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Rob's D&D PbP
Rob's D&D PbP
I ran a D&D game at TTA, and three of the four players wanted to continue it here. I'll move some of the early posts and the latest posts over for continuity. Once I wrap up the current arc, I'll reach out to see if a 4th person wants to join.

Base rules

3.5 edition D&D. Many of the rules can be found on the SRD for free. I'll run in a fairly generic setting of my own. For simplicity, I'll use the standard (Greyhawk) deities found in the PHB (with the extras in Complete Divine).

All 3.5 books are open for use, but just run anything by me, as while I have a lot, I don't have all the books. I'm also fine with any 3.0 prestige classes that don't exist in 3.5, and I'm fine with any 3.0 versions that were reprinted in 3.5 (we might have to update some rules, to match), but again, run it by me. You can ask any questions in this thread or PM.

For starting characters:
  • 32 pt Point-buy for stats. If you're confused how it works, I can explain it, better. Note that you buy your points before applying racial modifiers.
  • Max HP at level 1 (this is the way it normally works, but I'm clarifying).
  • Max starting gold for your class at level 1. I can tell you what that number is, if you don't know.
  • Flaws (up to two) and traits are allowed. They're in Unearthed Arcana and can also be found on the SRD here and here.

House rules

I want to keep this list small, so it's pretty much just base 3.5.
  • Instead of the PHB monk, use this version (also found here in case you're curious where it came from).
  • Any Base Attack Bonus prerequisites for feats are halved, round down. So, Weapon Finesse now has no prereq (BAB +1/2 rounds down to +0), and Improved Critical now has a prereq of +4.
  • Ignore any law/chaos prerequisites for classes. Yes, you can have lawful barbarians now.
  • Any class that must be Good is now dropped to "non-evil" and any class that is Evil is now "non-good". Classes that were previously non-good or non-evil (such as the Hexblade) no longer have this requirement. This means that Assassins can be non-good instead of always Evil.
  • When "rolling" for HP at levels beyond first, instead of rolling the die, you get a static amount, which is half the max + 1 (d4 = 3, d6 = 4, d8 = 5, d10 = 6, d12 = 7). Add your Con mod after, as normal. This is to keep someone from getting penalized by a few bad rolls.
  • Ignore favored class rules and multi-classing XP penalties.
  • Half elves get +1 skill per level (like humans).
  • Remove -2 Cha penalty from half orcs, orcs, goblins and tieflings. Remove -2 Con from kobolds.
  • Everyone gets the three feats for free: Combat Expertise, Power Attack, and Weapon Finesse. You do not need to meet the prerequisites for these feats. They're being added as they all tend to be a "feat tax" of sorts that low level characters are forced to pay, and I'd rather you get to taking feats that are more fun.

Play by Post (PbP) notes

For anyone who hasn't played a PbP game, it's handy because it's in a forum where we already post. It's handy in that we don't have to carve out time where we all have to meet at the same time. It's a pain because they tend to move slowly. There are a few things I'd like to do to help speed things up (I've played in/ran some on a D&D forum elsewhere):
  • I'm not requiring you check every day, or whatever, but the more often you can check the thread, the quicker things move.
  • Any roll of yours that I could make on your behalf, I will, just to speed things up. For example: if Player X posts that they want to open a door and it happens to be trapped, I'll just look up their character sheet and make the Reflex save for them and post the results. This saves two otherwise unnecessary posts (me waiting for their Reflex save, and then my response to their roll). Me rolling these things can literally save days of waiting. That being said, you still get to do all of your own rolls for actions you take.
  • When in doubt, post a roll. Worse comes to worst, I don't need it. So, when posting your attack roll, post your damage too. If you miss, no biggie. If you're announcing you want to Search or Appraise something, just include the skill check right in the post.
  • It's handy if everyone picks a color (and font, if you want) for when your PC talks in-character. It makes it easy for everyone to realize what's being said. Any questions or out-of-character comments can be prefaced with an OOC: tag.
  • Post your character sheet somewhere I can get to it and where you can edit it as you level. I'm not sure how long you can edit posts here, so it will likely have to be hosted elsewhere and linked here. Mythweavers is pretty good for this. This lets me look up your stats as I need, to keep things moving.
  • I'm not super fussy how you handle your rolls. If you want to link to some online roller, use some RNG program online, or roll actual dice and post it here, it's fine. I'm going to trust you not to cheat. Wink
  • I'm not going to try to run a detailed grid for combats. I know it's sort of a big deal for 3E D&D, but I'm generally sick of messing around with doing these things online. I'll do the best I can to communicate where everything is and what you can and cannot reach based on speed or range. Let me know if you feel it's an issue.

