Catholicism would actually be the most likely controlled Christianity
December 31, 2016 at 11:50 am
(This post was last modified: December 31, 2016 at 11:51 am by Rolandson.)
When i ... ehem considered going to Christianity i realised Catholicism would more or less make the most literally point of being the one direction. Although they are super rich, then again Jesus didnt mind if it was to his honour from what i remember some person bought perfume for him or was it oil i dont remember and he said something like "you may always have each other but you may not always have me". So it wouldnt surprise me if people uses this to sorta enrich the church.
I actually considered orthodoxy for awhile. And then you had Islam. And while yes its pure nonsense i will just share my story on this.
Islam have satanic verses problem, you have maybe 10 people i think of indipendent sources, maybe 5 was authentic quickly rushed sources meaning that muslim leader shared it but didnt have source from the companion. In either case i found the historicity of the argument of it being true most likely, because there are several factors 1: Sahih al bukhari most trusted authentic hadith collection actually records the event, well minus mentioning that Satan has said the stuff to muhammad. But the thing with all bowing down, jinn, pagans i think muslims too. In either case the event was more or less in that. 2: Its also mentioned in the quranic book, not the exact detailed verse but its mentioned somewhere of it being done as a test when satans word came or something. I am too lazy to search it up but its in there. 3: i did give a theory that maybe they got the ideas from the hindus because they actually have a prophecy which may be 2000 or older years old about muhammad being possessed by a demon. So they may have made that story up to undo it. This was my theory for awhile but then i thought if Muslim leaders are liars then they arent actually honest people so that would be unlikely.
In any case this only became a problem later on when the idea of prophets cant do any wrong became cannonized i think 200 years later, that is when theologians became more aware and saw this as a problem.
In any case now i have given reasons on that, now let me talk about Orthodoxy or other stuff.
Orthodox Christianity dont believe the pope in rome has all authority over Christendom, they believe in patriarchy which is 5 church leaders but not one ruling over others. Here is why i think they are wrong.
I read the Gospel of Mark with "Who do you say i am" Peter says "I say you are Christ" Jesus says "Tell no one" and thats where it ends.
Now its a funny story with this, because Gospel of Mark was written by Mark, but it wasnt Mark's words. According to tradition Mark was a scribe of Peter aka the first Pope. So if he was the first pope why wouldnt he mention something so important in there if it had significant role. So for awhile i actually thought Catholicism was not the correct Christian path. But then i thought. According to tradition Matthew was inspired by an angel when he wrote Gospel of Matthew,
Matthew 16:18
And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”
This is what catholics use to justify papacy of oneness of church through popes as being the authority and one ruler of the church. Basically even if Peter didnt know and he was unaware i used to think it was the will of God that having this oneness through Peter was true. And if other evidence of history disaproved it. Then its all been in vain, but as to believethe words in the bible i said to myself. Catholicism made the most sense.
And i know what you may think. What about Zeus, thor???
Well i just used the typical well what will they do for you? I had a really authoritarian mindset on pure lifestyle choice, i wanted God as a guidance towards purification of evil and that would give peace and prosperity through giving and not taking, through purity. Considering the pagan world was made for desires and i used the devil as a reason for why they existed and that true creator would not be like this because they will fall astray as the bible says. Well that was atleast what i thought back then.
Well that was the path, well til i just stopped and thought for a second about psalm 2 and Luke 19:27. Then it was officially over for me. Now i am just a weakminded theist who wants to be good to others and live like that and of course not eat bad food and be active.
Well, thats my story how i got to where i am now. Let me know what you think. And sorry for a long boring wall of text.
I actually considered orthodoxy for awhile. And then you had Islam. And while yes its pure nonsense i will just share my story on this.
Islam have satanic verses problem, you have maybe 10 people i think of indipendent sources, maybe 5 was authentic quickly rushed sources meaning that muslim leader shared it but didnt have source from the companion. In either case i found the historicity of the argument of it being true most likely, because there are several factors 1: Sahih al bukhari most trusted authentic hadith collection actually records the event, well minus mentioning that Satan has said the stuff to muhammad. But the thing with all bowing down, jinn, pagans i think muslims too. In either case the event was more or less in that. 2: Its also mentioned in the quranic book, not the exact detailed verse but its mentioned somewhere of it being done as a test when satans word came or something. I am too lazy to search it up but its in there. 3: i did give a theory that maybe they got the ideas from the hindus because they actually have a prophecy which may be 2000 or older years old about muhammad being possessed by a demon. So they may have made that story up to undo it. This was my theory for awhile but then i thought if Muslim leaders are liars then they arent actually honest people so that would be unlikely.
In any case this only became a problem later on when the idea of prophets cant do any wrong became cannonized i think 200 years later, that is when theologians became more aware and saw this as a problem.
In any case now i have given reasons on that, now let me talk about Orthodoxy or other stuff.
Orthodox Christianity dont believe the pope in rome has all authority over Christendom, they believe in patriarchy which is 5 church leaders but not one ruling over others. Here is why i think they are wrong.
I read the Gospel of Mark with "Who do you say i am" Peter says "I say you are Christ" Jesus says "Tell no one" and thats where it ends.
Now its a funny story with this, because Gospel of Mark was written by Mark, but it wasnt Mark's words. According to tradition Mark was a scribe of Peter aka the first Pope. So if he was the first pope why wouldnt he mention something so important in there if it had significant role. So for awhile i actually thought Catholicism was not the correct Christian path. But then i thought. According to tradition Matthew was inspired by an angel when he wrote Gospel of Matthew,
Matthew 16:18
And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”
This is what catholics use to justify papacy of oneness of church through popes as being the authority and one ruler of the church. Basically even if Peter didnt know and he was unaware i used to think it was the will of God that having this oneness through Peter was true. And if other evidence of history disaproved it. Then its all been in vain, but as to believethe words in the bible i said to myself. Catholicism made the most sense.
And i know what you may think. What about Zeus, thor???
Well i just used the typical well what will they do for you? I had a really authoritarian mindset on pure lifestyle choice, i wanted God as a guidance towards purification of evil and that would give peace and prosperity through giving and not taking, through purity. Considering the pagan world was made for desires and i used the devil as a reason for why they existed and that true creator would not be like this because they will fall astray as the bible says. Well that was atleast what i thought back then.
Well that was the path, well til i just stopped and thought for a second about psalm 2 and Luke 19:27. Then it was officially over for me. Now i am just a weakminded theist who wants to be good to others and live like that and of course not eat bad food and be active.
Well, thats my story how i got to where i am now. Let me know what you think. And sorry for a long boring wall of text.