There is no economic crisis.
The news is full of hysteria and dread as to how much of a an economic crisis the world is in. Rome trembles. So to speak.
I submit that it is all part of the social manipulation that is at work on us by the media. They only focus on the debtors and ignore the lenders.
These lenders are in actual control of the economy.
If mankind wants to end the so called economic crisis, all mankind need do is rein in those run away rich lenders.
Let us not forget, those nations in debt; Greece comes to mind, should also be made to come to heel on it‘s extravagances.
Woe to the rich. The tax man cometh.
If there were an actual economic crisis, it would be the lenders in the news and not the debtors.
The news is full of hysteria and dread as to how much of a an economic crisis the world is in. Rome trembles. So to speak.
I submit that it is all part of the social manipulation that is at work on us by the media. They only focus on the debtors and ignore the lenders.
These lenders are in actual control of the economy.
If mankind wants to end the so called economic crisis, all mankind need do is rein in those run away rich lenders.
Let us not forget, those nations in debt; Greece comes to mind, should also be made to come to heel on it‘s extravagances.
Woe to the rich. The tax man cometh.
If there were an actual economic crisis, it would be the lenders in the news and not the debtors.