so... here it goes after doing some thinking.
god of the bible is all knowing and yet theists say we have free will.
Here is the problem with that. Okay if you have read the many worlds theory we essentially create universes off of one action.
So lets say i had breakfast that is one action then there is many other actions that could have taken place. One action being me writing this now
while eating or drinking or me not writing this at all. This is the key problem throwing a god into it.
Not only is your existence being affected all the others are as well. Then the other thing would be is there only 1 god controlling all the alternate existences of
your actions, or is it one god per alternate existence. So is there one god or many gods per existence then there would be to be a god to create other gods that create
alternate existences so on and so fourth. It doesn't make any logical sense it gets redundant and why do we even need to believe in a god anyways.
god of the bible is all knowing and yet theists say we have free will.
Here is the problem with that. Okay if you have read the many worlds theory we essentially create universes off of one action.
So lets say i had breakfast that is one action then there is many other actions that could have taken place. One action being me writing this now
while eating or drinking or me not writing this at all. This is the key problem throwing a god into it.
Not only is your existence being affected all the others are as well. Then the other thing would be is there only 1 god controlling all the alternate existences of
your actions, or is it one god per alternate existence. So is there one god or many gods per existence then there would be to be a god to create other gods that create
alternate existences so on and so fourth. It doesn't make any logical sense it gets redundant and why do we even need to believe in a god anyways.
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