RE: Treasures from the Houshold of guidance.
October 29, 2018 at 8:39 pm
(This post was last modified: October 29, 2018 at 8:40 pm by Mystic.)
1. Most translations of the word "ahl" is family through out Quran, with exception of "people of the book" and verses like that, where context proves it's not family.
2. As seen in verse 20:29, if the primary meaning was people, and Aaron is surely from the people of Moses, it would have been translated as such by majority of translators, but almost all translated it as family.
3. The reasons people don't translate "family of the reminder" for "Ahlul-Thikr" is due to dark sorcery, yes, and it's one reason I believe in Quran, because despite it's many themes that talk about chosen households, despite in Quran it's found that it says "there has been brought down to you a reminder. A messenger who recites to you the signs of God...", despite all the warnings not to rely other then the rope and handhold of God, despite the emphasis of the chosen leaders of guidance, and that Prophets were not just revelation revealers, but took on positions of being clarifiers, leaders of guidance, and rulers of God and his Kings on earth, despite that, and despite the context of Ulil-Amr in 4:59 flowing so directly to 4:54, and despite how clear it is, people see it as obscure, and I am 100% convinced there is a dark sinister force that hates the family of the reminder, as the family of David/Aaron was opposed in the past.
The proof, just look all the translations of the word through out Quran, and ask why not a single translator remained consistent to translate it as family of the reminder, even Shiite translators.
And despite the many hadiths from Ahlulbayt (as) saying "the reminder is Mohammad and we are his family", the Shiites don't translate it as such. I am the lone Shiite, that is doing this translation.
And despite the thaqalain speech of Prophet, "I am leaving you two weighty things, Quran and my family...the two will not separate even as they return to me at the pond".
Despite that, people can't even consider the possibility of the family of the reminder and you are all witnesses to the allergy of Atlas towards his guides and leaders per Quran, the true possessors of authority from the nation in 4:59, and his turning aside from the family of the reminder thereby betraying all family of the reminders of the past, per paradigm of the Quran.
You witness this, so observe, it's not rational at all. You know it's not. Why oppose the 12 Captains who are supposed to sail the boat of salvation and pledge allegiance to a book although is a guidance, has not guided us till now.
The Book and the chosen leaders of guidance go together, and Suratal Anbiya emphasizes that with respect to the Ahlul-Thikr, and emphasizes on the chosen ones.
And Elyas was the guide of the family of the reminder before Mohammad and his family, and it's that family of the reminder that truly recited the book as it was and preserved it and were to be relied upon.
And it was Elyas who was the witness from the children of Israel that bore witness to Mohammad, and he was the Guide that transition guidance to Mohammad as did Khidr to Moses.
And the family of the reminder in the past, to the present, there has never been a time without them, be the guide hidden or not.
This aligns with the themes of Quran while telling us to ask people of the reminder whether reminder of the past or present contradicts all of Quran and reasoning, and people will never be guided relying on people representing the Quran without going to the family of the reminder.
2. As seen in verse 20:29, if the primary meaning was people, and Aaron is surely from the people of Moses, it would have been translated as such by majority of translators, but almost all translated it as family.
3. The reasons people don't translate "family of the reminder" for "Ahlul-Thikr" is due to dark sorcery, yes, and it's one reason I believe in Quran, because despite it's many themes that talk about chosen households, despite in Quran it's found that it says "there has been brought down to you a reminder. A messenger who recites to you the signs of God...", despite all the warnings not to rely other then the rope and handhold of God, despite the emphasis of the chosen leaders of guidance, and that Prophets were not just revelation revealers, but took on positions of being clarifiers, leaders of guidance, and rulers of God and his Kings on earth, despite that, and despite the context of Ulil-Amr in 4:59 flowing so directly to 4:54, and despite how clear it is, people see it as obscure, and I am 100% convinced there is a dark sinister force that hates the family of the reminder, as the family of David/Aaron was opposed in the past.
The proof, just look all the translations of the word through out Quran, and ask why not a single translator remained consistent to translate it as family of the reminder, even Shiite translators.
And despite the many hadiths from Ahlulbayt (as) saying "the reminder is Mohammad and we are his family", the Shiites don't translate it as such. I am the lone Shiite, that is doing this translation.
And despite the thaqalain speech of Prophet, "I am leaving you two weighty things, Quran and my family...the two will not separate even as they return to me at the pond".
Despite that, people can't even consider the possibility of the family of the reminder and you are all witnesses to the allergy of Atlas towards his guides and leaders per Quran, the true possessors of authority from the nation in 4:59, and his turning aside from the family of the reminder thereby betraying all family of the reminders of the past, per paradigm of the Quran.
You witness this, so observe, it's not rational at all. You know it's not. Why oppose the 12 Captains who are supposed to sail the boat of salvation and pledge allegiance to a book although is a guidance, has not guided us till now.
The Book and the chosen leaders of guidance go together, and Suratal Anbiya emphasizes that with respect to the Ahlul-Thikr, and emphasizes on the chosen ones.
And Elyas was the guide of the family of the reminder before Mohammad and his family, and it's that family of the reminder that truly recited the book as it was and preserved it and were to be relied upon.
And it was Elyas who was the witness from the children of Israel that bore witness to Mohammad, and he was the Guide that transition guidance to Mohammad as did Khidr to Moses.
And the family of the reminder in the past, to the present, there has never been a time without them, be the guide hidden or not.
This aligns with the themes of Quran while telling us to ask people of the reminder whether reminder of the past or present contradicts all of Quran and reasoning, and people will never be guided relying on people representing the Quran without going to the family of the reminder.