(From The Wall Street Journal)
About 15,000 demonstrators are being detained in Iran. About 2000 of these are accused of having had a “central role” in these protests. 164 of these have been put on trial and have received several sentences. 11 of these have received death penalty. They have been accused of “corruption on earth” and “war against God” (PBS News) or “Being an enemy of God” (TWSJ – Difference in translation).
- I’m going to comment on this later.
“The Committee for Follow-Up on the Status of Detainees, a transnational group that tracks political detentions in Iran, said it had identified 42 journalists and 65 children who had been arrested for their participation in the protests” (TWSJ)
- There are several reports of rape and torture in places like the Evin Prison and in some other underground facilities. Real Atrocities are being committed, especially on women (that are comparable to the reports of torture after the military putsch of the 12th of September 1980 in Turkey).
“Authorities subject detainees to mistreatment, torture and coerced confessions,” said Tara Sepehri Far, a researcher at New York-based Human Rights Watch. “The trials fall grossly short of fair trial standards.” (TWSJ)
- Some protesters are on trial for espionage charges because they “collaborated with foreign forces to overthrow the ‘Islamic’ Regime.
- Iceland and Germany are calling for a special session at the United Nations Human Rights Council over the situation in Iran to address the situation of women and girls in Iran in recent protests. Olaf Scholz is in favor of a new round sanctions against the regime.
- My comment on the words used by the regime that I put with bold characters: I am not a scholar, not even a knowledgeable person on religious issues. Yet
1) On “Corruption on Earth” one may read the first 18 verses of the Section 92/2 of the Holy Book (Bakara Section) here:
It goes on saying: “This is the Book…for those who are aware of God… and who believe in what has been revealed to you by the Prophet…”
And it goes on like this: “As for those who persist in disbelief, it is the same whether you warn them or not—they will never believe. God has sealed their hearts and their hearing, and their sight is covered. They will suffer a tremendous punishment… (these people will say) “We believe in God and in the final judgment” yet, They are not true believers.”
And it goes on like this: “They seek to deceive Allah and the believers, yet they only deceive themselves, but they fail to perceive it.” (Verse 2:9)
And than like this: “There is sickness in their hearts, and Allah ˹only˺ lets their sickness increase. They will suffer a painful punishment for their lies.” (verse 2.10)
And Verse 2:11: “When they are told, “Do not spread corruption in the land,” they reply, “We are only peace-makers!”
Comment: Those who are spreading corruption on earth (Like the Regime in Iran) are claiming to be the peacekeeper and are blaming the opposite side (like the demonstrators in Iran) to be spreading corruption on earth (Says the Holy Book itself in 92/2/11)
2.12: “Indeed, it is they who are the corruptors, but they fail to perceive it.” (just go and click on the link above and see for yourselves

2.13: “And when they are told, “Believe as others believe,” they reply, “Will we believe as the fools believe?” Indeed, it is they who are fools, but they do not know.”
2.16: “They are the ones who trade guidance for misguidance. But this trade is profitless, and they are not ˹rightly˺ guided.”
And this section goes on and on. It is one of the longest sections of the Muslim Holy Book. But what is described here (in my definition) is the issue of blasphemy / polytheism. In short those who play God on earth or pretend to be acting in the name of God in order to be able to play God on earth. So this is my definition of “corruption on earth”. So technically they should go ahead and condemn themselves for their crimes of “corruption on earth” if they are true believers in Islamic Law. So I am seriously waiting for their final verdict.
2) “War against God” is something that is also mentioned in the Old Testament. In short it is the Story of Ramses versus Moses (and all other similar stories that are also present in the Koran). So who is the God-King here? Who is Ramses here and who is the Jewish people who is saying “Ramses will you let us go?”
(Let’s not mix up everything shall we)
3) “Being an enemy of God” is an even deeper issue. It means to not be the enemy of your true self. That is to have a degree of respect of the universal existential being within every human being. (That includes those being tortured at the Evin Prison in this very moment)
So all I can say is: “Just turn the channel”, just press the button, they don’t even know what they are talking about. There is a saying France « L’habit ne fait pas le moine » (You can’t be a pastor just by looking like a pastor). So all they have is their beard, their tabard, their turban, their prayer beads, their superficial reciting of some verses (without understanding a single word of it – I’m not saying this – Verse 2:8 and 2:9 is saying this). So it’s just a waste of time. They might have called these poor people “Nazis” or “separatist fanatics” (reference to Taiwan and the PRC). Still in the eyes of the Holy Book they are exactly what I say they are. And I will debate this with anyone who says otherwise: I have this first one Book. Than I have other books, than I have even more books and comments made by prominent scholars who will all agree that what is being done in that contry is described as Shirk (polytheism / blasphemy) and as oppression (Tr. Rel. Zulum).