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What is your complaint with Christianity?
RE: What is your complaint with Christianity?
My main complaint with Christinsanity that its followers keep trying to prove the CLAIM with the CLAIM. I dont give a flying screw what the bible says. ITS THE CLAIM !! Kinda works like this.. My god claim as seen on page 5 paragraph 4 is backed up by my claim on page 400 section 2 paragraph 6. DONT CARE

STEP 1 prove there is a god.
(With evedence -hell I'd settle for a FLAWLESS logical argument)

STEP 2 Then link this god with particular religion (with evidence)

PLEASE dont throw TAG or the ontological argument (they are flawed) at me. EVEN IF I granted the flawed arguments you cant get from this god idea is plausible to its the god of X <---insert favorite fable here.

So I put any religion up there with all the other fables -unicorns-FSM-Tooth fairy-Peter Pan- All made up by man all untrue...... GOD IS JUST ANOTHER LIE
Did I make a good point? thumbs up Smile I cant help it I'm a Kudos whore. P.S. Jesus is a MYTH.
RE: What is your complaint with Christianity?
(May 9, 2012 at 9:05 pm)kılıç_mehmet Wrote:
(May 9, 2012 at 8:36 pm)Cinjin Wrote: You're a religious troll getting off on all the attention that you never get from your church and your fellow fucktards.
I don't know why you're so angry, though. What really is your story, Cinjin?

What's my story? Really? Isn't it obvious?

I don't like people like you, the "D"-bag brothers, and the other A-holes who come in here and shit on everyone and everything. They come in here and get away with whatever the fuck they want - and it's happening all the time now. They wiggle around the rules and twist everybody's words around. They define words and events how they see fit and then call everyone else illogical for calling them out on their bull shit. If they're not outright breaking the rules, they're starting bullshit accusatory threads about ideas and things they know nothing about. Why treat rude trolling preachers nicely?? If you and your fucktard counterparts want to spray bigoted racist remarks all over our forums - I don't have to be fucking nice!

Not every theist is an arrogant piece of shit - but the ones that are will receive a full measure of my disdain.
Did you even read Dee Tee's introduction? It was the equivalent of walking into a room, slapping everyone in the face and then telling them all, "you're lucky I'm here."

You're god damn right I'm angry. This forum is my "church" - as much as their actual church is their safe-haven - this should be a place where I don't have to wipe their shit off my face every god damn HOUR!!
[Image: Evolution.png]

RE: What is your complaint with Christianity?
Even if the open windows of science at first make us shiver after the cozy indoor warmth of traditional humanizing myths, in the end the fresh air brings vigor, and the great spaces have a splendor of their own - Bertrand Russell
RE: What is your complaint with Christianity?
I have no complaint with Christianity.

I have a just one or two niggling little issues, its not much, and I don't wish to impose, but just one or two minor, titchy criticisms. By no means held to purely the christian religion, and certainly doesn't apply to all adherents, but the religion at its base encompasses all these things.

1. Christians like to pretend they are a dominant religion.

Its bullshit. The second one sect does something utterly christian, like a bit of bigotry, sexism, bugger some boys, manslaughter or one of a hundred different immoral actions, the no true scotsman fallacy gets whipped out so fast your head spins for half an hour.
They're christian enough for you when you want to skew the statistics, but most of the time.. not christian enough.. hypocrisy at its basest level.

I thought I'd start with this one, since most christians go through a list like this shaking their head full of this fallacy, so I want you to admit right now at the start... YOUR christianity, is probably quite a small religion in itself until you start skewing those numbers by reincluding the "not christian" faiths you previously dismissed for their behaviour.

2. Christianity preys on the innocent

Indoctrination of the foulest kind, historically through missionary work (read the bible and declare your faith or you starve little african boy!), american "hell" depictions to young children, terrifying them so much when a friend dies who wasn't christian, they torture themselves with the concept this person is burning in eternal flame.

Don't even get me started on the Catholics...

3. Christianity breeds a egocentric 'chosen' mentality.

Smug superiority based on an irrational belief chosen by the fact, that in the majority of cases, you simply fell over into the nearest and most popular religion going, perpetrated by said "preying (praying..) on the innocent".

