this writer wants to share the following:
"God in heaven" is an aggressive, hostile, advanced Alien ?
For hundreds to thousands of years, the most educated humans on earth have speculated about the existence of Aliens. For example, on the Greek island of Chios, in the 4th century BC, philosopher Metrodorus stated:
According to SETI, the symptom of actual "Contact", to humans on earth, from Aliens in space, would be the receipt, by the former, of intelligible & meaningful messages, transmitted to earth, by the latter. For ages, some humans on earth have persistently reported receiving intelligible & meaningful messages, in the form of "Religious Experiences" (voices, visions, dreams), from "Spirit God(s) in starry heaven". For ages, those "Chosen" few humans have become Religious leaders (Shamans, Witchdoctors, Priests), collectively leading humanity, in accordance, to those orders, from "God(s) in heaven". Those orders, from "God in heaven", generally provoke conflicts (wars, sacrifices) on earth. Thereby, "God in heaven" effects the causation, of destruction, damage, wounds & death, on earth.
"God in heaven" can be construed, as an actually-existing advanced Alien, possessing advanced space-communications capability. 'They' employ their human-adapted space-communications technology, to transmit audio-video messages to some humans on earth. For those "Chosen" few humans, telepathic Contact by advanced Aliens is perceived as a human-life-altering Religious Experience; those humans thereafter feel psychically compelled to obey their orders, from the Aliens. Acting through 'Their' human agents on earth, Aliens evoke "Holy Wars" amidst mankind. Those Religiously-motivated wars are the expression, amidst mankind on earth, of aggressive hostility, from Aliens somewhere in space:
"Holy Star-Wars" ?
Basic war-fighting strategies include Deception & Division:
Those who are "Chosen" have profound, life-altering, Religious-grade experiences; they "hear the Call", and devote their lives, in obedience, to "God in heaven". Those who are "Forsaken" never have such experiences; they perceive nothing. The former become Religious Theists; the latter remain a-Theists, "without God". That division, between humans who have been telepathically Contacted, and humans who have not, foments animosity, anger, hatred, & discord, between those humans, i.e. between "Priests & laity". Again, those fomented animosities are the expression, amongst mankind, of Alien aggression & hostility, telepathically transmitted to earth, from somewhere in space.
Logically, the reported experiences of Theists ("God in heaven" Exists), and of Atheists ("there is no God in heaven"), are completely compatible. Advanced Aliens selectively transmit telepathic messages, to some humans on earth, and not to others. Logically, when Religious humans assert the Existence of "God in heaven", they only speak for themselves, and their own personal perceptions; they have been Contacted. And, when non-Religious humans deny the Existence of "God in heaven", they also only speak for themselves, and their own personal perceptions; they have not been Contacted. Logically, there is no incompatibility, between the reported experiences, of Theists & Atheists; "everybody is right"; only an Alien-selected "Chosen" few have experienced telepathic Contact. The "perplexing" behavior of Theists (cp. Shamanistic "dances", resembling epileptic seizures) reflects the telepathically-transmitted influences, of Aliens, in their thoughts, and so in their deeds.
"Mandates from God in heaven" ?
For thousands of years, Chinese have reported receiving "Mandates from heaven". Chinese national policy has always been, and still is, dominated by "orders from space":
"God in heaven" is an aggressive, hostile, advanced Alien ?
For hundreds to thousands of years, the most educated humans on earth have speculated about the existence of Aliens. For example, on the Greek island of Chios, in the 4th century BC, philosopher Metrodorus stated:
Quote:To consider the Earth as the only populated world in infinite space is as absurd as to assert that in an entire field sown with millet, only one grain will grow.Meanwhile, "atomist" philosophers, from Democritus & Epicurus in Greece in the 4th century BC, to Lucretius in Italy in the 1st century BC, observed that:
Quote:belief that the gods interfere in human affairs was the root of all evil, causing human beings to engage in all manner of vile and foolish activities from war to child sacrifice. In Lucretius’s famous words... "Tantum religio potuit suadere malorum" (Only religion was able to persuade men of [such] evil things).In the 15th century AD, Ulug Beg, Sultan of the Uzbeks, built earth's then-most-advanced astronomical observatory, at Samarkand, in order to survey space. In the 16th century AD, Italian astronomer Bruno predicted the existence of exoplanets (now confirmed); of aliens; of Super-Aliens, even more advanced than humans. In the 17th century AD, Italian astronomer Galileo constructed then-advanced telescopes, in order to survey space. (Ulug Beg, Bruno, & Galileo were all slain, or imprisoned, by "Super-Naturalist" agents (Muslims, Christians), claiming to act on orders, from "God in heaven". Evidently, even thinking about extra-terrestrials in space, much less looking for them, offends "God in heaven". If "God in heaven" is an advanced Alien, then 'They' would, indeed, oppose every effort to detect 'Them', from first thought, to final deed.) For ages, humans have predicted the existence of Aliens.
