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RE: If
(March 18, 2015 at 12:38 pm)Surgenator Wrote: And I have repeated multiple times that NDEs are not reliable evidence since they are based on testimonies. Just like you don't take the thousands of UFO abductee's testimonies as reliable evidence, no one should take NDE's testimonies seriously. People experiencing NDE's have NOT PROVEN THAT THOSE EXPERIENCES OCCURRED OUTSIDE THE BRAIN.

You can keep on repeating more and more time that NDEs are not real.
That doesn't mean that you are correct.
Instead of repeating the same thing why don't you try to understand WHY the ex- atheists that had an NDE are now believer? Thinking

Quote:No, actually i know because i rely on maths and science.
The glands on top of the spinal cord are delivering the thinking and the consciousness so it is obvious that they are a lot more important and sophisticated than glands delivering sperm.
Quote:Your ASSERTING that the glands do "are delivering the thinking and the consciousness" NOT PROVING IT. Learn the difference.
Point out the irony/hypocrisy of "i know because i rely on maths and science" to your earlier post "even those who study physical science can not understand the real role." If you want to claim to be some genius that figured out something that all the other people who study it can't, by all means prove it to them. Until then, you're full of shit.

Scientists know very well that mind and consciousness generate in the upper part of the body not in the testicles.
All you can say is that scientists still do not know whether the mind generate consciousness or not but that is a different story.

Quote:Wow, your thick. If your analogy is about how imaginary things don't actually exist, but god's imaginary things do. Then the analogy doesn't work.

The mind is abstract despite your fail attempt to say that it is not abstract so even an hypothetical abstract God could exist.
It is obvious that until you don't make any attempt to have any interest in knowing God you will never perceive God within so it is natural that for you doesn't exist.

Quote:Thousand of NDEs are prove of it.
Even the ex atheist confirm that.
Quote:All the thousand testimonies doesn't prove anything about top - down design (see UFO explanation above). I want my computer without microprocessors! What is taking so long to produce it?

Nobody will convince you.
Even the ex-atheists that after their NDE become believers.
You shouldn't waste your time talking about whether God exist or not.
It not your time surgen.
If you are happy as it is why worry?


Quote:Your not answering the question. How is your view falsifiable? What experiment can I do where outcome X results that your view is wrong?

I already did show you how but your mind didn't register.
Not my fault son.
The fact that you have to think and think when you need to sort out something mentally speaking prove that your mind need help.
Where your mind get help from than?
Of course this help come from something more powerful than your mind and here we penetrate the inner mind and your subconscious which if strong enough can deliver the goods.
That is why i was explaining this point with the different layers of an onion.
The mind works in the same way.
Layer after layer you penetrate the core of the mind.
Atheists knowledge in this regard about how the system works is still in the stone age.
But as granny said...........IS NEVER TOO LATE. Smile

Quote:These days most of the Christians are no longer fanatical like they used to be so it is very likely that they will express their judgement without so much bias. Cool Shades
Quote:So Islam is the correct religion because it is the second biggest and is "fanatical". So why aren't you a muslim?

You come out with this theory so don't quote me that i think so.
Christianity and Islam are at two totally different stages.
Christianity reach the top of growth long time ago and now they are on a slow but constant fall in the abyss of nothingness while Islam is still strong and his due fall will come later on.
But considering that Islam medieval dogmas exist in more sophisticate time that the peak of Christianity exist than the fall will be a lot more destructive.

Quote:Atoms will soon loose their importance.
In the near future people will care more about the smaller particles that compose the life in this universe like the microvita.
Quote:Pure unsupported, bathe-in-ignorance bullshit. This just shows how ignorant you are on what the physical world is and how it works.

This garbage come from someone that give more importance to a science that still hasn't discovered what build the electrons the protons the neutrons and the positrons.
Sometime surgen you are very funny.

