Richard Dawkins, Jerry Coyne, and Stephen Pinker have resigned from the Freedom From Religion Foundation due to a disagreement over trans issues.
The FFRF recently issued a statement that ends with the conclusion "A woman is whoever she says she is."
Dawkins, Coyne, and Pinker still hold to the older view, that the things we believe to be true must be backed up by objective evidence. While acknowledging that gender is a spectrum, and in part a social construct, they hold that sex is something that objective empirical evidence can know. Just saying you're a woman, or just feeling it very strongly, is not enough, according to these "science-only" types.
Although Coyne is an honorary member of the FFRF board, his rebuttal to their announcement was removed from their website.
These three used to get a lot of attention on atheist web sites. It's interesting to see how our beliefs have moved on now, and how we hold that not all true statements require objective evidence. I suppose it's not surprising that the old guys get left behind.