According to SETI, the symptom of actual "Contact", to humans on earth, from Aliens in space, would be the receipt, by the former, of intelligible & meaningful messages, transmitted to earth, by the latter. For ages, some humans on earth have persistently reported receiving intelligible & meaningful messages, in the form of "Religious Experiences" (voices, visions, dreams), from "Spirit God(s) in starry heaven". For ages, those "Chosen" few humans have become Religious leaders (Shamans, Witchdoctors, Priests), collectively leading humanity, in accordance, to those orders, from "God(s) in heaven". Those orders, from "God in heaven", generally provoke conflicts (wars, sacrifices) on earth. Thereby, "God in heaven" effects the causation, of destruction, damage, wounds & death, on earth.
"God in heaven" can be construed, as an actually-existing advanced Alien, possessing advanced space-communications capability. 'They' employ their human-adapted space-communications technology, to transmit audio-video messages to some humans on earth. For those "Chosen" few humans, telepathic Contact by advanced Aliens is perceived as a human-life-altering Religious Experience; those humans thereafter feel psychically compelled to obey their orders, from the Aliens. Acting through 'Their' human agents on earth, Aliens evoke "Holy Wars" amidst mankind. Those Religiously-motivated wars are the expression, amidst mankind on earth, of aggressive hostility, from Aliens somewhere in space:
Quote:Tantum religio potuit suadere malorum
"Holy Star-Wars" ?
Basic war-fighting strategies include Deception & Division:
Quote:all war is deception -- Sun Tzu (China, 5th century BC)Alien telepathic transmissions, to humans on earth, deceive humans into inflicting damage, destruction, wounds, & deaths, to terrestrial targets, according to extra-terrestrial orders, for extra-terrestrial benefit. And, by telepathically Contacting only a selected "Chosen" few humans, who thereby are promoted to social dominance, the Aliens induce divisions, amongst mankind, between "Chosen" & "Forsaken", between "Blessed" & "Cursed".
divide et imperare (divide & conquer) -- Caesar (Italy, 1st century BC)
Those who are "Chosen" have profound, life-altering, Religious-grade experiences; they "hear the Call", and devote their lives, in obedience, to "God in heaven". Those who are "Forsaken" never have such experiences; they perceive nothing. The former become Religious Theists; the latter remain a-Theists, "without God". That division, between humans who have been telepathically Contacted, and humans who have not, foments animosity, anger, hatred, & discord, between those humans, i.e. between "Priests & laity". Again, those fomented animosities are the expression, amongst mankind, of Alien aggression & hostility, telepathically transmitted to earth, from somewhere in space.
Logically, the reported experiences of Theists ("God in heaven" Exists), and of Atheists ("there is no God in heaven"), are completely compatible. Advanced Aliens selectively transmit telepathic messages, to some humans on earth, and not to others. Logically, when Religious humans assert the Existence of "God in heaven", they only speak for themselves, and their own personal perceptions; they have been Contacted. And, when non-Religious humans deny the Existence of "God in heaven", they also only speak for themselves, and their own personal perceptions; they have not been Contacted. Logically, there is no incompatibility, between the reported experiences, of Theists & Atheists; "everybody is right"; only an Alien-selected "Chosen" few have experienced telepathic Contact. The "perplexing" behavior of Theists (cp. Shamanistic "dances", resembling epileptic seizures) reflects the telepathically-transmitted influences, of Aliens, in their thoughts, and so in their deeds.
"Mandates from God in heaven" ?
For thousands of years, Chinese have reported receiving "Mandates from heaven". Chinese national policy has always been, and still is, dominated by "orders from space":