Quote:Again you are acting like a pupil with hearing and in this case with visual problems.
Sorry pal, if you want go back few pages and look at my answer.
I am not going to waste my time repeating the same thing time and time again.
Quote:You know your answer is crap that is the reason you don't want to talk about it. You don't have a good reason for thinking the universe cares is your satisfied. You just want it to. So you jumped into a ridiculous religion so you can ignore reality.

You are the typical stubborn child that when he doesn't like the answer keep on asking again and again the same question in the hope that the answer will suit him but life can be tough mate so the only way to deal with this tough world is to wake up and grow up. Smile

Quote:If the reality is in this universe than these guys would feel a lot of pain but they don't.
Now brother surgen do one thing.
Drink a relaxing chamomile tea.
Relax on your best cough and let your subconscious try to understand why this is possible.
And then let me know. HiDemonHi
Quote:Your making less sense than previously. I didn't think it was possible, but you have have found a new low. Your statement has nothing to do with my previous response. Did your eyes glaze over as you stopped thinking and went with an arrogant statement? Typical pigeon tactic.

I did show you that by not feeling any pain these guys can prove that this universal reality is not the real reality.
If this universe would be the real reality these guys would be subjects to these universal laws which are to feel pain when a knife penetrate the flesh.
Sorry pal this is not an arrogant statement.
This is pure evidence. HiDemonHi
RE: If
(March 19, 2015 at 9:58 am)Riketto Wrote: According to yoga God act like a father towards his son.

According to Forrest, life is like a box of chocolates.
[Image: extraordinarywoo-sig.jpg]
RE: If
(March 18, 2015 at 1:17 pm)downbeatplumb Wrote:
(March 18, 2015 at 5:50 am)Riketto Wrote: There is nothing wrong with things that change.
The wrong thing is to believe that among 100% change you can find something that DOESN"T change.
The river flows and flows.
Have you ever seen a river that all of a sudden stop flowing 100%? Thinking

Ever hear of winter?

1) It stop slowly not all of a sudden.
2) Under the top layer of ice sometime it still flows.

Quote:How do you expect to find something that doesn't move and change within this physical reality?

Quote:With evidence.

Quote:Show me the evidence that there is something that doesn't move and change in this physical reality and i will cover you in pure gold. Smile

Quote:No thanks.

Exactly as i already knew it.
You can't. Smile

Quote:As i just explain to brother surgen the real reality is unchangeable therefore it is obvious that your scientific method can not possibly understand the real reality. Smile

Quote:Science is designed to study real reality.
If it can't study it, it ain't real.

Wrong again.
Science can only study this relative reality not the real reality.
Science (physical science) is only dealing with the universal reality which move and change all he time and therefore can not possibly be the real reality.

Quote:By showing you that anything that move and change can not be the real reality it is obvious that the universe can not be the REAL reality.
From here even a demented idiot would understand that the REAL reality is elsewhere other than in this universe. Smile


Yes. Smile

(March 17, 2015 at 9:18 am)FatAndFaithless Wrote: The fact that you guys are still running in circles with this yahoo is impressive.

Quote:Plumb let me explain how the system in this case works.
Your outer mind being stuck in the corral of dogma think that rik is wrong but your real consciousness tell your outer mind to carry on knowing that the little rik is right so you carry on and on without knowing why.
But your deep consciousness knows for sure. Smile

Quote:Again, no.
Notice I do not put forward any evidence to support this stance. I don't have to because neither did you. What can be presented without evidence can be rejected without evidence.

There is plenty of evidence if you keep your eyes and your mind open.
I can show you (physical speaking) that what was real yesterday is not real today. SmileConfused FallSmile
RE: If
(March 19, 2015 at 9:58 am)Riketto Wrote: I explain how the system works according to yoga philosophy not according what physical science has so far discover or understood.
From a scientific point of view is therefore all not known.
According to yoga God act like a father towards his son.
Is not that the father is hiding anything.
It is that there is no point is delivering a big knowledge to a son that couldn't possibly understand such a knowledge.
But as soon as the son grows up more and more knowledge is delivered.
From the stone age to now more and more knowledge has been delivered because the son has grown up and in the future more and more knowledge will be delivered as the condition are ripe for the deliver.
Just imagine if God would have delivered rocket science to stone age people.
It wouldn't have had any use to them.
So let us not confuse the hiding with the real reason why God doesn't get manifested with all his power in anyone who is not ready to deal with his glory. Angel

