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What is it about Trump that has allowed him to acquire so many ardent followers?
RE: What is it about Trump that has allowed him to acquire so many ardent followers?
(June 14, 2019 at 2:43 pm)Aegon Wrote: Your daughters and wives are far more likely to be sexually assaulted or raped by a blood-related family member. There has never been a reported case of a trans person committing assault in the public restroom... . How does that make you feel?

Here’s the closest case I have been able to find that even comes close to fitting the narrative those people are pushing:


It involves a transgender kid taking photos in the boys’ bathroom. And here’s a dissection of 25 different cases claimed to fit the narrative, and almost none of them did. The only one that actually identified as transgender was a Buffalo Bill type who hadn’t yet graduated to making ladies suits out of real ladies. You know, maybe instead of targeting vulnerable minorities, you should try keeping an eye on psychopaths with prior convictions for raping kindergarteners. Can you say “manufactuversy?”

And if you’re at all worried about the idea of a guy assaulting a girl in the boy’s restroom, just remember: if a predator feels the need to assault some poor girl in the girls’ room, there’s no reason to assume he’d bother with changing his gender identity in any way. Odds are, he’ll just do it regardless. Do you really think someone hellbent on committing sexual assault on a stranger in a public place gives a shit about the law?
Comparing the Universal Oneness of All Life to Yo Mama since 2010.

[Image: harmlesskitchen.png]

I was born with the gift of laughter and a sense the world is mad.
RE: What is it about Trump that has allowed him to acquire so many ardent followers?
Also, back to the OP, I’m currently reading volume 1 of Kershaw’s biography of Hitler and here are two pages that talk about the people who became attracted to Hitler and the NSDAP in 1930, when they really started to hit it big; these may be informative:

[Image: 6-BB4-E473-10-BB-43-E1-B7-CA-995-CCD50-D6-BA.jpg]

[Image: 6-CBD125-F-ADDA-4-BA9-8651-274205-D3-EDFE.jpg]
Comparing the Universal Oneness of All Life to Yo Mama since 2010.

[Image: harmlesskitchen.png]

I was born with the gift of laughter and a sense the world is mad.
RE: What is it about Trump that has allowed him to acquire so many ardent followers?
Trump being president just shows that there are a lot of horrible people who have the vote.

You can fix ignorance, you can't fix stupid.

Tinkety Tonk and down with the Nazis.


RE: What is it about Trump that has allowed him to acquire so many ardent followers?
(June 14, 2019 at 2:43 pm)Aegon Wrote: You have to understand that he didn't make up that narrative, it's something that's been thought for decades, and it's reality. To second-guess police shooting of black men is the right thing to do. I know you're not a young man, Drich. The civil rights movement isn't ancient history.
Then you should also know I am not white. I am 1/2 korean and 1/2 white. just enough of one to make the other side hate me most of my life. I understand racism more than most.

and what most of you identify as racism is not. it is white shame or guilt for doing better than other people.
Most people want to attribute the ability to do better as being apart of white 'privilege' but that must only work if you are black... because all other non white races who work their asses off also seem to succeed on a mass racial scale like hard working whites do. For instances the top paying Jobs in the medical field are not always white people. I know for a fact my dad's heart surgery team only the nurses where white. all the open heart surgeon types where of several different races. the lead guy was a full towel head wrap wearing indian. But because whites are the current majority it is easy to say the majority is keeping the minority down, and white guilt allows you to believe this.

again not racism. that is being politically correct. it is PC to think you are racist for simply being successful and white. When in fact it is just numbers... there are more white people so more people who are successful will in turn be white like wise there are also more white failures than there are even black people.. why doesn't white privilege work for them?

Quote: We don't live in a post-racial society.
As I pointed out this is true there is a black sub culture who demands to be given a middle class life without working for it. what makes this a racial element is that they feel only black people deserve this.

Quote:The fact that so many white Americans think we do speaks to how segregated we still are.
We are segregated because black people since MLKJR died want there to be a separation between black people and white. in the subculture I am referring to any way. there are black people like Morgan freedman who do not want to be seperate, he hates the idea of black history month he does not like the terms african american or another PC term that separates black america. He see himself as an american ad want to be treated as such with no special dispensation.

However this is not the norm in black america. the fact that there are words whites can not use... point to a separate culture that black people have and want separate from whites. In that last video I posted the lady made it clear that black people should not be subject to the laws of this country, all laws of this country should be suspended for all black americans. That they should be allowed to make their own laws. Yet stupid white people think it is all about racism on their part. Primarily because most of you do not want conflict or to put in the work it takes to sort these things out. so you are happy with taking blame and hoping that things will blow over.