This in itself would only be mildly irritating, if it weren't for the same superiority which gives itself to murder and mayhem on the basis of this superiority complex. Through Crusades, Northern Ireland, even small scale conflicts such as threatening to rape and kill a young girl because she wanted a prayer banner taken down in line with the law.

4. Your religious text is bullshit.. and even your scholars agree

Breathe, breathe, you probably choked a bit.

If the historicity of the bible could be proven, including the miracles, and wacky bits, there would be very few non-christians in the world.

When even a group of distinguished scholars(Jesus Seminar, 1985), embarked on a quest to identify how much of the new testament was accurate, could only decide on 18% of the five gospels.

This you would have us believe.. is the absolute truth, and then behave offended when we question it. Assholes.

5. Christianity is intolerant

I could have padded this out listing homophobia, sexism, and the plain hysterical nature (especially in the USA) of being victimised.

There is no doubt however, throughout its history that Christianity has been homophobic and sexist. In itself, this is understandable in light of the times in which it was written, however, once you stamp it down as the true™ word of God, it is perpetrated far further that it should have been.

In modern times especially, the USA is particularly hilarious in having the gall to thrust christianity down each and every persons throat, and when one person objects, ... its the CHRISTIANS who are being victimised.

How the hell does 87% of a country get victimised anyway? That's merely minority dissent, but goddamn, will you stamp down on the minority who dares to have a different opinion.

6. Christianity is anti-knowledge

By irrationally asserting that God IS knowledge, you deny the search for truth.
At the risk of building a strawman, the christian rights objection to something like evolution is a prime example.

We didn't fucking invent evolution to prove your bible wrong, even Darwin didn't consider his theory of natural selection as some kind of anti-theist propaganda... it just makes sense in light of the evidence provided.

The real issue, is that it contradicts what "knowledge" the bible gives, and therefore MUST be wrong.

Seriously, if ALL the evidence points towards a natural scientific reality, in contradiction to your faith. You should re-think your faith, because the natural world is not for changing.

Christianity stymied the advance of religion relentlessly over the centuries, from the fall of the roman empire, hundreds of years passed with little scientific innovation.

7. Christianity sanctioned slavery

Not only does the bible actively endorse slavery, the actual infliction of slavery upon Africa, the Americas was entirely Christian. The irony is not lost on me that one of the first ships to carry slaves to the "new world" was called.. wait for it.. the Good Ship Jesus.

That's not entirely fair thou, lots of people are called Jesus, but that's still can't be too heartwarming.

Don't worry, the no true scotsman fallacy is easily invoked. It was indeed a small, and vilified group of Christian who helped remove slavery.
Keep that in mind.. a small.. and vilified group... opposing slavery.

8. Christianity's perversion of Evil

We've seen recently, some interpretations of Evil as merely "against God's will" which forgives a multitude of horrors, but beyond this thought, is an age old history of blindness to the real evils of needless pain and suffering, whilst Christians instead focus on imaginary evils.

I need not spend too much time on this;

But if you are more concerned with biblical thinking on Gays in the military, rather than the violence and murder for unsubstantiated reasons by the governing body behind that same military force... you are FUCKED.. IN... THE... HEAD.

This isn't recent, Christianity has ALWAYS done this, "Don't worry about us covering up the buggering of little boys, what you SHOULD be concerned about is someone leaking documents from our church! How Sinful!"

When your religion spends more time hunting down and persecuting minorities based on biblical thinking, than trying to help social evils such as poverty.. your religion is also.. fucked .. in ... the .. head.

Anyway... this is just a quick friendly list of a few things that I find.. quite irritating.
There's plenty more, and little time, and frankly, recovering from a sickness bug, I would hate to get rude and 'intolerant' about it.

