I love the audience shots.. They are all so... what is a good word for spinning in their graves but still alive???
Well I hope all of these 'educated' people follow their leader and vote trump.. Maybe we can have a Regan/Mondale walk away.
I REALLY Don't like Michael Moore, but I think he gets it. I think he gets, the facade that is the business as usaul (Politicians positioning themselves to cash in on their power; Per the Clinton's model, and Obama's statement to become the first billionaire president after his term in office) and F' the rest of the country. By making bad trade deals and policies that do damage to the country long term. Moore's example in using trump/Ford execs shows that Moore sees the absolute desperate position we are in, in this election and without a stabilizing finical platform, this country and all that it ever was will fall, forcing us to unite into one global market. (which just so happens to be on cue with scripture.)
Don't get me wrong I am for rushing in judgement day, but at the same time I would like to check a few more things off my bucket list first please. Maybe you d-bags can take a cue from one of your leaders and hold off armagedon maybe 4 more years (8 would be nice, but I know most of you are dying to have that chance to be judged and try and spit in jesus' eye.)
If not for me then think of the children.
oh, and Watch the video Moore does make some valid observations.
I love the audience shots.. They are all so... what is a good word for spinning in their graves but still alive???
Well I hope all of these 'educated' people follow their leader and vote trump.. Maybe we can have a Regan/Mondale walk away.
I REALLY Don't like Michael Moore, but I think he gets it. I think he gets, the facade that is the business as usaul (Politicians positioning themselves to cash in on their power; Per the Clinton's model, and Obama's statement to become the first billionaire president after his term in office) and F' the rest of the country. By making bad trade deals and policies that do damage to the country long term. Moore's example in using trump/Ford execs shows that Moore sees the absolute desperate position we are in, in this election and without a stabilizing finical platform, this country and all that it ever was will fall, forcing us to unite into one global market. (which just so happens to be on cue with scripture.)
Don't get me wrong I am for rushing in judgement day, but at the same time I would like to check a few more things off my bucket list first please. Maybe you d-bags can take a cue from one of your leaders and hold off armagedon maybe 4 more years (8 would be nice, but I know most of you are dying to have that chance to be judged and try and spit in jesus' eye.)
If not for me then think of the children.
oh, and Watch the video Moore does make some valid observations.