Background info

You are all in the mining city of Durnham, on a relatively brisk May morning. The wind is quite cool, despite the sun shining brightly. People are moving about the cobble-stoned streets of the town square, and the clomping of horse hooves is drowning out all but the closest conversations. You see a uniformed guard nailing a poster to one of the main bulletins in the square.

Notes on Durnham, and the surrounding area:

You approach the bulletin after the guard posts the sign. It seems in the past week, five children between the ages of six and ten have gone missing. Two are humans, two are halflings, and one is a half-orc. The addresses of each of the children's parents are listed. Each one of them is located on the south side of the city. The reward is 10 gold for any actionable information that results in the return of the children, and a reward of 50 gold per child safely returned. A few passers-by come and glance at the sign, but a few linger to read it in full. As you finish reading the sign, you realize you are one of four people actively reading it; each of the other three being relatively well-armed, not looking like your average shopper in the town square. You look and see the guard who posted the sign is still walking through the town square, if you have any questions for him.

Khah Reif
Simon Darius Strongblade Esquire
Erus Mortis
Stanis Seymour

Current fight

Commonsensei Wrote:Erus is casting bone fiddle.  If the orc is there on the orc.

Half orc, but I'm assuming that wouldn't stop you.

Fort -> d20+5 = 8. A ghostly fiddle appears over Noth's shoulder, and the bow appears to cut into him -> 3d6 = 10 damage!

Khah -> 1d20+4 = 5
Stanis -> 1d20+2 = 16
Simon -> 1d20+0 = 8
Erus -> 1d20+3 = 17
Amylda -> 1d20+3 = 4
Noth -> 1d20+1 = 8
Darykis -> 1d20+3 = 16
Cathi -> 1d20+8 = 24

Sorted Initiative
Cathi = 24
Erus = 17
Darykis = 16
Stanis = 16
Noth = 8
Simon = 8
Khah = 5
Amylda = 4

Round 1:

Cathi appears, literally out of nowhere, next to Erus. "Lie about me, asshole?!" She stabs at him with her rapier, and an icy duplicate of the blade appears and attacks -> 1d20+7+2+4 = 15
1d20+7+2+4 = 24
Her blade strikes for -> 2d6-1-2 (damage reduction) = 3 damage!
And the icy blade strikes for -> 1d6 = 3 damage!

Concentration check (DC 16) -> 1d20+9 = 10. Cathi's attack disrupts your Bone Fiddle spell.

Erus is up! You're still seated, next to Cathi. Noth and Darykis are both 10 feet away, and Amylda is 15 feet away. All of your companions are within five feet.

Commonsensei Wrote:“You cream-faced Weanch!” Necro holds his freashly cut side "Tonight I feast on your marrow!”

I cast SCARE on Cathi

“Your blood will quench my thirst, and your flesh shall fill my belly!”

Cathi uses Moment of Perfect Mind to use Concentration in place of Will -> d20+9 = 21. She resists the spell.

Darykis backs up five feet and casts Glitterdust (DC 17) on the group.

Simon Will -> d20+5 = 24
Khah Will -> d20+1 = 21
Stanis Will -> d20+5 = 19
Erus Will -> d20+4 = 16

(OOC: Some really good rolls, although poor Erus is getting picked on.)

Erus goes blind (temporarily) from the Glitterdust!

Stanis is up! You're next to Cathi, 10 feet from Noth, and fifteen from Amylda and Darykis.

TheGulegon Wrote:OOC: Can I retro-cast my Summon Instrument at the point in time when Stanis realized Erus was going to attack? If not I may cast glitterdust first, if that's possible without my instrument, then summon up my lute next turn, to begin inspiring my companions.

Stanis, while playing his lute, casts Glitterdust to detonate in amongst Noth Darykis & Amylda, as those 3 are all within 5 feet of one another, but far enough away from the rest of us, for US to be caught within it's range. Hopefully

You can cast Gliterdust this round without an instrument.

The bar is full of glitter! It's fabulous! The three of them attempt to resist:
Amylda Will -> d20+4 = 16
Darykis Will -> d20+3 = 4
Noth Will -> d20+6 = 11

Amylda shields her eyes in time, but the two guys seem to have trouble seeing.

