here is some hard points and facts of religion.
1. the "fan base" of a religion usually worships a god or some type of deity and have a holy book talking about his or her miracles.
2. the book should not be questioned or proven wrong.
3. if said person says the bible is incorrect usually they are greeted with people saying religious intolerance.
4. they worship a god that was written in ancient book with no historical evidence of the events even happening. I.E. Noahs flood.
5. despite their "holy book" being wrong and imperfect they still have the blind faith to believe i did happen.
6. you can have all the faith you want to make a argument does exist but this is reality he doesn't
7. there is a fine line between people who live in reality and people who don't sadly theists tend to be in the far right corner of fantasy.
8. they blame the devil for the wrongs in the world and excuse god if he does something terrible like flood the whole damn world because he is all perfect.
9. original sin..... don't get me started on how flawed that is because any person who does good and doesn't believe in god will go to hell.
10. street preachers those people are assholes. they stand around and shout at people and harass people with the bible calling them sinners or whores. seriously there is a lot of youtube videos of preachers doing this.
11. they hate the idea of people who do not think like them or worship the same god. enough said lets move on.
12. defacing holy books or scriptures will cause people to get into a uproar such as the people attacking the embassy in middle east.
13. reality is to much for theists they need a god to make their lives better. but when a atheists doesn't need a god its a big issue.
14. are quick to call atheists murderers, rapists, all around terrible people.
in reality atheism and atheists are the most peaceful people next to pot heads.
15. judgmental, rage filled, hateful, bigots. need i say more but yeah there is that group in any religion. a small group but there is.
16. have a really bad argument trying to prove that god exists. but fail horribly to do so. I.E. Bill Nye vs Ken Ham. Ken Ham was dumb enough to defeat his own argument.
17. Mental health theists think prayer can fix it. in reality medication and therapy help fix that.
18. they go after people who are down and depressed and pull people into a religion, if not they go back into the same habits but with meds.
19. church they go there donate money listen to biblical bs and leave. this is not productive but well maybe they need it who cares.
20. Heaven go to a place with the only 1 repeating harp song and you are forced to be happy and your free will gets taken back.
21. Hell go to a place of eternal torment and pain. and also you keep your free will.
23. you have to love god more than your own family some other gods of other religions don't really care if you love them or not.
24. there is a paradox with heaven. you go there its all love well your love for god only. while the people you hate might be there or in hell. so you pretty much love everything and evil.
25. no freedom of thought your mind only should have god and heaven on the mind. this is actually pretty bad mindset.
26. The idea prayer has power... nah i'm pretty sure it doesn't and it doesn't work. if it did the world would be a mess.
27. they always praise god for most things and never thank someone like a doctor or a surgeon. seriously thank them this is a slap into the face of people who are highly trained to help you.
28. indoctrination enough said.
29. the crime rate of theists vs atheists. theists have a higher crime rate than atheists do.
30 when there is a school shooting or mass murder they blame it on atheists, or that the devil or god wanted those people dead, blaming it on because of homosexuality etc. in reality that person had mental issues or something wrong with them and they could get help so it would not go that far.
31. prolife is a horrible thing they care about of fetus but fuck the kid after its born.
32. against human rights and wants all rights on their side and no one elses.
33. against two of the same sexes marrying each other. marriage is older than the bible and in reality its fine of those 2 people marry they have the same rights as any straight couple to marry.
ill update the thread when i feel like it.
1. the "fan base" of a religion usually worships a god or some type of deity and have a holy book talking about his or her miracles.
2. the book should not be questioned or proven wrong.
3. if said person says the bible is incorrect usually they are greeted with people saying religious intolerance.
4. they worship a god that was written in ancient book with no historical evidence of the events even happening. I.E. Noahs flood.
5. despite their "holy book" being wrong and imperfect they still have the blind faith to believe i did happen.
6. you can have all the faith you want to make a argument does exist but this is reality he doesn't
7. there is a fine line between people who live in reality and people who don't sadly theists tend to be in the far right corner of fantasy.
8. they blame the devil for the wrongs in the world and excuse god if he does something terrible like flood the whole damn world because he is all perfect.
9. original sin..... don't get me started on how flawed that is because any person who does good and doesn't believe in god will go to hell.
10. street preachers those people are assholes. they stand around and shout at people and harass people with the bible calling them sinners or whores. seriously there is a lot of youtube videos of preachers doing this.
11. they hate the idea of people who do not think like them or worship the same god. enough said lets move on.
12. defacing holy books or scriptures will cause people to get into a uproar such as the people attacking the embassy in middle east.
13. reality is to much for theists they need a god to make their lives better. but when a atheists doesn't need a god its a big issue.
14. are quick to call atheists murderers, rapists, all around terrible people.
in reality atheism and atheists are the most peaceful people next to pot heads.
15. judgmental, rage filled, hateful, bigots. need i say more but yeah there is that group in any religion. a small group but there is.
16. have a really bad argument trying to prove that god exists. but fail horribly to do so. I.E. Bill Nye vs Ken Ham. Ken Ham was dumb enough to defeat his own argument.
17. Mental health theists think prayer can fix it. in reality medication and therapy help fix that.
18. they go after people who are down and depressed and pull people into a religion, if not they go back into the same habits but with meds.
19. church they go there donate money listen to biblical bs and leave. this is not productive but well maybe they need it who cares.
20. Heaven go to a place with the only 1 repeating harp song and you are forced to be happy and your free will gets taken back.
21. Hell go to a place of eternal torment and pain. and also you keep your free will.
23. you have to love god more than your own family some other gods of other religions don't really care if you love them or not.
24. there is a paradox with heaven. you go there its all love well your love for god only. while the people you hate might be there or in hell. so you pretty much love everything and evil.

25. no freedom of thought your mind only should have god and heaven on the mind. this is actually pretty bad mindset.
26. The idea prayer has power... nah i'm pretty sure it doesn't and it doesn't work. if it did the world would be a mess.
27. they always praise god for most things and never thank someone like a doctor or a surgeon. seriously thank them this is a slap into the face of people who are highly trained to help you.
28. indoctrination enough said.
29. the crime rate of theists vs atheists. theists have a higher crime rate than atheists do.
30 when there is a school shooting or mass murder they blame it on atheists, or that the devil or god wanted those people dead, blaming it on because of homosexuality etc. in reality that person had mental issues or something wrong with them and they could get help so it would not go that far.
31. prolife is a horrible thing they care about of fetus but fuck the kid after its born.
32. against human rights and wants all rights on their side and no one elses.
33. against two of the same sexes marrying each other. marriage is older than the bible and in reality its fine of those 2 people marry they have the same rights as any straight couple to marry.
ill update the thread when i feel like it.
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