Okay, let me just summarise this paragraph for the people that may not quite understand ricky: Bullshit......blabla......bullshit........I don't quite understand what I'm saying......bla bla bla.......I don't know what the word hiding means....bla bla bla.
'The more I learn about people the more I like my dog'- Mark Twain

'You can have all the faith you want in spirits, and the afterlife, and heaven and hell, but when it comes to this world, don't be an idiot. Cause you can tell me you put your faith in God to put you through the day, but when it comes time to cross the road, I know you look both ways.' - Dr House

“Young earth creationism is essentially the position that all of modern science, 90% of living scientists and 98% of living biologists, all major university biology departments, every major science journal, the American Academy of Sciences, and every major science organization in the world, are all wrong regarding the origins and development of life….but one particular tribe of uneducated, bronze aged, goat herders got it exactly right.” - Chuck Easttom

"If my good friend Doctor Gasparri speaks badly of my mother, he can expect to get punched.....You cannot provoke. You cannot insult the faith of others. You cannot make fun of the faith of others. There is a limit." - Pope Francis on freedom of speech
RE: If
(March 19, 2015 at 10:44 am)Riketto Wrote:
(March 18, 2015 at 12:38 pm)Surgenator Wrote: And I have repeated multiple times that NDEs are not reliable evidence since they are based on testimonies. Just like you don't take the thousands of UFO abductee's testimonies as reliable evidence, no one should take NDE's testimonies seriously. People experiencing NDE's have NOT PROVEN THAT THOSE EXPERIENCES OCCURRED OUTSIDE THE BRAIN.
You can keep on repeating more and more time that NDEs are not real.
That doesn't mean that you are correct.
Instead of repeating the same thing why don't you try to understand WHY the ex- atheists that had an NDE are now believer? Thinking
I'm not saying people don't have NDE's. I'm saying the experience they're having are equivalent to hallucinations. You're the one who has to show there is more to their experience than a hallucination equivalent. Plus, you keep dodging the UFO topic. Do you believe the UFO abductees?

Quote:Your ASSERTING that the glands do "are delivering the thinking and the consciousness" NOT PROVING IT. Learn the difference.
Point out the irony/hypocrisy of "i know because i rely on maths and science" to your earlier post even those who study physical science can not understand the real role." If you want to claim to be some genius that figured out something that all the other people who study it can't, by all means prove it to them. Until then, you're full of shit.
Scientists know very well that mind and consciousness generate in the upper part of the body not in the testicles.
All you can say is that scientists still do not know whether the mind generate consciousness or not but that is a different story.
Who the fuck said anything about consciousness in the testicles? And the scientist are very confident that the mind generates consciousness that it is not part of their discussion. They're focusing on how.

Quote:Wow, your thick. If your analogy is about how imaginary things don't actually exist, but god's imaginary things do. Then the analogy doesn't work.
The mind is abstract despite your fail attempt to say that it is not abstract so even an hypothetical abstract God could exist.
It is obvious that until you don't make any attempt to have any interest in knowing God you will never perceive God within so it is natural that for you doesn't exist.
The mind is as much of an abstraction as motion is. The level of abstraction you want to pose is unjustified.

Quote:All the thousand testimonies doesn't prove anything about top - down design (see UFO explanation above). I want my computer without microprocessors! What is taking so long to produce it?
Nobody will convince you.
Even the ex-atheists that after their NDE become believers.
You shouldn't waste your time talking about whether God exist or not.
It not your time surgen.
If you are happy as it is why worry?
Its funny how you think throwing the term ex-atheist will make your argument more convincing. I disagree with other atheist on a whole lot of subjects, so disagreeing with an ex-atheist is even easier. Plus, where is my computer without any microprocessors?

