Abaris : I hope you'll admit that if I'm a troll, I'm spending quite a lot of energy and certainly lack efficiency in trolling...
I'll remind everyone I'm not a native speaker... What I tried to express is that the concrete thing that is the closest to God is Life. Certainly, God is by definition not concrete, but it seems to me the word "Life" can replace the word "God" in those things that are said about God in various cultures.
So, this lead me to consider understanding Life is the best thing we can dig into to understand God. And I do consider we have to understand God : not because he/it exists ot not as an "entity" somewhere out there... but because it exists in the mind of the majority (Christians+Muslims = almost half of mankind... and they are not the only people believing in God)
Now, maybe my perspective would be clearer if I were to explain a bit more on why I consider we're living in the "End of Times" and that the Revalation is to come in this period... and that we can thus name it...
Hollywood (noticably) has lead most people to see "the End of Times" as "the end of the world", while I tend to read the words that are written... "End of Times" is not equal to "end of the world" since "Time" and "world" are not synonyms... Sorry, Hollywood : does not compute!
I think logic and not faith (beliefs/trust) can allow to understand the expression "End of Times". In the beginning, humans were living in a "Garden" : an intimate place, where you never meet a "stranger". In other words, humans, the first Sapiens, were all living in the same region. They probably all had the same language, the same rythm of life, the same beliefs, the same "calendar"... And I consider they believed in the Universal Mother (see my thread about it "The book of Genesis"), which was the "Primordial Time"... a singular "Time".
Then we "left the Garden" : humans spread and their languages multiplied and fructified (which is all that Life does and God asks many time to everything to fructify and multiply, which proves this God was/is not a bad biologist). At that point, we entered in "The Times"... a plural Time. Everyone had their own "calendar".
Modern era has seen a "return" to the "Garden" : all stock exchanges/computers are synchronised, so there's again a singular Time. Everyone is brought into contact with everyone as the web expands to the whole world progressivly. Also, just like in the beginning, a disaster affects everyone, which was not the case in the mean Times... Also, there are languages that are spoken all over the world : english, for many matters, or binary, for instance and there are projects for an universal language. I don't think people could forsee earthquakes thousands of years ago, but I think they were just as capable as we are of predicting such things as "that time when a planetary system will emerge" / "that time when it will be very similar to the early days from a certain perspective"...
Then, although this is harder to explain and requires to consider we lived in a Matriarcal society in the early days which collapsed from understanding the link between sexuality and reproduction.
If you understand things from this perspective, the collapse of the cult of the Universal Mother lead to the beginning of agriculture and animal breeding, as well as the institution of mariage. And at that point, the words "Man", "Woman", "Children",... all had to be redefined. This reboot of the conception of ourselves would have been the End of Time, the beginning of Times. And redifining "man", "woman", "child",... was the deep goal of civilisation.
Genetics and other recent science are the tools that were needed to understand what a "man" is for instance. You have to admit until the microscope was invented, none could prove men had a role in procreation. There was no reason to refute the possibility it happened by magic. Now that we've seen it, we can really make the affirmation that the seed of the man enters the seed of the woman and doesn't just "stimulate" something, but really intervenes and affects the process. Now we have the tools to be certain that a man's genetic traits are transmitted. Until now, we could only "believe" in what seemed to be the case, but didn't have the tools to firmly eliminate other possibilities.
And at the same time that the question of understanding properly "man", "woman", "procreation",... we see new categories of being pop into existence : IA, GMO, Networks,... The new great question that should lead civilisation for the next eras...
We are also at a crucial Time – singular Time – since we're about to go into space. Now is the Time we establish a definition of those concepts and we can expect that Time will split again later on : there will be "Times" – plural times – if some humans live on other planets.
I'll remind everyone I'm not a native speaker... What I tried to express is that the concrete thing that is the closest to God is Life. Certainly, God is by definition not concrete, but it seems to me the word "Life" can replace the word "God" in those things that are said about God in various cultures.
So, this lead me to consider understanding Life is the best thing we can dig into to understand God. And I do consider we have to understand God : not because he/it exists ot not as an "entity" somewhere out there... but because it exists in the mind of the majority (Christians+Muslims = almost half of mankind... and they are not the only people believing in God)
Now, maybe my perspective would be clearer if I were to explain a bit more on why I consider we're living in the "End of Times" and that the Revalation is to come in this period... and that we can thus name it...
Hollywood (noticably) has lead most people to see "the End of Times" as "the end of the world", while I tend to read the words that are written... "End of Times" is not equal to "end of the world" since "Time" and "world" are not synonyms... Sorry, Hollywood : does not compute!
I think logic and not faith (beliefs/trust) can allow to understand the expression "End of Times". In the beginning, humans were living in a "Garden" : an intimate place, where you never meet a "stranger". In other words, humans, the first Sapiens, were all living in the same region. They probably all had the same language, the same rythm of life, the same beliefs, the same "calendar"... And I consider they believed in the Universal Mother (see my thread about it "The book of Genesis"), which was the "Primordial Time"... a singular "Time".
Then we "left the Garden" : humans spread and their languages multiplied and fructified (which is all that Life does and God asks many time to everything to fructify and multiply, which proves this God was/is not a bad biologist). At that point, we entered in "The Times"... a plural Time. Everyone had their own "calendar".
Modern era has seen a "return" to the "Garden" : all stock exchanges/computers are synchronised, so there's again a singular Time. Everyone is brought into contact with everyone as the web expands to the whole world progressivly. Also, just like in the beginning, a disaster affects everyone, which was not the case in the mean Times... Also, there are languages that are spoken all over the world : english, for many matters, or binary, for instance and there are projects for an universal language. I don't think people could forsee earthquakes thousands of years ago, but I think they were just as capable as we are of predicting such things as "that time when a planetary system will emerge" / "that time when it will be very similar to the early days from a certain perspective"...
Then, although this is harder to explain and requires to consider we lived in a Matriarcal society in the early days which collapsed from understanding the link between sexuality and reproduction.
If you understand things from this perspective, the collapse of the cult of the Universal Mother lead to the beginning of agriculture and animal breeding, as well as the institution of mariage. And at that point, the words "Man", "Woman", "Children",... all had to be redefined. This reboot of the conception of ourselves would have been the End of Time, the beginning of Times. And redifining "man", "woman", "child",... was the deep goal of civilisation.
Genetics and other recent science are the tools that were needed to understand what a "man" is for instance. You have to admit until the microscope was invented, none could prove men had a role in procreation. There was no reason to refute the possibility it happened by magic. Now that we've seen it, we can really make the affirmation that the seed of the man enters the seed of the woman and doesn't just "stimulate" something, but really intervenes and affects the process. Now we have the tools to be certain that a man's genetic traits are transmitted. Until now, we could only "believe" in what seemed to be the case, but didn't have the tools to firmly eliminate other possibilities.
And at the same time that the question of understanding properly "man", "woman", "procreation",... we see new categories of being pop into existence : IA, GMO, Networks,... The new great question that should lead civilisation for the next eras...
We are also at a crucial Time – singular Time – since we're about to go into space. Now is the Time we establish a definition of those concepts and we can expect that Time will split again later on : there will be "Times" – plural times – if some humans live on other planets.