In the gay-marriage debate, the debate primarily centers on whether the religious people will be allowed to persecute the gay, even though many gays are religious. The opponents of gay marriage typically base their opposition on marriage being between a man and a woman, based on some Biblical fantasy. The proponents of gay marriage argue that equal protection applies; that is, since straight people get to marry, gays should have the same equal rights. Both sides miss the point of the gay-marriage issue.
The fact is that it is no one's business whether two or more consenting adults want to get married. The idea one needs permission from the state to marry is offensive. The debate on gay marriage would be completely unnecessary if people recognized that no one has the right to tell another adult whether they can marry another consenting adult. And since no person has such a right, no group of people do either, and that includes the state.
The fact is that it is no one's business whether two or more consenting adults want to get married. The idea one needs permission from the state to marry is offensive. The debate on gay marriage would be completely unnecessary if people recognized that no one has the right to tell another adult whether they can marry another consenting adult. And since no person has such a right, no group of people do either, and that includes the state.