Quote:Your not answering the question. How is your view falsifiable? What experiment can I do where outcome X results that your view is wrong?
I already did show you how but your mind didn't register.
Analogies are not evidence. The bullshit experiment you propose was not falsifiable. I'm asking for a falsifiable experiment.

Quote:So Islam is the correct religion because it is the second biggest and is "fanatical". So why aren't you a muslim?
You come out with this theory so don't quote me that i think so.
Christianity and Islam are at two totally different stages.
Christianity reach the top of growth long time ago and now they are on a slow but constant fall in the abyss of nothingness while Islam is still strong and his due fall will come later on.
But considering that Islam medieval dogmas exist in more sophisticate time that the peak of Christianity exist than the fall will be a lot more destructive.
Why aren't you answering the question: if popular, fanatical, opinion dictates truth why aren't you a muslim?

Quote:Atoms will soon loose their importance.
In the near future people will care more about the smaller particles that compose the life in this universe like the microvita.
Quote:Pure unsupported, bathe-in-ignorance bullshit. This just shows how ignorant you are on what the physical world is and how it works.
This garbage come from someone that give more importance to a science that still hasn't discovered what build the electrons the protons the neutrons and the positrons.
Sometime surgen you are very funny.
Thats funny coming from someone who can't prove his claims. And FYI, protons and neutrons are made out of quarks and gluons. Electrons and positrons are likely fundamental particles i.e. they are not made out of anything.

Quote:You know your answer is crap that is the reason you don't want to talk about it. You don't have a good reason for thinking the universe cares is your satisfied. You just want it to. So you jumped into a ridiculous religion so you can ignore reality.
You are the typical stubborn child that when he doesn't like the answer keep on asking again and again the same question in the hope that the answer will suit him but life can be tough mate so the only way to deal with this tough world is to wake up and grow up. Smile
You're the one that doesn't understand discussions. You say one thing, I say your wrong because of X. You're suppose to reply with that is not valid because of Y, but instead you repeat your claim as if it had never been refuted.

Quote:Your making less sense than previously. I didn't think it was possible, but you have have found a new low. Your statement has nothing to do with my previous response. Did your eyes glaze over as you stopped thinking and went with an arrogant statement? Typical pigeon tactic.
I did show you that by not feeling any pain these guys can prove that this universal reality is not the real reality.
You showed no such thing. You only assert it. Learn the difference.

Quote:If this universe would be the real reality these guys would be subjects to these universal laws which are to feel pain when a knife penetrate the flesh.
The universe is a lot more complex than your making it out to be. People killing off their nerve cells, ignoring pain receptors is not evidence for anything supernatural.
RE: If
(March 19, 2015 at 12:41 pm)Surgenator Wrote:
(March 19, 2015 at 10:44 am)Riketto Wrote: You can keep on repeating more and more time that NDEs are not real.
That doesn't mean that you are correct.
Instead of repeating the same thing why don't you try to understand WHY the ex- atheists that had an NDE are now believer? Thinking
I'm not saying people don't have NDE's. I'm saying the experience they're having are equivalent to hallucinations. You're the one who has to show there is more to their experience than a hallucination equivalent.

You never know son.
One day they may prove you correct and the thousand of people who had an NDE wrong.
They may even give you a Nobel prize for your scientific knowledge.
In the meantime i rely on what make more sense regardless of the number of witnesses.

Quote:Plus, you keep dodging the UFO topic. Do you believe the UFO abductees?

No, i don't.
I believe in universal laws in which people who live in a certain planet can not interfere in the life and place of other people from different planet.

Quote:Who the fuck said anything about consciousness in the testicles?

I beg your pardon!
You are the one who has been talking about testicles for the last few weeks trying to say that sort of everything is possible IF.

Quote:And the scientist are very confident that the mind generates consciousness that it is not part of their discussion. They're focusing on how.

Gee, what a big difference!
I am astounded! Confused Fall

Quote:The mind is as much of an abstraction as motion is. The level of abstraction you want to pose is unjustified.

