The other day I woke up thinking Snipe! Like a Snipe hunt, the priests take the credulous out at night in the woods with their pillow cases then someone starts talking that snip live on the beach and swamps and they all want you to shut up and then shun you.
Or a scientist sterilizing petri dishes. Or if you made the movie why would you watch it, you already know how it goes and you did all the editing.
A narcissist likes to inflict pain on his own creation. For example he makes man without the knowledge of right and wrong and then sets up a tree of knowledge and says not to eat from it. Banishment from the good life and off to the chain gang of agriculture where the ground is hard and dry.
Or a scientist sterilizing petri dishes. Or if you made the movie why would you watch it, you already know how it goes and you did all the editing.
A narcissist likes to inflict pain on his own creation. For example he makes man without the knowledge of right and wrong and then sets up a tree of knowledge and says not to eat from it. Banishment from the good life and off to the chain gang of agriculture where the ground is hard and dry. ..."when you look up in the sky you can see the stars and still not see the light"...