Hey people. I guess I'm supposed to tell a little about myself. Well it all started when I was 3 and my mother...ok let's skip a little farther ahead. Umm...I grew up attending a Southern Baptist church in Mississippi until I was in high school. At that point I joined a rock band and that pretty much shot the whole church thing to hell. That's also around the same time I started listening to Tool, which could've had something to do with my growing disinterest in religion
. After that I graduated from college, got married and got back into church for a couple of years. I still didn't really have much interest in it but felt like that was the thing to do once you grew up, got married and had kids. Four Easters ago I finally said fuck it, this is ridiculous and that's the last time I attended a church service. Fast forward to about a year ago...I started watching YouTube videos and eventually reading a few books by Christopher Hitchens, Penn Jillette & Richard Dawkins and I'll be damned...some of that shit started making sense. Reading The Grand Design by Stephen Hawking also helped. At this point I'm still "in the closet" to everyone except my wife. I'm sure my family and close friends know but it's just one of those things we don't talk about. I guess I'd still consider myself agnostic because I haven't completely ruled out a "creator" but only a kind of mad scientist in the lab. And that's just one slight possibility. Anyway, I found this site a few days ago and started reading some posts. I feel I can relate to a lot of you folks and enjoy the atmosphere. Wow I didn't realize I had that much to say. The bourbon probably has something to do with that though.