Quote:We have no idea what the other side thinks...
there is no one single group think/thought process. however there is a majority who belong to this growing subculture of black independance. The white privileges the reparations people the people who want their own laws/BLM ect.. are clearly seen on youtube and other sites like that. For instance Black lives matter has a web site and their manifesto use to be published. In short the what total black independance from the US government/ white america but want the US government to fund their society. what use to be on the main web site can now be found here.

Is that all black people? no but it was the sub culture obama was pushing while in office and what was the fuel for all of those riots.

Again something trump squashed with something as simple as jobs and the lowest black unemployment rate since they have been recording black unemployment rates. Obama could not do as a black leader! Why?

Quote:we just get caricatures. Our opinions and experiences go through so many filters we've lost the ability to connect with one another as human beings.
Agree but it is a problem when the president decides to be such a caricature.
that makes what was a one off main stream!

Quote:You're guilty of it by downplaying the black experience in America. It's draining. I've been guilty of it by being raised a northeast liberal to look down on Southern conservatives. Deconstructing our views is important.
Jerkoff Again 15 years one on one in their homes where they live trying to make a difference was not an issue for me because I grew up in poor places like that it was just life. there was no pc label it was just life for me and I knew how to get out of that shit hole.. however there was a primary difference in their experience, verse mine. was the idea that whites caused this.. (being half white and son to a man who made no effort one way or another to help or hurt black people, knew this was BS) Most white people simply do not care. unless being confronted or unless there is a black person between them and what they want. which can be true between any white person or any ambitious person and what they want.

The truth is far simpler when it comes to the reason the people I dealt with where doom to repeat this cycle of failure. broken homes no fathers no consistent discipline and the access of pot and drugs like if it where candy on top of a community who thinks it is their right to have and use these drugs. A culture who admonishes the smart and intellectual who prises the physically strong and athletic. This alone severely limits ones future prospects if they are not a jerry rice, MJ or kobe. That is what actual life and work in the inner cities showed me. this is not the news speaking this is not some perception I picked up with the other 1/2 koreans I hang out with this is 15 years helping people build their lives has shown me.

Quote:Why do we like trump? 
1 because he is far smarter and can easily manipulate the media into doing what he wants. yes it is a give and take but for the most part trump pushes the group think media outlets into doing things for him they would otherwise never do. My personal favorite win was when on his campaign got them to cover his open galia at his new DC hotel by telling them he was going to admit to the obama birth certificate thing.. they estimated 50 million dollars worth of coverage and at the very end of the night he had a 15 second blurp..
Quote:What goes into intelligence in your opinion? Hearing him speak... you would think his brain development slowed at a young age. I'm not trying to personally attack you, and his politics aren't relevant - he sounds and acts like a child. Not an intelligent man. What do you see in him that's intelligent? I think the media set themselves up and continue to do so, he didn't have to do much but be ridiculous.
Nixon ford Carter, Regan, Bush 1 Clinton bush2 obama... Now you tell me there isn't anyone on this list dummer than trump? what about your peanut man? He started this whole Iran hating american/father of terrorist attacks against the west! because he mishandled the foreign affairs with the middle east tring to fix the oil embargo, then clinton so busy trying to dip his wick in the company ink he defunded the military to the point he turned it into a joke, but at the same time used the remaining resources past the point of straining (black hawk down policing the kurds and the former soviet states trying to kill osama creating the taliban as a result) destroying american manufacturing with nafta ect.. Then obama's blunder with the economy, in that he literally doubled the national debt in 8 years meaning he spent in 8 years the sum total of every administration before him combined! (what did we get? failed obama care I went from 400 a month medical insurance to 2600 a month with a doctor change every time I went at the time I was being diagnosed for cancer so I went alot/2600 happened before my diagnosis) Oh and the douche creates ISIS.

In the first 2 years of trump... All of that was fixed. We now export fuel/energy/natural gas and oil. We are no longer completely dependant on opec to set fuel/oil prices for the market which they tried to crash under obama by selling oil at 100+ dollars a barrel (verses the 52 dollars we are out at this moment and it is dropping.) not ony that he has also renegociated nafta which now generates revenue for this country rather than cost us to do business with mexico and canada.

Fixing your ALL boy's BIGGEST mistakes and doing so in a 10th of the time it took to make them is what I call smart.
Here's the thing.. Smart/geneus is not about spit polish and shine it is the ability to address/identify and fix problems.. another big one was obama's inablity to increase the gdp to show growth! He literally said 1 to 2% growth is the new normal we will never in our life time see a 3% gdp... Trump first year showed 4% growth and it is expected to be higher this year!

You and people like you equate charisma and dialect as your only means of intelligence. if someone does not meet this superficial vain window dressing you think them stupid. Trump knows this and uses this to his advantage. He often times frames himself as a base intellect know that people who see themselves over a base intellect expects a base to act and react a certain way.. and he will give you that rope/slack to form a noose to allow you to think you will hang him with his words or actions but in the end is smart enough to use that effort against those people who sought to inflict their ill will against him.

