RE: Are we all just part of a computer simulation? Scientists are trying to find that out.
December 26, 2012 at 2:55 pm
We might be over thinking this. Are we all just part of a computer program? I have no reason to think so. Scientists have actually been funded to find a way to test this? I admit to being mildly curious what they come up with but I wouldn't have signed off on using tax money on this. While they're at it, they should check into the possibility that we aren't each one of us really just a brain in a vat. Our shared illusion of the world might be chemically induced. Oh, or here's one: what if we are all just creations of an ubergod who shits galaxies but then becomes totally engrossed with our affairs, sorting us all into a good place or a bad place depending on what He finds? Any money left for that one?