The Glorious Republic of Haiti! Proud to be their neighbor and ally!
An inspiring history for sure. It was the island on which Columbus first set up a colony and immediately subjugated the native peoples. Africans were imported in large numbers to work sugar cane fields. Soon, the ratio of African slaves was 10-1 of the white slave owners. Inspired by the French Revolution and the words of slave holder Thomas Jefferson the slaves revolted. They defeated the armies of Napoleon and became the Second Republic founded in the Western hemisphere. The only nation in history founded on a slave rebellion! Jefferson himself, was afraid to acknowledge these brave peoples achievement lest he inspire the slaves of the U.S. to also revolt.
Since then these folks have endured many hardships. Hurricanes, epidemics, corruption, brutal dictatorships. No thanks to most American presidents or religious leaders. Mother Theresa was happy to take the money the Duvalier's stole from their own people. She never acknowledged the source of the filthy lucre or returned it.
Trump issued his idiotic comments on the 8th anniversary of a devastating earthquake. He also (2016 campaign) promised (lied) to be the Haitian's champion.
Haitian immigration to the U.S. has been fruitful for both countries. Prominent Haitian-Americans are:
Jean Baptiste Point du Sable - Founder of the city of Chicago.
W. E. B. DuBois
Henri Ronald Ford - Chief of Surgery Children's Hospital L.A.
Eugene Bullard - First Black U.S. military pilot.
Jean-Michel Basquiat - Artist, whose work has only recently contributed vast sums of money to the world economy (not his).
Charles Reason - Mathematician, first black professor at a white U.S. University.
And, not to be so ethno-centered on Haitians of African descent, we can add:
John Audubon - Naturalist and slave holder in both Haiti and the U.S.
An inspiring history for sure. It was the island on which Columbus first set up a colony and immediately subjugated the native peoples. Africans were imported in large numbers to work sugar cane fields. Soon, the ratio of African slaves was 10-1 of the white slave owners. Inspired by the French Revolution and the words of slave holder Thomas Jefferson the slaves revolted. They defeated the armies of Napoleon and became the Second Republic founded in the Western hemisphere. The only nation in history founded on a slave rebellion! Jefferson himself, was afraid to acknowledge these brave peoples achievement lest he inspire the slaves of the U.S. to also revolt.
Since then these folks have endured many hardships. Hurricanes, epidemics, corruption, brutal dictatorships. No thanks to most American presidents or religious leaders. Mother Theresa was happy to take the money the Duvalier's stole from their own people. She never acknowledged the source of the filthy lucre or returned it.
Trump issued his idiotic comments on the 8th anniversary of a devastating earthquake. He also (2016 campaign) promised (lied) to be the Haitian's champion.
Haitian immigration to the U.S. has been fruitful for both countries. Prominent Haitian-Americans are:
Jean Baptiste Point du Sable - Founder of the city of Chicago.
W. E. B. DuBois
Henri Ronald Ford - Chief of Surgery Children's Hospital L.A.
Eugene Bullard - First Black U.S. military pilot.
Jean-Michel Basquiat - Artist, whose work has only recently contributed vast sums of money to the world economy (not his).
Charles Reason - Mathematician, first black professor at a white U.S. University.
And, not to be so ethno-centered on Haitians of African descent, we can add:
John Audubon - Naturalist and slave holder in both Haiti and the U.S.
God thinks it's fun to confuse primates. Larsen's God!