The russia/muller probe is an excellent example..

Why the F do you think Trump after being accused of being too buddy buddy with putain in a off the cuff comment went all out to crazy compliment the man and everything he does well as president of russia?

The narrative from the fake news? trump is working with them but too stupid to not show his hand by complimenting the russian president openly...

.... Dodgy really?!?!? do you stupid people truly think a man who earned several billion dollars out of a bankruptcy situation doesn't have a poker face???

Now who is stupid? you can't accumulate a billion in net worth by wearing your thoughts on your sleeve.

From the beginning I saw what this fox was doing. and it had to do with full filling his promise to drain the swamp. As this investigation is a non partisan double edge sword when it came to fact finding. now don't get me wrong the synopsis of the facts is very partasin, but the facts themselves un explain would point to internal corruption and a political regime that in parts controls this country with unelected officials. which is exactly what was found! Genius move!

Intelligence is found when you look for it, not when you are told how it should look or sound. that my friend is indoctrination.

Quote:2) He is not owned by any special interest other than his own. that intrest centers around his ability to make money, which is tied to the US economy! which means for him to make money we all make money! we went from .5%GDP growth to 4% when obama said the new normal was .5 to maybe 1% growth!!! Obama said gone are the days of 3% gdp growth! (this means we were in a perminate depression) that we would have to simply learn to tighten our belts!

Quote:That's just not true. He is private interests. Remember when conservatives were outraged at Clinton's relationship with Goldman Sachs? He literally put Goldman Sachs employees in key cabinet positions. The Secretary of the Treasury is literally one of them!!! You're okay with this?
Prior to his confirmation, Secretary Mnuchin was Finance Chairman for Donald J. Trump for President and traveled extensively with the President. He also served as a Senior Economic Advisor to the President in developing his economic agenda.

Prior to his confirmation he also served as Founder, Chairman, and Chief Executive Officer of Dune Capital Management. He founded OneWest Bank Group LLC and served as its Chairman and Chief Executive Officer until its sale to CIT Group Inc. Earlier in his career, Secretary Mnuchin worked at The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. where he was a Partner and served as Chief Information Officer. He has extensive experience in global financial markets and investments.

Dude just work as an exc at sachs at one point. he did a helluva lot of other things in the industry. which should be a mandate for a sec of the treasury! Not some douche bag politician who is holding the position long enough for it to show up on his resume to be a senator or governor.
Quote:I'd also like to live in a fantasy world where a billionaire is somehow hurt when the U.S. economy doesn't do "well," however you measure that.
look retard it is not about doing well/surviving scraping by with a profit! it is about MAXMUMIZING investment dollars and making huge profits!
Again Not a dirty word because when men like that make big money it is doubble down and reinvested which means a whole host of smaller companies are making maximum money as well! You moron act like when those guys make money it is taken from you.. no when those guys make money things like home loans become accessible car loan are made avaible people get raises people get benfits people smart enough to open their own company flourish, because those huge companies open the flood gates!

When times are bad/Obama ecconomy Billionares still make it because they stop spending they stop investing and only invest in sure things like people with super good credit who want a house or people with well established companies verses a start up ect.
Quote: People lost their homes and life savings in the 2008 recession. Trump probably only knew it happened because it's all FOX was talking about. Please dis-spell the myth from your mind that the ultra-wealthy care about our well-being or the condition of the economy as it impacts their own personal wealth. It doesn't make sense.
hey disconnected pawn, trump makes his money in the real estate markets! he probably knew there was a problem months before the rest of us did, and secured his investments and stop lending long long before it hit the point of no return. Again retard Billionare=smartest people on the planet. The fact that he made through the recession and bought the trump DC post office/hotel during obama's depression shows he knew not only when the market was headed for trouble but also knew when it would recover and bought that property just adjacent to the white house for peanuts and had it ready at the same time the economy swung back into the black!

Quote:How do you measure economic success, by the way?
I''ve own my own business since 10/2001 Ive seen bad time hard times and I've seen really really good.

Quote: How have you seen it reflected in your business/personal life? There's more to it than taxes, which, on average, increased for the people who need it to decrease the most.
Since trump was in office our company has literally doubbled. we bought equipment and machinery, we doubble our work staff we float between 10 and 15 people now on average, we got a business loan for the first time we been in business, which allowed me to open a second retail location and stock it with retail cars and trucks. not to mention we have 'savings account' for the first time in almost 20 years... while in obama's last year we where serious discussing shutting everything down. we decided to see if clinton was going to win or if trump would as we know in clinton put in 15 buck an hour we would have to fire 2 guys and could not keep pace with what was left. on top of that we would have to implement layoffs for those make 15 an hour when the work was slow.