Pure intellectual extravaganza to say more bullshit. Smile

Quote:Its funny how you think throwing the term ex-atheist will make your argument more convincing. I disagree with other atheist on a whole lot of subjects, so disagreeing with an ex-atheist is even easier.

So tell me.
With how many ex-atheists that did had an NDE did you disagree? Thinking

Quote:Plus, where is my computer without any microprocessors?

I guess it would be like a car without an engine but again even if the microprocessor would be inside your computer the computer wouldn't be able to do anything UNTIL you would activate the computer and decide to make it deliver the goods. Smile

Quote:Analogies are not evidence. The bullshit experiment you propose was not falsifiable. I'm asking for a falsifiable experiment.

Analogies are used all the time by scientists to prove whether something will work or not.
All the medication that people use these days have been experimented on rats.
All the technologies that we got these days come after experiments with what was previously known so without analogies we still would live in caves.

Quote:Why aren't you answering the question: if popular, fanatical, opinion dictates truth why aren't you a muslim?

The real truth can not come out somebody ass that is why i don't believe in religions.
Jesus and Mohamed never said that people may end up in hell but that is what some religions teach.
Your question must come out your a.. too surgen doesn't it?

Quote:Thats funny coming from someone who can't prove his claims. And FYI, protons and neutrons are made out of quarks and gluons. Electrons and positrons are likely fundamental particles i.e. they are not made out of anything.

Even fundamental part are made of something sur but that is something that you will understand at a later stage. Smile

Quote:You're the one that doesn't understand discussions. You say one thing, I say your wrong because of X. You're suppose to reply with that is not valid because of Y, but instead you repeat your claim as if it had never been refuted.

You show me that you ever refute and dismiss any of my thoughts and i will cover you in pure gold. Smile

Quote:I did show you that by not feeling any pain these guys can prove that this universal reality is not the real reality.
Quote:You showed no such thing. You only assert it. Learn the difference.

You can experiment yourself sur.
Just try to insert a knife in your flesh to see whether you feel pain or not. Smile

Quote:If this universe would be the real reality these guys would be subjects to these universal laws which are to feel pain when a knife penetrate the flesh.
Quote:The universe is a lot more complex than your making it out to be. People killing off their nerve cells, ignoring pain receptors is not evidence for anything supernatural.

Oh that is interesting.
So these guys before to insert knives into their flesh kill all their nerve cells.
Thanks for telling me that mate.
Now i go to see these guys to reprimanding them.
I may even give them a good smack even if i know that they will not feel any pain. ROFLOL
RE: If
Judge not lest ye be judged.

I'm not saying I'm jesus. That is for other people to say.

How you doing on that 7 digit challenge I gave Rik? I've got one in my mind, the same one. Can you use intuitional science to find out what it is?
Feel free to send me a private message.
Please visit my website here! It's got lots of information about atheism/theism and support for new atheists.

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RE: If
(March 20, 2015 at 5:03 am)robvalue Wrote: Judge not lest ye be judged.

I'm not saying I'm jesus. That is for other people to say.

How you doing on that 7 digit challenge I gave Rik? I've got one in my mind, the same one. Can you use intuitional science to find out what it is?

I already answered why i am not interested in becoming a magician or a fakir.
Just read the previous posts regarding this argument if you want to know.
I got better things to do other that repeating the same things again and again. HiDemonHi
RE: If
Then why the hell is this thread still going on?
In every country and every age, the priest had been hostile to Liberty.
- Thomas Jefferson
RE: If
(March 20, 2015 at 8:43 am)FatAndFaithless Wrote: Then why the hell is this thread still going on?

I also answer this question yesterday but in this case i made an exception and i explain it once again because this point is very interesting.
The mind of a dogmatic person refuse to accept the obvious so if we leave it up to the mind the dogmatic person would just go away and the thread would die completely but behind the mind there is the consciousness and this consciousness knows what is right and what is wrong so knowing that little rik speak a lot of right things it sort of force the dogmatic person to come back again and again for more. SmileConfused FallSmile

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