Disproving Odin - An Experiment in arguing with a theist with Theist logic
March 6, 2018 at 8:37 pm
Huggy74 said that he could present evidence against Odin.
I figured I'd take him up on that. So for the sake of this argument I'm taking on the position of "Odin Exists, and you can't prove to me otherwise." For this topic I will abandon logic in the same way theists do for their god, to defend 'mine'. (Obviously I don't actually believe in Odin. I'm acting as a Devil's Advocate for this experiment) Anyone who wants to join me in debunking his evidence is more than welcome to join. Alternately if someone wants to join his side, and disprove Odin, they're more than welcome to do so as well. This isn't a formal debate. Christians always want us atheists to disprove their god. Now it's their turn to disprove someone else's.
First and Foremost I will state that it is of utmost importance to remember than any stories in the Norse Tales are second hand stories, passed down, and are not in fact the word of Odin himself. Any stories told are simply allegory or misunderstandings of an ancient group of people. Therefore, I will not accept any evidence that debunks Norse Tales--because they are just that. I can easily dismiss all claims to the contrary as "Allegory" much like our Christian friends do. And I have good reason to--after all, the Norse tales aren't the word of Odin himself, like the Bible claims to be the word of god.
Second, I will provide my evidence for Odin: There are no Frost Giants. Odin said he would rid the world of Frost Giants. Clearly he did. Now one might argue that Frost Giants did not exist. But that can't be proven either. And even if they didn't, I can simply fall back on the first and foremost statement: It's just allegory. But given that we don't see any Frost Giants walking around, I can (in theistic logic) attribute that to Odin. (After all, theists attribute miracles all the time, as well as NDE's, and everything else)
Now, I await Huggy's evidence that Odin does not exist. I don't believe he'll be able to disprove it.
I'll take you up on submitting evidence against Odin, I won't break a sweat winning that argument.
Start a thread whenever you're ready.
I figured I'd take him up on that. So for the sake of this argument I'm taking on the position of "Odin Exists, and you can't prove to me otherwise." For this topic I will abandon logic in the same way theists do for their god, to defend 'mine'. (Obviously I don't actually believe in Odin. I'm acting as a Devil's Advocate for this experiment) Anyone who wants to join me in debunking his evidence is more than welcome to join. Alternately if someone wants to join his side, and disprove Odin, they're more than welcome to do so as well. This isn't a formal debate. Christians always want us atheists to disprove their god. Now it's their turn to disprove someone else's.
First and Foremost I will state that it is of utmost importance to remember than any stories in the Norse Tales are second hand stories, passed down, and are not in fact the word of Odin himself. Any stories told are simply allegory or misunderstandings of an ancient group of people. Therefore, I will not accept any evidence that debunks Norse Tales--because they are just that. I can easily dismiss all claims to the contrary as "Allegory" much like our Christian friends do. And I have good reason to--after all, the Norse tales aren't the word of Odin himself, like the Bible claims to be the word of god.
Second, I will provide my evidence for Odin: There are no Frost Giants. Odin said he would rid the world of Frost Giants. Clearly he did. Now one might argue that Frost Giants did not exist. But that can't be proven either. And even if they didn't, I can simply fall back on the first and foremost statement: It's just allegory. But given that we don't see any Frost Giants walking around, I can (in theistic logic) attribute that to Odin. (After all, theists attribute miracles all the time, as well as NDE's, and everything else)
Now, I await Huggy's evidence that Odin does not exist. I don't believe he'll be able to disprove it.
The whole tone of Church teaching in regard to woman is, to the last degree, contemptuous and degrading. - Elizabeth Cady Stanton