Keep in mind I do have 3 employees that make ore than 20 an hour then but to bring up a dummy who is barely able to push a broom and pick up and drop off cars to 15 bucks an hour plus taxes was too much

Not only has our business exploded we have tons of new customers.. meaning people opening businesses as we are a truck refrigeration shop and our customers would be people who need reefer or freezer trucks to deliver product. durning obama i would get 1 to maby 3 calls a week on a new truck mostly by establish companies. now I get 6 to 10 calls a day from complete strangers looking to open anew business!

right now we are 6 weeks out if you order a truck today. it takes a 2 man team two weeks to build a truck. before trump we would never have more than 2 trucks to build at a time. I've got 8 trucks right now in various stages of completion with 4 more funded project on order waiting to be received.
I have never seen it this busy! It started in 2016 with trump moving past the primaries. once it look like he would win we started taking orders and have not stopped.

Example this guy is a french pastry chef who got a disney contract. he said disney commissaries can make something like 15K little pastry tinginys a day they need 20K a day now because of their increased traffic, so they contract him to make 5000 thingies.. just a small mom and pop shop doing a weeks worth of work now every day... Example of a huge company like disney cashing in on the economy and translating that to a big fat payday for some small pastry shop barely scraping by! which again does not mean the own sits on that money. no he reinvests in his business bought equipment inventory and a delivery van... all that stuff he got means increase sale to someone else.

Quote:3) he has done or tried to do everything his campaign said he would do. From draining the swamp to getting out of this stupid parris climate thing to redoing nafta and finishing obama's wall! getting rid of obama care!
Quote:He's not getting rid of Obamacare.

Congressional Republicans last year finally succeeded in repealing the Obamacare requirement that people buy health insurance or pay a tax penalty.

In December 2018, a federal judge in Texas ruled that the repeal of this "essential" part of the law meant the entirety of Obamacare is therefore unconstitutional.

Among the other key issue changes what was once known as obama care is now gone. there are still elements but at the same time there are now limits which obama did not orginally have or want.

Quote: It's still law of the land. Instead, what he's done is carelessly destabilized the market without signing a new comprehensive bill into law, something that every health-related agency (including his own pick for Secretary of HHS) strongly advised not to do, and he's lucky there's a bipartisan measure to stabilize it coming out of the Senate HELP Committee in a few weeks. I work in health care policy in D.C. If you'd like me to share stories about how lobbyists from both sides of the aisle laugh at Trump's health care efforts.. "Who knew healthcare could be so complicated?" The man is just a hurdle in the way of lowering health care costs.
Can't have new health care if the "dims" will not allow it. Trump is only one part of a greater whole that not only have to agree on the policy but also have to write it. We can not fund american health care on borrowed chinese money. which seems to be the only way the dims have for paying for these loft promises that trump has all but defunded.

Quote:I also fail to see how the Wall would be worth the billions taxpayers would shell out for it. Care to explain?
agan sport Obama's wall. Bush started it and during his presidency was only able to complete a few dozen miles of wall, then obama came in also saw the need and also made the statement we need a wall and we need to have people immigrate legally into this country and as a bipartisan effort built over 700 miles of wall in his 8 years. NOTHING trump says about the reason for the wall changed from what obama said about the wall... What was different was mexico was going to pay for it! this pisses people like you off for some reason. Not to mention with mexico now paying import taxes where they where not before, Mexican money is now avaible to pay for the wall that was not befre.

Again just trump being smarter than you douche bags is all this is. and now that the true intentions have come out this has to be about a wall rather than nafta. Which in truth is what was the original agenda. Nafta was/is a dead subject and had bee for almost 20 years, but at the sametime it was a mortal wound to this country's manufacturing industry. Trump wanted rolled back but knew there was no way to make this specifically an issue... But if he took a obama policy like the wall and promised mexico would pay for it, then Everything is back on the table as a means to how mexico pays for the wall.

And like it or not sport Nafta is not free north american trade any more. ask our northern neighbors. hell ask mexico about those import taxes.

Quote:The Paris thing is "stupid"? A bit flippant of a way to refer to a revolutionary climate change fighting deal, but ok.
ask the parisians what they think now dumb ass! it is nothing more than a 1st world country tax used to pay for developing countries to given more modern electric producing capabilities. it is a way to put the jungle on the grid so to speak... rather than having people migrate to the cities they want to bring modern consumerism into a place where there is no infrastructure/way to maintain this life style eccnomically which inturn indentures these 4th world people to their governments and their governments to us! Meanwhile everyone in 1st world countries now pay double their power bill!

IE it's stupid to pay double the power cost just so someone living n the middle of the Amazon can have access to amazon.com.

