Hmmm that is the problem with wealth isn't it?
When the Irish were desperately poor and persecuted.. they drew close to Holy Mother Church and said the rosary regularly..
Now that they are a wealthy, first world nation.. they are really an arrogant lot and quite ungrateful to the Church
Perhaps if Contraception were made illegal once again they woudl be a bit poorer with all those mouths to take care of.... maybe if much less were spent on health care and education?
I wish there would some "pro simplicity" party in Ireland which would promote.. a more simple style of living,.. less reliance on contraception, money and "material" comforts for the Irish people, who until recently.. were faithful sons and daughters of Holy Mother Church.
The Irish would enjoy it if they stopped being so bratty. It would be like living in a buddhist monastary or a hippie commune.. only much much less fun. Just as well anyway. Fun gets in the way of prayer and mortification of the flesh.
When the Irish were desperately poor and persecuted.. they drew close to Holy Mother Church and said the rosary regularly..
Now that they are a wealthy, first world nation.. they are really an arrogant lot and quite ungrateful to the Church
Perhaps if Contraception were made illegal once again they woudl be a bit poorer with all those mouths to take care of.... maybe if much less were spent on health care and education?
I wish there would some "pro simplicity" party in Ireland which would promote.. a more simple style of living,.. less reliance on contraception, money and "material" comforts for the Irish people, who until recently.. were faithful sons and daughters of Holy Mother Church.
The Irish would enjoy it if they stopped being so bratty. It would be like living in a buddhist monastary or a hippie commune.. only much much less fun. Just as well anyway. Fun gets in the way of prayer and mortification of the flesh.