I don't have many objections to christianity you see, its just the ever so slightly annoying aspects of cruelty, misogynistic, homophobic, anti-intellectualism, slavery sanctioning, unreliability, lack of historicity, contradictory, plagiarism of other faiths, unhealthy preoccupation with sex, transplantation of imaginary evil to hide genuine evil, egocentricity, authoritarianism, dishonesty, fear-mongering, innocent abusing, and arrogance that gets me down a little.
Self-authenticating private evidence is useless, because it is indistinguishable from the illusion of it. ― Kel, Kelosophy Blog

If you’re going to watch tele, you should watch Scooby Doo. That show was so cool because every time there’s a church with a ghoul, or a ghost in a school. They looked beneath the mask and what was inside?
The f**king janitor or the dude who runs the waterslide. Throughout history every mystery. Ever solved has turned out to be. Not Magic.
― Tim Minchin, Storm
RE: What is your complaint with Christianity?
(May 9, 2012 at 6:06 pm)DeeTee Wrote:
Quote:1. it spreads denial of science, preventing science education and slowing scientific progress
True Christianity does not reject science, it rejects the lies secular science produces. We are not preventing scientific education, we just want it done correctly. it seems you are making evolution and science one in the same.
[Image: facepalm_implied.jpg]

That's it. I'm putting this fucker on ignore.
RE: What is your complaint with Christianity?
Hm, let me see. No proof, no evidence, no morale compass outside of "God told me to do it", conceited, violent, dogmatic, indoctrinated, xenophobic, homophobic, gnosiophobic and it spreads like a virus...
Aside from that, nah. No real objections.
"That is not dead which can eternal lie and with strange aeons even death may die." 
- Abdul Alhazred.
RE: What is your complaint with Christianity?
(May 10, 2012 at 1:20 pm)Welsh cake Wrote:
(May 9, 2012 at 6:06 pm)DeeTee Wrote: True Christianity does not reject science, it rejects the lies secular science produces. We are not preventing scientific education, we just want it done correctly. it seems you are making evolution and science one in the same.

That's it. I'm putting this fucker on ignore.

Give him a quick slap and be done with him.
[Image: bitchslap.gif]

Some people are just to stupid to talk to.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence - Carl Sagan

Mankind's intelligence walks hand in hand with it's stupidity.

Being an atheist says nothing about your overall intelligence, it just means you don't believe in god. Atheists can be as bright as any scientist and as stupid as any creationist.

You never really know just how stupid someone is, until you've argued with them.
RE: What is your complaint with Christianity?
(May 10, 2012 at 4:45 am)DeeTee Wrote:
Quote:1. The incredible similarities between OT stories and the Gospel accounts to various contemporary myths.

Did you ever stop to think that christianity became so popular that the false religions had to change their religious writings to con some of the people? Or that before Babel, the world was one nation, who all descended from Noah and his sons, they all had the same stories told to them by Noah, etc., and when they started to stray from God, they altered those accounts to fit their ever changing beliefs?

No, because 1. It's impossible for the world population to have grown as large as it did in the relatively short time span between the time Noah and his family started multiplying and the time Jesus supposedly existed. 2. Historical research indicates the stories in the Bible came later being adopted from various myths

Quote:2. The gross contradictions (and yes, I've heard your "solutions." I own three books that attempt to solve all these "difficulties

What contradictions? If you mean the gospels, think about the fact that different writers include different details and are not really contradicting the other authors but simply containing different information about the same event.

In the case of the civil war, who is the one telling lies--Catton, Foote or Mcpherson? They are all writing about the same event yet do not agree with each other 100%. Are they contradicting each other/ Are there works filled with contradictions? neither are the biblical books.

The contradictions in the Gospels are not simply slight differences from different points of view. These are gross contradictions that cannot be solved outside of apologists proposing fantastical self-serving ad-hoc solutions that they would never do unless they were operating under the unsupported notion that the text is inspired. Here's one of my favorites: http://jcnot4me.com/page44.html

Quote:3. The earth is described as being flat, the sky being metal, and the universe as geocentric throughout both the OT and NT.

You will have to give me some verses so I can see exactly what you are talkiong about BUT for flat earth, the Bible does not teach that. it does say the '4 corners' but then so do sailors who say, when asked where they have been, I sailed to the four corners of the globe. Are they saying the world is flay? Of course not, they are saying they traveled the whole earth. The Bible is doing the same thing.

The metal reference you gave is probably a metaphor or comparison and I know of no passage that says the sun revolves around the earth. But you might be refering to the passages that talk about the sun rising and setting well so did Einstein--is he saying the sun revolves around the earth? of course not, he is speaking in terms everyone understands.
So is the Bible.