There are some in france ready to fight the government for the implementation of this "tax" They see it for what it is why can't you all? oh, that's right you have fake state news. and they don't.
“No tax is worth putting in danger the unity of the nation,” said Prime Minister Édouard Philippe, who was trotted out to announce the concession."

Quote:4)he ended ISIS, we are safer concerning N.Korea since before WWII, we are holding iran to account to not having nukes. we solidified our partnership with Israel/got out of bed with Iran. we are no longer on track for becoming apart of the EU. he has enforced out border laws. he makes people imigrate the legal way. and as a first born son/first generation american born citizen from my mom's family, making people imigrate properly is very improtant to me and all of my family, conformity as it ensures integration into society and not disconnect sub cells of people. Meaning we see ourselves as americans with a stake in this country which means we seek to be apart of it by obeying the laws and want to be apart of the process, rather than seeing ourselves as us against the USA.

Quote:Last I checked ISIS still exists and the history of the organization isn't that black and white.
then educate yourself fool as of febuary 2019 the califate (The nation or the last offical land held by the group) was liberated. meaning there is no such 'state' anymore. does it mean there are not displaced fighters? no just like after the taliban was all but obliterated it does not mean all of them died. when ISIS was form the old taliban fighters mighrated over. like wise there are men who still believe in the ideals of the IS but there is no Islamic state any more which is what ISIS stood for.. Get it? no state=no home land or land of islam which mean thereis no islamic state or ISIS. eve if there are displaced people.
Quote:They're not dead or gone. Also, we don't qualify to join the EU...because... do I have to explain why?
BECAUSE THERE IS NO LONGER A CALIPHATE!!! MEaning There is No IS No Islamic state/home land country ect!!! Because freedom fighters under trump where allow to engauge ISIS in a what ever it took way.

Quote: I don't know jack about foreign policy, I'll let that be. But "immigrating properly"? No... no, no there's no proper immigration in this country as long as they feel ostracized.
what nonsense!!! Did you not know anything of history either??? When white immigrated from germany or poland or italy or where ever white people came from 150 years ago in mass, they where ALL OSTRACIZED and de identified as people from one nation or another, when they came here they where expected to know the language, know the history of the country and pledge allegiance which is more than just a mindless chant children do at school. Even before any of those things they where assigned new names as to not be too ethnic diverse. the idea was if you came here you came to be an american and not a italian american or a german american. when you took your oath names wernher von braun became warren brown or antonio became a anthony or tony a philipe' became gay.. that sort of thing, and if one could not adapt or sought to build a subculture and sustain a micro-italy or neighborhood germany they where indeed ostracized by others and eventually those neighborhood where broken up. This was especially true around WWI when all of those european nations where calling all of their colonialist home to fight. America knew it would be in this war sooner or later and did not want to be fighting a civil war

Like wise we had to undergo the same process. while I was born here in the US my mom had to take a written istory test in english before she could get her citizenship papers. Now that she is here she has maybe 4 siblings who think the whole immigration process is stupid, the like the idea of the US but hate the government. They want to come over on visas but none of the siblings here mom included want them here. why? because they want to bring korea to america and refuse to be or work with america or americans.

People who imigrate here the right way tend to care for the country more than people of their home country who might want to be here for the wrong reasons. If people only want to be here for what this country can do for them... do not need to be here.

Quote: FSM Sad Trump's rhetoric causes legal immigrants to choose to go on the defensive against people they assume are against them. Think about the rhetoric and the culture, not legality. You think immigrants who went through a legal process will feel like Americans when brown people are discriminated against for being brown?
Then they can go the F home. if we do not respect our laws and we lead immigrints to believe our actions are based off of how we feel, then why would they do anything beside manipulate the people here to get what they want? why would they ever abide by any laws? what would they respect our laws and our authority if douche bags such as yourself forgo these laws just to place how someone who is breaking the law feels? F- that and F- you. this is a nation of laws and no one person from here or anywhere else is above those laws. if I being a tax paying citizen has to obey all of these laws and I have to live not knowing 1/2 my family because of these laws then by God so too should some one trying to illegally get into this country be made to abide by these same laws.

Quote:Why would they ever feel an ounce of kinship with you, Drich?
F their feelings! Do things the right way!!! Family included!!! They want to come here do so legally. If I want to go there I have to do so legally.. otherwise stay home. This country does not need any ore half asses who can not obey the law. that law is there to filter out people who can not even be bother to wait in line.
Quote: Are you truly welcoming to those different than you? Tell me. Not doubting you, but tell me.
Again moron I welcome anyone who like me pays what is due, what due either being standing in line filling out forms waiting years for an answer or being shown in on a work visa and over years spending off time filling out paper work standing in line. I did not get to where I am at via short cuts. that is what is wrong with most 'dims' they think the rules do not apply. however I found when you play by the rules you get 2xs as far with 1/2 the effort even if it looks like you can get by cutting the line!

