(August 31, 2017 at 7:45 am)ignoramus Wrote: If the world's climate is heating up, why is there still snow?

No fucking shit and BINGO...
It is selection bias and sample rate error, "It is cold today so climate change is a hoax".
These morons don't understand that it is the same simple math principle taught in fucking middle school math classes of adding up numbers and dividing them by the total sample.
The ice caps are melting, that puts out more moisture into the atmosphere just like if you leave a glass with cold water in ice in the hot sun, eventually you see not only the ice melting in the glass, but the condensation on the outside of the glass.
Climate change isn't just stating that the average temps worldwide are rising, they are. They still fluctuate up and down, but up on a long term trend. I remember my winters growing up being far longer than they are now. Climate change isn't from day today as far as data, but averages over long periods of time.
Climate change isn't just about heat, or more hurricanes, but more intense snowstorms from polar air being released from the rise in temperature, thus even creating more intense cold and more intense snowstorms. No different than opening up a industrial freezer door and feeling the rush of the cold air. Problem is just like an air conditioning unit, you stress the unit out enough it breaks down. Just like if you leave your freezer open on your fridge, the cold air may come out for a while, but leave it open long enough the unit breaks down.