Of course, when even yourself can see that something in the Bible plainly contradicts reality, it must be a metaphor!

The sailors got the expression from the Bible. The only reason the sailors use it as a figure of speech is because they know for sure the Earth isn't flat. The ancient culture in which the Bible arose did not know that. The descriptions of the Earth in the Bible are all common concepts that were all shared by the different cultures in that region of the world. And yes, they all literally believed it. It wasn't a metaphor. See Chapter 5 of "The Christian Delusion: Why Faith Fails" which has extensive scholarly research on ancient cosmology. You probably won't though since you enjoy your echo chamber.

Quote:4. Failed prophecy.

these you would have to list. The terms you used are too general for me to respond to.

There's a bunch, but my favorite one is the fact that the earth was suppose to come to an end in the 1st century. That obviously hasn't happened, so Christians changed the interpretation of the Gospel verses on the end of the world.

Quote:5. Some books of the Bible are forgeries.

False accusations an dno evidence to support such allegations. Metzger dealt with this in an interview with Lee Strobel in his book The Case for Christ page 69. There is no forgery going on.

Before you go touting Strobel's book, you should look into many of the damaging refutations of that shoddy piece of work. Robert M. Price wrote a book called "The Case Against the Case for Christ." There's many free refutations of it online as well. Here's one: http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/j...robel.html

Forgery can be seen in the NT works by the writers having a very different vocabulary, different eschatology, and anachronisms. Also, forgery wasn't an accepted practice back then. You can find distain for forgery back then. See chapter 6 of "The Christian Delusion: Why Faith Fails."

Quote:6. The fact that God failed at sending a clear message of his truth and desires. Christians groups for 2000 years have yet to arrive to a consensus on fundamental issues.

God sent the message, is it His fault that people screwed it up? The message of the Bible is very clear and easy to understand but John 16, I believe it is, says believers get the help of the HS to learn the truth unbelievers do not.

Apparently you're the first generation to have the holy spirit then.

Quote:7. Slavery, genocide, mandated child sacrifice by OT law (yes, that's really in there).

Question: Are you putting modern western definitions to a Book written by God using middle eastern men 2,000+ years ago and not modern western people living today?

Understanding plays a large part in grasping what the Bible teaches and God is allowed to punish His creation. He set the rules and from Cain on down people have been breaking them.

What do you do when your child disobeys? reward them?

I certainly don't kill them. And nice one ignoring the child sacrifice point. Here's some verses that indicate the practice:

"Exodus 22:29-30: "You shall not delay to offer from the fullness of your harvest and from the outflow of your presses. The first-born of your sons you shall give to me. You shall do likewise with your oxen and with your sheep: seven days it shall be with its dam; on the eighth day you shall give it to me."

This is plainly child sacrifice.

Later on, this practice was stopped:

Ezekiel 20:25-26: "Moreover I gave them statutes that were not good and ordinances by which they could not have life; and I defiled them through their very gifts in making them offer by fire all their first-born, that I might horrify them; I did it that they might know that I am the LORD."

My ignore list

"The lord doesn't work in mysterious ways, but in ways that are indistinguishable from his nonexistence."
-- George Yorgo Veenhuyzen quoted by John W. Loftus in The End of Christianity (p. 103).
RE: What is your complaint with Christianity?
(May 9, 2012 at 6:06 pm)DeeTee Wrote: True Christianity does not reject science, it rejects the lies secular science produces. We are not preventing scientific education, we just want it done correctly. it seems you are making evolution and science one in the same.
Creationism isn't a fucking view. It's a fairy tale. To say that teaching evolution is a one sided lie is akin to saying we should also be teaching ancient astronaut theory in school.
RE: What is your complaint with Christianity?
(May 10, 2012 at 2:12 pm)Mosrhun Wrote: Creationism isn't a fucking view. It's a fairy tale. To say that teaching evolution is a one sided lie is akin to saying we should also be teaching ancient astronaut theory in school.

At least no one has yet claimed authority from ancient astrounts to tell dads to beat up their guy children, as xtian pastors are wont to do based on supposed authority of their bronze age goat fucking "witnesses" to an decidedly beduin despot like "god".


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