Quote:Those evil MS-13 cowards should rot in prison, but it's no secret why they exist. It's not because they're just bad people... life isn't that simple! I'll give you a hint: MS-13 only exists in the U.S., not in El Salvador where many members are from. Why?

Seems like they/ms13 put a body in a car/in el savador and blew it up!

Quote:Stop. "Live and let live"? He's constantly bitter, constantly berating others. What are you talking about? Dude has a chip permanently implanted in his shoulder! It's incredible how we see things so differently.
with obama he polarized and hated people/groups. Obama activly sought out specific groups and supported anti social establishements.
Trump defends himself against individuals.

Its like what I do here.

I do not address anyone specifically with my threads. I put out an idea. if you have questions I will answer them
If you make declarations I will agree or try and correct them
If you come off 1/2 cocked I will come back harder. If you come out to fight then I will met you on the line.

But again my response is metered to yours if my message is allowed to live then so will your question/view point.

Quote:America also wants to go back to not feeling obligated that every american owes black people 40 acres and a mule.. Why not again live and let live? meaning if you personally owned a slave then pay up your 40 acres and a mule! if not and if you where never a slave then learn to simple be decent to one another.. black people should not have to place whites at the same time there needs to be common goals as rules we all must obey as we come together as a society.. meaning the same rules that apply to whites latinos and asians should also be applied to black people when we are all out in public. no one race should be treated differently.

Quote:See my response at the beginning. That's the goal, yes, but to call it reality is disingenuous. Sorry.
Why is it then expected that if you did not own a slave that you should be held responsible for them? what if your famly immigrated after WWII? should whites one or two generation in this country also owe black people 4 acres and a mule?

Why can black people just earn or work for 40 acres and a mule IF that is what they want?
Oh and by the way someone did the math if each black american got his 40 and a mule florida, alabama georgia louisiana and mississippi would be annexed to this new black "state..."

I being a Fl resident have a problem with that as the ideal idea would for me to pay off my house and simply sign it over.

Quote:6)policy... not so much his, but the alternative. There is no middle ground on the left any more. your either want to be a socialist or the option is you don't which means trump. Most of us/trumper know we are the target of 'wealth redistribution.' even if the numbers are high right now. most of us understand and can see a day when middle of the road people will have to pay for the worthless and lazy/educated/can't pay back my student loans meanwhile I got a job out of highschool worked and made money for the first 5 or 10 years and now own my own business in this trade and make 6 or 7 figures while "educated people" want 'the rich undeserving' to pay for their loans and pay them to stay in their moms basements playing fortnight.

Quote:AHA! What is it with middle class conservatives? A tax on those making $10 million and you feel it's coming after you? Are you INSANE? I dont get it!! I dont get it!!
again moron, the guy who has 10 million to work with every year is my dream customer. We have a guy unlike the little french baker who is well established and had huge food delivery at home contracts. (kinda like a meals on wheels for richer people) he order 6 to 10 vans every year. let's say his taxes under the "Dims" cost him just 4.5% more every year... That is his whole new van fleet budget for the year! Meaning I do not get those order which is basically accounts for almost 2 months of lost revenue. Now go to your bank account and delete the last 2 months od deposits. at the end of the year can you still make your bills or will you have to down size? That's if they take an extra 4.5% out of a 10 million dollar guy. what is more likly is if they take 90% out of all of those 10 million dollar guys and realize they do not have enough, so they include 5 million dollar guys then 1 million dollar guys then 500K dollar guys and the 200K guys then anyone not making over 50K at some variable rate... how long before the new middle class is that of greece or cuba or vensulaua or every other fail attempt of socialism on the planet? This crap does not work because the people do not work! if there is no money and I am being taxed more than I can make I am going on government assistance too!

Quote:Also please don't give me that BS. You understand how much college costs when you went VS. how much it costs now, right!!??? 400% increase. 400%. I had $26,500 in student loans upon graduating from a public state university, and my parents paid for a significant portion of it! Tell me what unskilled hourly wage job can pay that off while I'm also a full-time student. Go ahead. I'm listening. In addition, I notice your attempt to strip humanity from young people by acting like they're all losers in their mom's basement playing video games. That's not reality. It might be easier to dismiss our POV if it were reality, but it's not. It's another caricature you've been fed. Are you willing to admit that? Be nice, or I'll raise your health care costs next time I head over to the Hill!


