RE: So what happened?
July 25, 2019 at 12:44 pm
(This post was last modified: July 25, 2019 at 12:45 pm by Drich.)
(July 25, 2019 at 2:36 am)Mathilda Wrote:nice to see yu have caught up to the second 1/2 of my ORIGINAL explanation of how this is indeed perpetual motion in motion. SEALED SYSTEM means the water and steam are recaptured condensed and reused mathie.(July 25, 2019 at 2:22 am)Peebo-Thuhlu Wrote: Like, for example, in Drich's reply to me they posted about a 'Heat exchanger' being placed at the bottom of the hole.
Uhm... I'm pretty sure a heat exchanger neeeds a good differential of temeperature (Hot on one side, cold on the other) to work well. Putting it in nothing but heat or cold and it'l not do much of anything.
Not to mention that he hasn't realised that the heat energy in the water needs to be lost to the system in order for it to be efficiently pumped down again which means that the system is finite and therefore not perpetual.
Do you know how a nuclear power plant works? that is cartoon number two.
In cartoon number two the fission reactor is the heat source that makes steam that ushes a turbine. this stem can not be vented (as some times it is not just water but the coolant I was also talking about) because it is radio active. But not the case here with tapping the earths heat. here I am suggesting the power station be the same essentially/scaled properly of course, but a seal system who gets it's heat not from fission but from the heat exchanger in the hole 7 to 10 miles deep where water flashes. instantly into steam. which is forced up into the power plant to turn a generator turbine captured and recondensed back into water/coolant.
Noting is used up nothing is expended under normal operation nothing wasted.
Quote:But he's redefined perpetual to now mean finite but longer than civilisation rather than forever which is what he originally said.unless you are saying I have authority and control of the definitions Google provides then no.. I have not changed anything. except your own perception.
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per·pet·u·al mo·tion
/pərˈpeCH(əw)əl ˈmōSHən/
noun: perpetual motion
a state in which movement or action is or appears to be continuous and unceasing.
"the planet is in perpetual motion"
the motion of a hypothetical machine which, once activated, would run forever unless subject to an external force or to wear.
"the age-old quest for the secret of perpetual motion"
Translate perpetual motion to
EG you thought what perpetual motion meant... and it was wrong in that it lacked idk common sense you guys simply do not equipt yourselves with.
Quote:He's clearly a refrigeration technician rather than an engineer.I was one, but alas not a very good one. I spent all of my time making things work better to the point I got fired from my job because the customers in my region generally spent 250 to 400k a year in repairs, and I brough that down to 75K without loosing a customer. They where all extremely happy but I was putting my company i worked for out of business because i did not sell parts a fixed designed problem and potential failures. Night calls when from 4 per week to 2 a year. then went on my own did the same thing and finally started to hire proper technicians. Now my time is spent here and designing my own refrigeration equipment.. or i spend certain days at the auto auction.
(for instance I am the only company in the US who offers a 180*F warming oven in a side door compartment passenger side rear door a cooler with temps to 35*F and behind the driver door 0*F. So you have the perfect catering van. with warm food on the side fresh in the right rear and frozen in the left rear compartment all on the same van. (not big truck with a massive diesel power plant, but a standard cargo van utalizing the van motor.)
Heck, other companies claim to get to zero degrees, (Ive never seen one below 10) we can do negative temps.. that alone
sets up apart because of our engineering staff.

So not by any measure that counts (besides my bank a-count/ and what I do all day) Im not an engineer as I never went to school.. and two patents I wrote and sold for an all electric system I put together during a 15 min meeting between a dozen refrigeration engineers and a power source manufacturer's engineers. (they had been working on this problem for months) how to get a 3p 230v 60h 20 amp unit to run off a et of batteries for 3 hours if I remember right.
As they where laying out what they wanted to do I was drawing out a schematic (something I just normally do in my head) and before the meeting was done I pushed my drawing over to the main engineer and said this should work.
Then all of them looked at it and like you guys scoffed and gave 100 reason why it wouldn't.
Not only did I draw up something I knew that would work I used parts I knew where locally available at a airforce/scape surplus shop. i told them i could have a working prototype by monday morning, and I bet the cost of the build (meaning if I failed no skin out of their pocket) that I could exceed their initial run time requirements. long story short he gave me the build cost money and pizza money because he said he knew we would have to work through the weekend. friday we bought all of the parts saturday we assembled everything. but at my shop at the time we did not have enough power to test it. so monday early we drove it over and was plugging it in when the owner of the power supply came in and asked if it worked, and I said we are about to find out. he said you haven't tested this yet? I said i had in my head. flipped the power on it came on and ran and as the engineers gathered round we switched to battery which lasted over 4 hours.
Then i told him I could give him 8 hours if you let me do what I do and optimize everything (change out their parts for other parts and gasses.) he gave us 3 days and we got well over 12 hours and ultimately got 16.
Then they sent me to nyc to put 4 of these together as a test for a major home food delivery super market. they where one of the first to do everything on line and deliver to your door. they where being finned 1,000,000 a day at some point for breaking noise ordinances in manhattan at 3 am with their diesel refrigeration systems. The electric system we designed sounded about like your home air conditioner.
We put four of these together they tested 2 years and then they made an order for 25 more units. at which point I sold my interest (otherwise I would have to move to nyc) and the battery company owner let me set up shop in one of his old buildings which happens to be in the nicest part of town across from the local harley davidson dealer.
So now I just custom design refrigeration for specific mobile applications that make things like home food delivery, or medicine or flowers or specialty products that need very tight and precise temp control accessible. So people and companies can bring their product to you.
Quote: He doesn't seem to have grasped the concepts of free energy that can perform work and thermodynamic gradients.aren't you supposed to be explaining the second law of thermal dynamics and how it applies to this machine I am purposing?
He also doesn't understand what a closed system is.
(July 25, 2019 at 6:26 am)Athene Wrote: What Drich isn't telling anyone is that the use of a small child on the inside performing manual tasks will be required in order for this so-called perpetual motion machine to function.
and what you are not telling anyone is you like the movie snowpiercer a little too much.