit.
RE: Spread This And Please Expose These Televanglists!
While I'm all for hating the ideas, and certain people for fomenting those ideas, calling for them to be banned, censored, or cited for expressing their views is antithetical to American freedom of speech, and makes you no better than them (well, a little better) for the rhetoric.

Much better to attack the ideas rather than the people spouting them. Otherwise you are just another loud voice in the mob of "angry atheists."

Seems you are in the second stage of atheism. First comes awakening, then cometh anger and feeling duped.
"There remain four irreducible objections to religious faith: that it wholly misrepresents the origins of man and the cosmos, that because of this original error it manages to combine the maximum servility with the maximum of solipsism, that it is both the result and the cause of dangerous sexual repression, and that it is ultimately grounded on wish-thinking." ~Christopher Hitchens, god is not Great

PM me your email address to join the Slack chat! I'll give you a taco(or five) if you join! --->There's an app and everything!<---
RE: Spread This And Please Expose These Televanglists!
I'm not a fan of Joel by any means. But what exactly are we "exposing" here? What you quoted above are some pretty basic Christian principles about trusting God and forgiving your enemies. I don't understand what he did here that needs to be exposed?
"Of course, everyone will claim they respect someone who tries to speak the truth, but in reality, this is a rare quality. Most respect those who speak truths they agree with, and their respect for the speaking only extends as far as their realm of personal agreement. It is less common, almost to the point of becoming a saintly virtue, that someone truly respects and loves the truth seeker, even when their conclusions differ wildly." 


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