Yeah, I learned a trade, worked it 10 years perfected what I did and at 26 years old started a company that me 20 years later... has me spending most of my day answering atheist questions. making way way more than a buddy 'doctor' of mine who just finished school and owes almost 100k who just turned 40.. my schoolng? covered by a pell grant. I went for a year and 1/2 but for some reason it all came super easy to me graduated welding class over a summer (normally takes 2 years) took a complete automotive course 6 parts (each part was 2 semester's worth of work) finished everyting except my last 2 weeks of auto electronic transmissions in just over a year when I found my forever industry which had nothing to do with any of the courses I took, but the courses gave me the ASE certifications I needed that was a job requirment. so I got the job and learn diesel mechanics, high A/c voltage and low DC voltage electrical/electronics, refrigeration, diagnostics in about two weeks/well enough for them to put me on over night calls (where they call you out of bed to fix stuff on your own/better not wake up the boss asking stupid questions) then had to take the federal EPA 608 and 609 refrigeration test. I came in one day they handed me a stack of books and said test is 8 am tomorrow morning if you want to keep your job past the test. I did first try. then I had to learn how to drive a semi truck an trailer.. rather park them.. another test take the yard truck hook up a trailer and back it around the building and obstacle course you have 3 mins starting now! two other guys where fired that day who started with me.

The cost of my education was not cheap but at the same time did not cost a dollar in fact I made money during my education. not a whole lot most of the stuff in the beginning I was at or a nickle above min wage for almost 5 years of the hardest most back breaking nasty work you could think of. Then a high up mechanic quit. he was making 125K a year in 1995 I was 17 when I got that spot passed a lot of older guys who wanted those accounts. I never worked so hard in my life, first year did not even make 1/2 of what the other guy made but I did make 10 times what I had been making.

17 years old maybe 18 and making 60k a year...

I sacrificed my late teens and all of my twenties to master my trade.. my free time was spent with the church in the inner city working with them. so tell me again how mst of you are not pissing away daddy's money/tax payer money when you default on your loan, learning crap you will probably never use as a manager at mcdonalds because that was the only job on the market for guys who have your degree, because the market is flush with guys like you who also have the same degree you have. Meanwhile 50 to 75 k trade jobs are open and not filled because everyone is going to collage for a high paying white collar job.

well at least you do not have to work outside.. Hehe

7) Clinton was evil and everyone knew it. She was not fooling anyone and we could clearly her tell one group of people one thing and another somethng completely contradictory and when ever confronted... she answered not the question asked but the question she would liked them to have asked! typical politician. 'we' are tired of the political lies. 'we' would rather have someone say something unpopular than lie.

Quote:If you don't see that Trump has done that exact same thing, then you are blinded by partisanship, even if you are right about Clinton. He contradicts himself all the time. You won't admit this?
do you have a documented example?
Or do you mean when he allowed the press to think he was pretended to be on the take with putin?
you do know when asked directly he told the truth...

That is the difference with clinton and trump. he does indeed tell the truth when asked. she denys till no other ocurse can be taken her private email server for example. the fact she had and transmitted top secret documents on her server was another!!!

Quote:That is why trump is given so much forgiveness. Grab a woman by the "p" did he lie about doing it? no he said he said it, but it is locker room talk.. Meh... why? because he is a playboy billionaire not a holier than thou politician. Trump is trump, he is what the constitution writers planned for.. a citizen, not a life long career politician, but a business man who is apart of the great mass of people flaws and all to be appointed leader!

Quote:Oh, so you like your shitty human beings honest? What kind of logic is that, man? Assholes being honest about being assholes should make it easier to discard & dismiss them -- not worship them instead!
I hate liars. I'm not stupid. I can discern things for myself. If I know a truth to be self evident, and a politician is lying or misrepersenting that truth when I know she is lying, then how can I trust her on a subject I may not be as fluent on?

on the other hand if dude admits to being a blow hard and I know he is a blow hard then so what. he is par for the course. so when he says xyz about a subject I know 123 about I do not feel like I am being lied to.

I will grant you this I want neither as my preist, but would pick trump as my resident again!

Quote:8)preservation of the US constitution as the forefathers planed it. know it or not on the left there is a huge movement to stifle free speech freedom of religion and the right to bear arms. with a "dim in office the supreme court was to empty out for fresh blood on the "dims' side (albeit they justices are supposed to be neutral) Clinton vowed to fill the court who saw the constitution as a 'living document.' Trump vowed and has made choices to the bench that maintains the constitution and bill of rights as they where originally written.
Quote:Can you imagine using a document from the 18th century to dictate law in a world that is virtually unrecognizable compared to when it was written? Don't you think that's a little silly? Imagine if we hadn't updated any laws in regards to technology since 1980. It'd be a little stupid, wouldn't it?
wow.....wow, wow wow.....
truths do not need to be 'up dated sport. what else doesn't need to up dated human rights, personal liberties and FREEDOM! Jesus Christos there sport do you not understand what is being up dated is subject to the government whim? You are exchanging total freedom of speech for "reasonable speech"=Governement approved speech...