Noth staggers up to where Stanis is staying and attempts to retaliate with his fists -> d20+8 = 24 (concealment due to being blind -> d100 = 19). He misses due to not being able to see.

Simon is up! You're next to Noth and Cathi, and 15 feet from Amylda and Darykis.

zankhellendros Wrote:Gotta get after that Darykis , bonk his magic wieldin brains, Charge stylez

Simon charges -> d20+8+2+2 = 25, and hits for -> 1d8+5 = 11 damage! He's still up, but he stumbles in his blindness.

Khah is up! You're next to Cathi and Noth. Amylda and Darykis are both 15 feet away. Noth and Darykis are both blind (and vulnerable to Sneak Attacks).

Revenant77x Wrote:Khah sneers at Erus "Brilliant plan."

Stabby Stabby on Noth d20+8 Damage 1d6+2 Sneak Attack 2d6

Khah stabs at Noth while he is disoriented -> d20+8+2 = 22, and hits for ->3d6+2 = 14 damage! He looks extremely hurt.

Amylda quickly says "Get out of here!" She hesitates until after Cathi acts...

Sorted Initiative
Cathi = 24
Amylda = 24
Erus = 17
Darykis = 16
Stanis = 16
Noth = 8
Simon = 8
Khah = 5

Round 2:

Cathi jumps into a shadow, and disappears.

Amylda, not worrying about appearing unoriginal also casts Glitterdust (DC 16) on the group and Noth (already blind).

Simon Will -> d20+5 = 8
Khah Will -> d20+1 = 9
Stanis Will -> d20+5 = 10
Erus Will (rolling again, because it could extend the duration) -> d20+4 = 22

Everyone else is unable to see, due to the glitter. You hear Amylda back off to the door.

Erus is up! Despite being blind, you know Noth is next to you, Darykis is 15 feet away, and Amylda is likely near the door.

Commonsensei Wrote:ooc: I've missplaced my character sheet but I believe I have one more level 2 spell.

Erus sneers. Clenching his teeth in anger he utters "Vocans immortui duo plana est. Ossa noctua ferre! " Dark energy flows from his out stretched arm and forming a massive bear like shape on the floor. The sound of bones crackling emerge from the darkened shape. Followed by the sound of a deep squeak.

I cast Summon Undead II I call forth an Owlbear Skeleton. Near what I would believe to be the location of the closest assailant.

[Image: 34861970_1789706714457125_2575929064095219712_n.jpg]

The summoning will take a full round to complete.

Darykis stumbles toward the door -> d3 = 2, and ends up five feet away, next to Amylda.

Stanis is up!

TheGulegon Wrote:OOC: If I can bestow my bardic inspiration on someone without having to see them, I will, on Khah. If not I'll just play music until I can see again.

Stanis summons up his lute and strings out a haunting tune.

So far as I can tell, it affects all allies (and yourself) that can hear you.

Noth wanders toward the door -> d3 = 1, but it doesn't sound like he made it to the door.

Simon is up! Are you going to try and blindly pursue any of them, or were you serious about waiting it out? It sounds like most are near the door, but haven't yet left.

zankhellendros Wrote:i thought they all had made it out the door already, if i can tell they are still in the room but Simon doesnt want to wonder up to some random bar goer and smash his face either. If he Is pretty certain as to the location of the smugglers he would try to act
RE: Rob's D&D PbP
Simon goes to move near the door -> d3 = 3, and he seems to get right there, from what he can tell.

Khah goes to move near the door, behind Simon -> d3 = 3, and he finds Simon waiting by the door.

Sorted Initiative
Cathi = 24
Amylda = 24
Erus = 17
Darykis = 16
Stanis = 16
Noth = 8
Simon = 8
Khah = 5

Round 3:

No one is currently sure where Cathi is.

You hear the door open and Amylda says "Quickly! Go!

Simon attempts an attack of opportunity -> d20+8-2 = 15, but misses. It sounds like Amylda slips through the door.

Right at Erus' action, the owlbear skeleton appears, and attacks Noth (who is closest):
Claw 1 -> d20+6+2 = 15, which hits for -> 1d6+5 = 9 damage! You hear a thud, making you think Noth fell down.

