Just musing to myself about all the religious expressions that I use despite being an atheist, so thought I'd post a few and invite y'all to join in. Might even pick up a few new ones [emoji38]
Fucking hell
Go to hell
Jesus Christ!
Jesus H Christ
Oh my god!
Christ on a bike
When hell freezes over
Snowballs chance in hell
Is the pope catholic?
For the love of god
Amen to that
Better the devil you know
I'm in heaven
You're an angel
The devil is in the details
That's karma
Bless you
Fucking hell
Go to hell
Jesus Christ!
Jesus H Christ
Oh my god!
Christ on a bike
When hell freezes over
Snowballs chance in hell
Is the pope catholic?
For the love of god
Amen to that
Better the devil you know
I'm in heaven
You're an angel
The devil is in the details
That's karma
Bless you