RE: Anti-Hijab movment in Iran
September 24, 2022 at 6:17 am
(This post was last modified: September 24, 2022 at 6:18 am by Leonardo17.)
My view on these issues is a little strict. A price has been paid in Europe before the authority of the church has been diminished and the governments of Europe have adopted 100% Laicity and secularism. I am talking about religious wars and bloodshed here. The reason why the American Government is so tolerant on religious issues can be understood as a will to avoid all these wars of religion of the 16th and 17th Century in Europe. Still you can see how the catholic church (not current pope thank to God but more ancient popes) and worked to increase their political influence through organizations like the Opus Dei who is said to have controlled 50% of the Legal System in Spain one or two decades ago.
Religion by definition is a matter between God and the believing individual. It’s not even a social matter. It’s an individual matter. And if man of religion, priests, mullas, İmam’s etc. are given powers outside of the religious sphere, let’s say in the area of education, they will inevitably use this power to gain some sort of political power also. Because this is human nature, or as Freud would put it, the nature of the male specie. We like power. We are addicted to power. So consciously or unconsciously it is our nature to be always willing to gain more power and more control over the life of other people. And if you give these means to men of religions, priests, or İmams etc. let’s say in the areas of schools and education, they will inevitably start creating their armies of brainless zombies in order to impose “a more pious government” on the rest of society.
So no: I mean yes, we can be God-loving, God-believing societies. But no: There cannot be any form of religion or any form of religious morality in the functioning of any aspects of government.
And my very strict view is that: - No. There cannot be religiously oriented schools either. Universities, maybe. Schools, definitely not. I know there are catholic, Muslim etc. high schools in the USA. See, this is the difference between secularism and Laicity. İn this sense I am pro-laicity. (Of course you have the right to teach religious matters to your kids, but you simply have to do it outside the school building, you can send them to a Kuran Course if you like, if you do that’s your personal choice).
- We will all die one day aren’t we? These death are deplorable and completely unnecessary in the 21st century. But this is their level of intelligence. They will get it some day but they are obviously not getting it today

. So their might be a price to pay. Even here, in my country, because these people are fanatical to the point at which they are even insulting the very founders of the Turkish Republic.
So we must see such events as lessons. Some they there will be pupils in classrooms looking at their history books through their E-book readers etc. and they will say: - See this is the usage of religion in the public sphere. This is how men of religion have used religion against the very people religion was meant to serve. And see, this is what happened every time when their where allowed to have some sort of political power in any geography, in any time in history. So this is why we became secular and this is why we are upholding the principle of laicity.
I am not being insensitive here. In fact I would not be lying if I tell you how said I am when I am thinking of the level of Karma that there so called “people in the government” of the Islamic Republic of Iran have accumulated in the past 40 years. Seriously, I am glad I am not them
But there is also a truth that we are learners in this world, and sometimes, societies really have to try something before they understand its total B.S. (like Putin, for instance).
So our thoughts are with you. I really hope those A.H.’s can understand how stupid their entire belief system is. I hope that they can understand how grave their mistake is.