The other two attacks are directed at Darykis:
Claw 2 -> d20+6+2 = 17, which hits for -> 1d6+5 = 6
Bite -> d20+1+2 = 14, which misses.

Erus is up! It sounds like a blind Darykis is still in the building and Noth is down. The door to the street is open, from what you can tell.
RE: Rob's D&D PbP
"Scared are we little girl? The dark things that await you. Death; will be a blessing upon you."

I cast bane
RE: Rob's D&D PbP
Darykis Will -> d20+3 = 19. He saves.
Amylda Will -> d20+4 = 11. She is affected by the spell.

You hear Darykis making panicked noises from in the bar. As he runs toward the door, Khah blindly lashes out -> d20+6+2 = 26 (miss chance -> d100 = 62), and he hits for 1d6+2 = 8 damage! You hear a thud by the door as Darykis hits the ground.

Stanis is up! It sounds like Darykis and Noth are down, and that the two ladies have exited the bar. From what you know about Glitterdust, you expect your blindness will last half a minute or so.
RE: Rob's D&D PbP
(October 2, 2018 at 1:30 pm)RobbyPants Wrote: Darykis Will -> d20+3 = 19. He saves.
Amylda Will -> d20+4 = 11. She is affected by the spell.

You hear Darykis making panicked noises from in the bar. As he runs toward the door, Khah blindly lashes out -> d20+6+2 = 26 (miss chance -> d100 = 62), and he hits for 1d6+2 = 8 damage! You hear a thud by the door as Darykis hits the ground.

Stanis is up! It sounds like Darykis and Noth are down, and that the two ladies have exited the bar. From what you know about Glitterdust, you expect your blindness will last half a minute or so.

Stanis holds his lute by it's neck in his left hand, pulls his Long Sword with his right, attempts to use the weapon as a walking stick on his way to the sound of the most recent 'thud', and will attempt an attack on any lumps on the floor! Attack/Damage - D20+6 / D8+3
Know how ta find a blind man in a nudist colony? It's not hard!
RE: Rob's D&D PbP
(October 3, 2018 at 9:51 am)TheGulegon Wrote:
(October 2, 2018 at 1:30 pm)RobbyPants Wrote: Stanis is up! It sounds like Darykis and Noth are down, and that the two ladies have exited the bar. From what you know about Glitterdust, you expect your blindness will last half a minute or so.

Stanis holds his lute by it's neck in his left hand, pulls his Long Sword with his right, attempts to use the weapon as a walking stick on his way to the sound of the most recent 'thud', and will attempt an attack on any lumps on the floor! Attack/Damage - D20+6 / D8+3
Know how ta find a blind man in a nudist colony? It's not hard!

OOC: It may take longer than just this turn to accomplish, cuz I'll be super careful not to stab somebody who isn't a foe!
RE: Rob's D&D PbP
Stanis makes it up to the closest body on the floor. Probably the easiest way to see who it is would be to try and feel the face and clothes (which I'd say takes a standard action). You're pretty sure Stanis is standing next to Noth.

Simon is up! While still blind, you're next to the door, by Khah. You think Noth and Darykis are lying on the floor, and Amylda and Cathi are somewhere outside.
RE: Rob's D&D PbP
Ooc: Simon
RE: Rob's D&D PbP
(October 3, 2018 at 12:32 pm)RobbyPants Wrote: Stanis makes it up to the closest body on the floor. Probably the easiest way to see who it is would be to try and feel the face and clothes (which I'd say takes a standard action). You're pretty sure Stanis is standing next to Noth.

Simon is up! While still blind, you're next to the door, by Khah. You think Noth and Darykis are lying on the floor, and Amylda and Cathi are somewhere outside.

I suppose a listen check to figure out where to go, best guess ...

If I do get a read make sure I call out just before swinging in case it is some innocent
illusion - a thing that is or is likely to be wrongly perceived or interpreted by the senses.
RE: Rob's D&D PbP
Simon Listen -> d20+2 = 9. You're having a hard time making anything out, with all the noise, other than Amylda likely went outside.

Khah Listen -> d20+7 = 16. Khah moves out into the street, but cannot pick up anything meaningful.

Sorted Initiative
Cathi = 24
Amylda = 24
Erus = 17
Darykis = 16
Stanis = 16
Noth = 8
Simon = 8
Khah = 5

Round 4:

Erus is up! The owlbear skeleton is still in the room with you, although the two opponents in there seem to be out for the count.

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