Abusive Expectations - Makes impossible demands, requires constant attention, and constantly criticizes.
God's OT law was deliberately designed to be impossible to fulfill. God requires complete devotion, and never lets you forget your inferiority and wickedness.
Aggressing - Name calling, accusing, blames, threatens or gives orders, and often disguised as a judgmental “I know best” or “helping” attitude.
Far too many examples to list. Basically sums up God in a nutshell.
Constant Chaos - Deliberately starts arguments with you or others. May treat you well in front of others, but changes when you’re alone.
See: aggression of Israel, Tower of Babel, the entrapment of Adam and Eve.
Rejecting - Refusing to acknowledge a person’s value, worth or presence. Communicating that he or she is useless or inferior or devaluing his or her thoughts and feelings.
One of the most persistent themes in Christianity is the utter worthlessness of human life compared to God's righteousness.
Denying - Denies personal needs (especially when need is greatest) with the intent of causing hurt or as punishment. Uses silent treatment as punishment. Denies certain events happened or things that were said. Denies your perceptions, memory and sanity by disallowing any viewpoints other than their own which causes self-doubt, confusion, and loss of self-esteem.
There's not enough internet to hold all the examples of this. It happens thousands of
times every single minute of every single day and to every single person.
Degrading - Any behavior that diminishes the identity, worth or dignity of the person such as: name-calling, mocking, teasing, insulting, ridiculing,
You are a wicked sinner who doesn't deserve salvation. But I love you.
Emotional Blackmail - Uses guilt, compassion, or fear to get what he or she wants.
If you devote your life, heart and mind and body to me, I'll save you. If not, you can go to hell.
Terrorizing - Inducing intense fear or terror in a person, by threats or coercion.
See: Hell, plus numerous lesser examples of terror-based inducement in the OT.
Invalidation - Attempts to distort your perception of the world by refusing to acknowledge your personal reality. Says that your emotions and perceptions aren’t real and shouldn’t be trusted.
Not so much that your emotions and feelings aren't real. They just don't matter. Only God's will does.
Isolating - Reducing or restricting freedom and normal contact with others.
The Pentateuch has several long and horrifying lists of arbitrary restrictions of freedom.
Corrupting - Convincing a person to accept and engage in illegal activities.
Certainly, a great many activities that any normal human being would consider repugnant, and would be outlawed almost anywhere, but an interesting situation since the corrupter claims ultimate authority.
Exploiting - Using a person for advantage or profit.
All a part of God's plan. We don't even get to know what it is, or the point of it.
Minimizing - A less extreme form of denial that trivializes something you’ve expressed as unimportant or inconsequential.
"Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?"
Unpredictable Responses - Gets angry and upset in a situation that would normally not warrant a response. You walk around on eggshells to avoid any unnecessary drama over innocent comments you make. Drastic mood swings and outbursts.
How many people in the OT had their blood spilled for sins they were never even aware they were committing? How many had their blood spilled just because they had the bad luck to be born and living in a community that had a handful of people who pissed God off?
God's OT law was deliberately designed to be impossible to fulfill. God requires complete devotion, and never lets you forget your inferiority and wickedness.
Aggressing - Name calling, accusing, blames, threatens or gives orders, and often disguised as a judgmental “I know best” or “helping” attitude.
Far too many examples to list. Basically sums up God in a nutshell.
Constant Chaos - Deliberately starts arguments with you or others. May treat you well in front of others, but changes when you’re alone.
See: aggression of Israel, Tower of Babel, the entrapment of Adam and Eve.
Rejecting - Refusing to acknowledge a person’s value, worth or presence. Communicating that he or she is useless or inferior or devaluing his or her thoughts and feelings.
One of the most persistent themes in Christianity is the utter worthlessness of human life compared to God's righteousness.
Denying - Denies personal needs (especially when need is greatest) with the intent of causing hurt or as punishment. Uses silent treatment as punishment. Denies certain events happened or things that were said. Denies your perceptions, memory and sanity by disallowing any viewpoints other than their own which causes self-doubt, confusion, and loss of self-esteem.
There's not enough internet to hold all the examples of this. It happens thousands of
times every single minute of every single day and to every single person.
Degrading - Any behavior that diminishes the identity, worth or dignity of the person such as: name-calling, mocking, teasing, insulting, ridiculing,
You are a wicked sinner who doesn't deserve salvation. But I love you.
Emotional Blackmail - Uses guilt, compassion, or fear to get what he or she wants.
If you devote your life, heart and mind and body to me, I'll save you. If not, you can go to hell.
Terrorizing - Inducing intense fear or terror in a person, by threats or coercion.
See: Hell, plus numerous lesser examples of terror-based inducement in the OT.
Invalidation - Attempts to distort your perception of the world by refusing to acknowledge your personal reality. Says that your emotions and perceptions aren’t real and shouldn’t be trusted.
Not so much that your emotions and feelings aren't real. They just don't matter. Only God's will does.
Isolating - Reducing or restricting freedom and normal contact with others.
The Pentateuch has several long and horrifying lists of arbitrary restrictions of freedom.
Corrupting - Convincing a person to accept and engage in illegal activities.
Certainly, a great many activities that any normal human being would consider repugnant, and would be outlawed almost anywhere, but an interesting situation since the corrupter claims ultimate authority.
Exploiting - Using a person for advantage or profit.
All a part of God's plan. We don't even get to know what it is, or the point of it.
Minimizing - A less extreme form of denial that trivializes something you’ve expressed as unimportant or inconsequential.
"Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?"
Unpredictable Responses - Gets angry and upset in a situation that would normally not warrant a response. You walk around on eggshells to avoid any unnecessary drama over innocent comments you make. Drastic mood swings and outbursts.
How many people in the OT had their blood spilled for sins they were never even aware they were committing? How many had their blood spilled just because they had the bad luck to be born and living in a community that had a handful of people who pissed God off?