So then sport what happens if TRUMP said it is not ok or it is not reasonable to say anything negative about the POTUS? IE it is a HATE CRIME to say anything negative about the POTUS? That your effort here just on this thread is enough to get you 5 years, but because it is now a hate crime you get 15 years in a federal prison for what you said???

"reasonable speech is government regulated speech sport what happens when the government is not flooded with your people and decides you are the unreasonable one?

Freedom is the ability to say whatever you like. why would you give this up? just because it is a 18th century concept? don't you know those men who conceptualized this came from a paradigm where what you want (reasonable/government approved speech) had just fail/sparked a revolutionary war?

Quote:10) trump ties us to our proud past or the parts of our past we can be proud of rather than shaming everyamerican for every sin our forbearers made. we are the hard working calluses hands sore sun burned back of this country and we will not be told what is right by people who put men in dresses in the same bathroom as a little girl. Again not that we have to hate that broken man, but at the same time we do not have to put our children and wives in danger for the sake of people who want to pretend there is nothing at all wrong with this. We are tired of the nut bags telling common sense folk what is right and what is wrong. Again common sense people don't have to hate anyone. that is what nut baggers do (if it is not the same hate it/make them feel unwelcome and not part of the club) however at the same time if you do not want to play by society's rules then you also should remove the expectations of polite society.
Quote:Your daughters and wives are far more likely to be sexually assaulted or raped by a blood-related family member. There has never been a reported case of a trans person committing assault in the public restroom... . How does that make you feel?
here is a 5 year old being sexually assaulted:

here is a 10 year old girl getting attacked by a man pretending to be a woman in the bathroom:

here is another dude wear womens cloths in a bathroom taking pics of real women doing their business

here's one that raped a real woman:

You are 1/2 right though... you will never find a new story that says a transgendered person raping another you will only find transgendered people getting assaulted.. why? because if a transgendered person rapes or does anything wrong... they are men dressed as women and not transgendered by the lying PC media and people who have no scruples. If you google man dress as a woman bathroom assault you get 5 new storys a day.. the only transgender bathroom assault is when two women (real) kick some dress wearing dudes ass for being in the wrong bathroom!
RE: What is it about Trump that has allowed him to acquire so many ardent followers?
[Image: z-funny-73-1.jpg]
RE: What is it about Trump that has allowed him to acquire so many ardent followers?
Hey, Drich, I'm glad your business is going well. :-)

RE: What is it about Trump that has allowed him to acquire so many ardent followers?
The reefer business is always good during the summer
RE: What is it about Trump that has allowed him to acquire so many ardent followers?
Maybe you should stick your head in a reefer. What's between your ears is starting to smell funny.
RE: What is it about Trump that has allowed him to acquire so many ardent followers?
(June 18, 2019 at 3:44 pm)Anomalocaris Wrote: Maybe you should stick your head in a reefer.   What's between your ears is starting to smell funny.

derpa derpa dooo!
RE: What is it about Trump that has allowed him to acquire so many ardent followers?
Looking at your sources for the transgender bathroom scare.

NBC news story about gender fluid assault in Georgia: not finding much more information than what is in the story. Could be accurate, could not be. Bizarrely, despite the Trump administration promising to investigate this, not a word has come up since October.

Lifesite news story about 10-year-old in England getting assaulted: seems to be legit, but bear in mind (my source was the Courier article cited by the lifesite one): the assailant was a pedophile who had done other creepy shit in the past; this might be a bigger red flag than transgender identity.

Canoe article about drag-wearing voyeur in Greenville: absolutely nothing I found suggested that Shawn Hallett played the gender identity card.

Casper Star-tribune article about assault in Yosemite: not only is there no indication that Jackson Coombs ever identified as transgender, but I can’t find any indication he even bothered to dress in drag.

This leads me to a major point you utterly fail to take into account: if you want to stop women and girls from being sexually assaulted in bathrooms, keeping trans women out will do nothing to stop that. You’ve managed to find one corroborated story (exactly one of two I’ve ever found) that fits the “transgender person using their identity to invade women’s spaces to assault them” narrative. And it’s worth noting that in both confirmed cases, the assailants had some serious issues beyond their gender identities. You know what I’ve heard about more than twice, however? Women being assaulted in the ladies’ rooms by men not even trying to present as female. Here’s one example as related by a someone who went through it.

I’m not going to pretend that every trans person is truly blameless, but given how few cases of this particular claim hold up to scrutiny, I seriously have to ask: is this really worth denying an entire group of people the right to take a leak outside their own homes?
Comparing the Universal Oneness of All Life to Yo Mama since 2010.

[Image: harmlesskitchen.png]

I was born with the gift of laughter and a sense the world is mad.

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