Regarding the news story about Ameneh Bahrami who was disfugured and blinded by the man she turned down a marriage proposal to... who took the option in law to have her perpetrator blinded with acid in retribution.
Lots of interesting discussion stemming from it. The sentance is on hold due somewhat to international condemnation, and there's an attempt to raise money for compensation which the victim may accept.
The death penalty in some US States is retributary
Killing OBL was retributary
"An-eye-for-an-eye-for-an-eye-for-an-eye ... ends in making everybody blind" - Mahatma Gandhi.
Retribution isn't for the state
Lots of interesting discussion stemming from it. The sentance is on hold due somewhat to international condemnation, and there's an attempt to raise money for compensation which the victim may accept.
The death penalty in some US States is retributary
Killing OBL was retributary
"An-eye-for-an-eye-for-an-eye-for-an-eye ... ends in making everybody blind" - Mahatma Gandhi.
Retribution isn't for the state