The human mind hasn't advanced much under modern science which has, save for exceptions, became a pretty dull and non curious stick.
No one makes a distinct difference (the way the ancients used to )between their emotions, and their mental or thinking body. People still try to think with their emotions. Particularly in politics
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People think that consciousness is the mind and don't know the difference between conscious and awareness , still don't know the differences between belief, thinking, and knowing.
It seems we have devolved because our forebears knew those things, they made comparisons between the emotional body and water; will and fire; The mind and air. The physical body and the earth. They understood the human was a composite and now we tend to treat it as a big blob of scary matter that must be reduced to a predetermined perspective before the universe squashes us and gobbles us up!
If one can reduce something to a tiny manageable part its no longer scary. Magickal thinking. "We're going to put the entire endless forever and forever huge universe in a box. "
You watch someone like that examine a tire on a car and they totally understand the tire but they don't understand how the tire works in relation to the rest of the car because as far as they are concerned the rest of the car doesn't exist; even though the tire is moving the car, another unseen part of the car is moving the tire. And they don't want to look at it....they are quite content to know the tire is moving the car and anything beyond that is ....magickal thinking. You can't examine something if you won't look at it.
Obsessed with the construct of singular parts rather than how the object works as whole. Or what the purpose of the whole construct. That's religion. The ego mind loves concepts like religion because it keeps it feeling safe, nothing will threaten it. So the ego mind made sure science became religious. Never examine anything that may challenge their pre-established beliefs which is their only defense against the mysterious huge universe that will come step on them if they put down their defenses just a little.
It really won't. Just old subconscious religious programming. Yes its startling to see it in people who claim to be atheists or scientific but science has turned really religious these last several decades. It's not that this sort of thing can't be seen ..its just their reductionist perspective don't allow them to see it. It's very easy to observe someone's behaviors. That's what science was supposed to be all about...observation not belief.
Not sure how curiosity got killed in science. Fear I guess.
The mistakes of modern chemical psychology have provided beyond a shadow of a doubt evidence that emotions are NOT chemical reactions regardless of the comfortable belief currently peddled about like chick pamphlets. We have an epidemic of depression, and anxiety in the world. If that was solely chemical imbalance it would be easily managed by balancing the abnormal chemistry with balancing chemistry. Chemistry is super important to our psychological health no denying that. In spite of varied meds people get more depressed, not better. Lots of people even kill themselves when starting anti depressants because their chemistry is now normalized to the point they are VERY aware of their emotional state because its no longer been chemically depressed. And it overwhelms them. That's not helpful. Does science want to be right or do they want to be helpful? They want to be right. That's not humanism that is selfish.
Some people do recover with the help of chemistry but they only have the chemical imbalance not an underlying emotional issue. An unseen emotional issue. We aren't allowed to see it because its make reductionist scientists uncomfortable to look at it. Because they can't see it. Others can but they won't because ....
That leads us to another question. How much of our thinking hardwires our brains? To the point they can't see what others can.
I used to think they just didn't want to see it but I see now they can't so there's no really no point in flogging them to do something they can't do.
Emotions create chemicals. The neuro chemistry that people insist are emotions are only carriers that transmute emotion into a chemical that can be felt (feelings) by the human body. How many people know the difference between emotions and feelings. Not many. That is someone one can experience for yourself. Or you can experiment for yourself experience being the better part of experiment after all.
The brain transforms an intangible, non physical emotion into a something felt by the human body. Study of the adrenal system marks that pretty much on the spot. Startle or spook someone. One has an emotion, it creates a chemical produced so the body can put into motion. Emotion to motion (why are these two words so similar?) Now startle someone who really has done a lot of work on the emotional body and you can't spook them nor will that chemical reaction be produced.
The chemical reaction is absent because the emotion is. Nothing is wrong with the chemistry those glands that produce are in perfect working order...yet its not produced the way one would expect... The universe crawled out of its box again.
Fortunately physics is stepping forward and getting out the religious trap modern science walked into (reductionism--we only look at what we are comfortable looking at--thinking with our emotions--religion) and observing that the mind is a holographic construct in a electric universe. Then the brain too would be holographic in nature. If the mind is the brain well,,, the brain is holographic too. A bit of trap they've made for themselves by insisting the brain is the mind.
Conventional science will have a problem because this is other scientists charging the sacred halls of scientific belief and doing what should have been done all along. Ridding science of belief systems. It's not spiritualists doing it, or evangelists...its other scientists.
These researchers began by looking at ancient structures and symbols like the pyramids. Pyramidal shapes were one of the shapes the ancients perceived as part of the creation process (God) along with angles and circles. Now physicists are finding that very basic building blocks of creation are structured along those same shapes at a sub atomic level. That's why I say we have devolved. The allegedly ignorant ancients knew this thousands of years ago and most people--religious or not-- don't want to know it today challenges their belief systems. It was previously thought to be 'mystic' symbols. Like the whole of the ancient world just had this odd quirk for splashing geometric shapes hither and yon like some sort of hobby and no one ever questions why so many cultures engaged in that peculiar quirk ..(the reductionist view) or....because they were splashing geometric shapes hither and yon that might mean those shapes have some greater importance or value ....(the route real curiosity driven science would take...).
The physicists found out that these shapes were the same shapes found in the basic constructs of subatomic matter. Very interesting stuff.